PURCHASING CONTRACTS ANDPOLICIES Computers, Computer Parts/Accessories, Copiers, Printers
NOTE:When purchasingatechnologyproduct, theStateofArkansas is required to comply with theArkansas TechnologyAccess Clause, which expresses thepolicyoftheStateto provide individuals who areblind orvisuallyimpairedwith access to information technologypurchased in wholeorin part with state funds. To complywith this requirement, theU ofA communityis asked to request a VoluntaryProduct AccessibilityTemplate (VPAT), orsimilardocumentation to demonstrate compliance, from thesupplierin question forthetechnologyproduct to be purchased. Forfurtherinformation regardingthis policypleasenavigatetheProcurement Policy Website.
Departments which havebeen trained in RazorBuyareurged to utilizeRazorBuyfor all
technology-related requisitions. TheRazorBuy shopping mall offers quickaccess to technology supplier catalogs witha streamlinedapproachforyour technical needs. Referto the RazorBuyWebsitefor furtherinformation, orsend questions and correspondencedirectlyto the RazorBuyProgramTrainingCoordinator.
Departments which havenotyet been trained in RazorBuycan orderComputers,
Parts/Accessories, and Printers through theComputerStore. Ifdepartments choosethis purchasingroute, pleasefollow thesteps below forinternal orders. Keep in mind that properprocessingrequires aUniversityInternal PurchaseOrderorUniversityP-Card.
Besure to contact theComputerStoreforyourinitial inquiries:
DanielTraynham, ComputerStoreManager, 5-2786
Sales Floor5-5414
Post-Sales Support 5-3335
COMPUTERS:The followingbrands areofferedthrough theComputerStoreContract forPC’s, Workstations,Notebooks, Servers,etc.(dependingupon availability, othernon- contract brands are also offered):
Acer / Compaq / Hewlett PackardApple/Mac / Dell / Lenovo/IBM
Afterobtainingapricequotation from the computerstorewebsite, thedepartment should enter anInternal Requisition (Command “IREQ”,Requisition Type“IR”). Description
ofthe full ordershould be entered underF9, and should includethe following information (referto theattached Exhibit Aforstep-by-step instructions on how to enter anIREQ):
Quotation number
Brand name/ model number
Quantityand priceof each item
RequestorEmail Address
NOTE:Computers areallowed to bepurchasedon theP-Card through theComputer Store and outsideofthe ComputerStore as long as the amount does NOT exceed the singletransaction limit onyourP-Card, including taxAND freight. Seethe P-Cardwebsite for furtherinformation.
When anew system is purchased, departments mayhaveMicrosoft Softwarepre- installed on the computer. Otherwise, ifdepartments arenot alreadyparticipatingin the Microsoft Campus Agreement, then departments are required to purchaseMicrosoft Softwareproducts through theStateMicrosoft Select Contract with our contract reseller SHI. Onlycomplete computersystems, serversetc. are covered undertheUniversityof Arkansas ComputerStore contract.
COPIERS:Pleasenavigatethe PMC SolutionsWebsiteforleaseand purchaseoptions, or contact Penny Bellard(479/575-5970).
Departments located within theU ofA-Fayetteville campus and theNorthwest Arkansas region should contact Penny Bellard(479/575-5970)when in need ofacopierplacement orneed service.
Departments in otherparts ofthestateofArkansas and across thecountryshould contact Karen Walls(479/575-6400)when in need ofacopierplacement. Contracts forleasing and purchasing copiers are available fordepartments when orderingtheircopier. Ifa department chooses not to useoneoftheexistingcontracts, aformal bid process will be required to beprocessed bytheProcurement office. Referto theattachedExhibit Bfor step-by-step instructions on how to enterrequisitions accordingly.
An optional purchasingroute for copiers has beenestablished through theOfficeofState Procurement. For furtherinformation, questions and assistance, pleasenavigatethe OfficeofStateProcurementcontract listing, or contactJaime Motley.
COMPUTER PARTS/ ACCESSORIES:Purchaseof computerparts aresubject to the
$10,000 bid limit. Besureto contact theComputerStore foryourinitial inquiries:
DanielTraynham, ComputerStoreManager, 5-2786
Sales Floor5-5414
Post-Sales Support 5-3335
PRINTERS:Thefollowingbrands ofprintersareoffered through theComputerStore
BrotherEpsonHewlett Packard
Afterobtainingapricequotation from the computerstorewebsite, thedepartment should enter anInternal Requisition (Command “IREQ”,Requisition Type“IR”). Description
ofthe full ordershould be entered underF9, and should includethe following(referto the attached Exhibit Aforstep-by-step instructions on how to enter anIREQ):
Quotation number
Brand name/ model number Quantityand priceof each item RequestorEmail Address
NOTE:An existing Blanket PO set up to theBookstoreis allowed forpurchaseof printers, ifunder$2,500. If exceedingthis amount, thepurchasemust bemadethrough alternativemeans. Printers areallowed to bepurchased on theP-Card through the ComputerStore and outsideoftheComputerStore as long as the amount does NOT exceed thesingletransaction limit onyourP-Card, includingtaxAND freight.
Seethe P-Cardwebsitefor furtherinformation.
OPTIONAL STATECOMPUTER /PRINTER CONTRACT:An optional purchasingroutefor computers and printers has been established through theWestern States Contract Alliance(WSCA-StateAgreement). This contract covers servers/storage, desktops, and printers, up to $500,000 perindividual unit/configuration. Further information is accessiblethrough the OfficeofStateProcurementcontract listing.
Fortechnical questions regardinghardware/softwareinformation andguidance, please navigatethe IT ServicesWebsiteor contact theITHelp Desk at 575-2905.
Forgeneral purchasingquestions contact WhitneySmith, Procurement Coordinator.
Howto enteranInternal Requisition(IREQ)in BASIStotheComputerStore
1)Afterobtainingquotefrom computerstoreweb-sitelogin toBASIS.
2)Under “Enter anapplicationID:” enter“UPS”.
3)At the command line, enter command“IREQ”,action “A”, Req. type “IR”and hit enter.
4)Underrequisition amount, enterthetotal dollaramount of all items to bepurchased.
5)Tolerancewill default to 30%, this is forthetaxtobe charged andasmall tolerance.
6)Tab to “VendorID” andhit F1, hit enter, then select “U ofA ComputerStore”, mark with an “X”and hit enter.
7)LeavecustomerID numberblank.
8)Enter requestor’s name.
9)Enter requestor’s phonenumber.
10) Tab to “Ship To”, hit F1,typeinyourBudgetaryUnit and hit enter, alist ofyour potential ship-to addresses will appear, select thecorrectaddress bymarkingwith an “X” and hit enter.
11) Enteryour cost centernumber(s), %or amount breakdown, andcategory.
12) Hit F9 and enteryourtext entry. This should includeadescription ofitems being purchased(Brand, Modeland QuoteNameorNumber, and Quantity).(Helpful Tip: To start anew paragraph when enteringdescription, hit F4, Mark “Startanewparagraph” with an “X”and hit F10).
13) When finished with description, hit F10 to save, this will sendyou back totheIREQ
screen, hit enterto validate.
14) You will then be asked to “go to screen 2 to validatedatathere”, hit F8 togo to screen 2, enteryourtotal dollaramount in the appropriatecategory.
15) Hit enter, F10 to save.
16) You will bekicked backto ablankIREQ screen,yourIREQ requisition numberwill be listed abovethe “Req:”field at thetop ofthescreen (command line), writethis number down.
17) Enter command “REQT”action “S”, enterIREQ requisition number, pressenter and F10 to save. Your requisition is now submitted and proceedingthrough theapproval chain, it will beturned into apurchaseorder and distributed to theComputerStore for processing.
Forgeneral purchasingquestions contact WhitneySmith, Procurement Coordinator.
Exhibit B
Howto process a copier lease transaction in RazorBuy
Requisitions entered by PMC Solutions (The majority of the placements)
- PMC will enter and complete a non-catalog form in RazorBuy
- External Attachments – (Attachment One and Two have to be attached)
- Xerox UA Standard Terms and Conditions from 2008 Modified 1-23-2013
- Copier order Xerox (spells out the details of the requested equipment lease)
Monthly lease amount
Black and White Clicks
Color Clicks
Misc. Monthly Charges – Fiery, etc.
- VPAT – if we don’t already have a VPAT on file for the model ordered
- Requisition Line(s) – Lines are set up on a fiscal year basis for a lease
Example of two (2) years of a 60 month lease
- FY 15 Lease – 8 EA
- FY 15 BW Clicks @ .0099/copy – dollar receiving
- FY 15 Color Clicks @ .059/copy – dollar receiving
- FY 15 Fiery – 8 EA
- FY 16 Lease – 12 EA
- FY 16 BW Clicks @ .0099/copy – dollar receiving
- FY 16 Color Clicks @ .059/copy – dollar receiving
- FY 16 Fiery – 12 EA
The lines should be repeated for the remaining fiscal years until the entire timeframe of the lease is listed.
The correct commodity code is 80161801 – Photocopier rental or leasing service.
Forgeneral purchasingquestions contact Karen Walls, Procurement Coordinator.