(These are notes of the meeting, not formal minutes)

Present: Dr Suki Dhesi, Karen Maleki, Les Thacker, John Redshaw, Liz Sheasby, Ann Kirby,

Michael Kirby, Anne Bettress, Rev Peter Lister, Stuart Ashworth (if you were present and your name does not appear please advise by e mail.

Apologies: Norma Lewis, Lynda, Fred Edgar, Jenny Laing, Sanjay Sawant, Sue Hogarth, Barry Andrews, Peter Haine.

Any matters arising from the notes for the last meeting are covered by the Agenda for this meeting.

Peter Lister, a patient from the Bishops Tachbrook surgery was welcomed to the group.

FOCUS GROUPS - Report back.
Patient Newsletter- Ann Kirby, Jenny Laing and Karen Malecki have met and amongst other items they discussed the frequency of the newsletter (three times per year) circulated by email and in a printed format, The object is to keep patients in touch with what is happening, could contain staff profiles,a history of the surgery could be interesting, members of the PPG could assist with proof reading.

Reception Review.Norma Lewis, Les Thacker, John Redshaw and Liz Sheasby had met for initial discussions with Karen Malecki and Jackie Chamley; this was followed up with a meeing of the PPG focus group and Karen and Pauline, two of the receptionists. The focus group will neet again on Friday 1st August to discuss the next steps to be taken.

Communications Group. Keith Powell has obtained permission to buy a TV screen and will be in touch with Peter Hain shortly to discuss the communications methods available to the practise.

BT surgery involvement.Ann Kirby has written two articles for the Parish Magazine, and in conjunction with the re-arrangement of the notice board with PPG details, the focus group felt that this was sufficient for the time being.

The PPG wished that Lyndsey should be congratulated on the excellent work she has done to the notice boards both at the BT and Calder Walk surgeries.


The Care Quality Commissionreport has not yet been received, but it is understood that it will be supportive of the practice.

Premises- a leak to the roof has been repaired - Jackie Chamley will be moving downstairs int the BP room which is being re-sited.

Staff - Michelle, an experienced medical secretary has been appointed as the practice secretary.

The surgery will be involved in medical; student training. They will be mentored by Dr Tait.

GP Registrars - two new GP registrars will be appointed ans start their training on 1st January 2015

NHS Health checksthere continues to be a good take up in the 40 - 75 age range.

Young people -Karen has an appointment with the head; teacher of Bishops Tachbrook School in September, and has received a great deal of interest from the Head of Campion School who is keen to co-operate with with the practice

Triage and Nurse Practitioner Appointments.Helen Smith is increasing her hours on Tuesday evenings; she sees patients with minor problems and is able to prescribe for some conditions.

BT Flu clinicwill be in the evening and possibly one Saturday morning.

MJOG Email and telephone numbers campaignwill be carried out by text messaging.

Complaints and Compliments review.No complaints had been received by this system last month, but there had been two suggestions.


Karen Malecki and Betsy Thomas have met with Marie Core nurses association and are keen for the practice to use their services after a referral to them has been made by a doctor

The group decided that they could provide tea and coffee during the flu clinics, with an option being available for patients to donate to Myton Hospice.

It was being arranged for Karen to see architects for the provision of two new rooms when the local house building project is underway - but the funds made available to the practise are not paid until 50% of the houses have been sold.

Ann Kirby reported a difficulty between Warwick Hospital and the practice in the protocols for treatment which had resulted in her having to make additional visits to both. Dr Dhesi will discuss the matter with the nurses and they hearing aid clinic contacted to agree upon the same standard practise for the surgery and hearing aid clinic.

Peter Lister reported that the wrong surgery details were being shown on text message reminders to BT surgery patients which Karen agreed to investigate.

To enable members unable to attend on Tuesday lunchtime, and to allow wheelchair access the next meeting was arranged to be held in the reception at 6.30pm on Thursday 28th August. It was also agreed that members without email facilities could collect copies of meeting notes two weeks before the meeting