TECHNICIANKelly Franklin
TEXTSeashore Animals of the Southeast
Edward E. Ruppert & Richard S. Fox
University of South Carolina Press. 1988
Biology of the Invertebrates
Jan A. Pechenik
McGraw Hill, 20157th Edition
EQUIPMENTDissection Kit
This course covers the behavior and classification of marine invertebrates. Topics include identification, feeding behavior, reproduction, and symbiotic relationships of marine invertebrates. Upon completion, students should be able to identify and classify marine invertebrates and demonstrate an understanding of their basic anatomy and physiology.
Course Hours per Week:Class 3, Lab 2.
Semester Hours Credit:4
Semester:Fall 2015
Schedule:D1: Mon. 0900-1200, Wed. 0900-1000, Thur. 1000-1100
D2: Tue. and Wed. 1000-1100, Fri. 0900-1200
All meetings are held in S-209
1.To identify marine invertebrates from North Carolina waters.
2.To understand the identifying characteristics of major phyla, classes, and orders of
marine invertebrates.
3.To understand some of the behavioral habits, such as feeding, respiration,
locomotion, and reproduction of each group.
4. To classify individual invertebrates by phylum, class, order, family, and Genus species.
You are responsible for your own learning; it is up to you to get something useful and interesting from this course. It is your responsibility to save all graded assignments.
Each hour absent will reduce your attendance grade by 3 points. More than 16 hours absent will result in failure. Two tardies equal one absence.
It is the student's responsibility to initiate the procedure of dropping or withdrawing from a course. Students may withdraw by filling out a withdrawal form available in the Registrar's Office, in accordance with the rules and dates written in the Student Calendar. Withdrawal after 60% of class hours requires documentation of extenuating circumstances and written permission from the Instructor and Department Chair. Withdrawals are not allowed during the last week of the semester.
Visit to see official withdrawal procedures and/or to access online withdrawal forms.
Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that will not interfere with the learning effort or safety of classmates. The use of cell phones in this class is strictly prohibited. Failure to comply will result in a 10-point penalty on a quiz. Each additional incident will result in the doubling of the previous penalty. No food or drink is permitted in the classroom.
GRADING (8 point scale)
Exams (Midterm and Final)40%
Laboratory Exercises25%
- 10 points will be deducted from any graded assignment turned in late throughout the semester.
- Due to the nature of the laboratory exercises, there will be no makeups. The student may attend another section for a makeup, but the instructor cannot make special accommodations.
- 10 points will be deducted from any lab grade when a student fails to bring their dissection kit and field guides. Students are advised to keep a lab notebook, which may be used on lab practical exams.
Exams may have multiple choice, matching, or essay type questions.
Any behavior indicating dishonesty, unethical intent or action as specified by CFCC will result in an “F” for the course.
Plagiarism is using as your own the words or ideas of another, whether written or oral. When you use material from a source, you must quote or paraphrase accurately and properly cite the information. Failure to do so is considered plagiarism. Examples of plagiarism include word-for-word copying without correctly indicating that you are quoting, inaccurate quoting and paraphrasing, and incomplete or missing documentation. Purchasing a paper or copying someone else’s work and submitting it as your own are also plagiarism. Any misrepresentation of the source in your writing or speaking would constitute a form of plagiarism.
Whether intentional or unintentional, plagiarism is not acceptable and will result in the student being assigned a grade of zero for the assignment and/or the course, at the instructor’s discretion.
Living Invertebrates
Vicki Pearse, John Pearse, Mildred Buchsbaum & Ralph Buchsbaum
Boxwood Press, 1997
Number: S204E
Hours: TBA
Phone: 3627403
Any student who requests classroom accommodations because of a disability must present documentation to verify his/her disability. This documentation must be furnished to the Disabilities Service Coordinator, and this should be provided prior to requesting accommodation by the instructor. On a confidential basis, the student, disabilities services and the instructor will determine the appropriate accommodations following documentation. Accommodations will be provided in a manner that is consistent with the objectives, outcomes, and academic standards of the course. Absences must not exceed class attendance policy.
Your myCFCC account is a single username and password for all of your CFCC network accounts: email, WebAdvisor, Blackboard, campus computer access, and more. The email account provided to you () is used for all official communication with CFCC instructors and staff. Some information will ONLY be sent by email and not by postal mail, so it is very important that you check this account. This account may also be used for personal mail, but it is subject to the CFCC Acceptable Use Policy. Be sure to logout of your account in each service you may have opened (email, Blackboard, etc.) when you leave a shared computer, otherwise it is possible for the next user of the computer to access your information.
Children cannot be taken into classrooms, laboratories or shops unless authorized by College personnel. Responsible adults will be expected to remove disruptive children immediately. Children cannot be left unattended on campus including the Learning Resources Center, the cafeteria, lounge areas, registration sites, administrative offices or parking lots. Failure to comply with this policy will lead to disciplinary action as outlined in the College Catalog, Student Handbook and Faculty and Staff Handbook. Visitors violating this policy will be notified of the violation and continued violation will result in the individual being asked to leave campus.
***The instructor reserves the right, acting within the policies and procedures of CapeFearCommunity College, to make changes, adjustments, additions, and deletions in course content, first-day handout, or instructional technique, without notice or obligations.
/Lecture Topic
/Assigned Reading
1 / Review of syllabus and course outline.Invertebrate video. / Microscope refresher / Chapter 1
2 / Discussion of relationships and classification.
Kingdom Protozoa / Supply Protocol lab / Chapter 2 & 3
3 / Invertebrate reproduction and development
Phylum Porifera / Survey of protozoan slides.
Investigation of marine plankton / Chapter 24 4
4 / The hydrostatic skeleton
Phylum Cnidaria / Survey of Porifera
Spicule investigation / Chapter 5 & 6
5 / Phylum Ctenophora
Phylum Platyhelminthes / Survey of Cnidaria
Nematocysts examination / Chapter 7, 8
6 / Phylum Platyhelminthes
Phylum Mollusca / Survey of Platyhelminthes slides
Turbellaria manipulations / Chapter 812
7 / Phylum Mollusca
Review for Midterm / Bivalve dissection / Chapter 12
8 / Lecture Midterm
Phylum Annelida / Squid dissection
Survey of Gastropoda
Radula extraction / Chapter 13
9 / Phylum Annelida
Phylum Sipuncula / Chapter 13
10 / Phylum Arthropoda / Survey of Arthropoda
Blue crab dissection / Chapter 14
11 / Phylum Arthropoda
Phylum Nematoda / Chapter 14 & 16
12 / Phylum Chaetognatha
Phylum Brachiopoda / Preparation for practical / Chapter 1819
13 / Phylum Brachiopoda
Phylum Bryozoa / Sea urchin lab / Chapter 19
14 / Phylum Echinodermata / Survey of Echinodermata
Specimen dissections / Chapter 20
15 / Phylum Echinodermata
Phylum Hemichordata / Preparation for practical / Chapter 20 & 21
16 / Phylum Chordata
Final Review / Sea star and sea cucumber / Chapter 23
17 / Lecture Final / Practical Final
Invertebrate Zoology Syllabus09/17/18