Name:Choose Teacher:Anita SaccomanoRick YeagerBrian DawsonDoreen TabbTony Morinello / Woodland Hills High School / Content Area:Entrepreneurship
Date:9/17/2012 - 9/21/2012 / Lesson Plans / Length of Lesson:5 days
Stage I – Desired Results
Lesson Topic (Standard/Anchor):
Choose a National Standard:Software Apps.NBEA- IT III -- Operating Systems & UtililitesNBEA- IT IV --Input TechnologiesNBEA- IT VI --Interactive Multimedia NBEA- IT VIII --Web Development & DesignNBEA- IT XIV --Security, Privacy, & Risk ManageNBEA- IT XVII --Info Tech & Business FunctionsNBEA- Computation I Math FoundationsNBEA- Computation II # Relationships & OperationsBusiness Law:NBEA- Business Law I --Basics of LawNBEA- Business Law II --Contract Law, Law of SalesNBEA- Business Law V Property LawNBEA- Business Law VI Negotiable InstrumentsNBEA- Business Law IX Family LawEntrepreneurship:NBEA- Business Law IV --Business OrganizationsNBEA- Entrepreneurship I -Entrepreneur OpportunityNBEA- Entrepreneurship II --MarketingNBEA- Entrepreneurship IV--FinanceNBEA- Entrepreneurship IX --Business Plans
Choose a National Standard:Software Apps.NBEA- IT III -- Operating Systems & UtililitesNBEA- IT IV --Input TechnologiesNBEA- IT VI --Interactive Multimedia NBEA- IT VIII --Web Development & DesignNBEA- IT XIV --Security, Privacy, & Risk ManageNBEA- IT XVII --Info Tech & Business FunctionsNBEA- Computation I Math FoundationsNBEA- Computation II # Relationships & OperationsBusiness Law:NBEA- Business Law I --Basics of LawNBEA- Business Law II --Contract Law, Law of SalesNBEA- Business Law V Property LawNBEA- Business Law VI Negotiable InstrumentsNBEA- Business Law IX Family LawEntrepreneurship:NBEA- Business Law IV --Business OrganizationsNBEA- Entrepreneurship I -Entrepreneur OpportunityNBEA- Entrepreneurship II --MarketingNBEA- Entrepreneurship IV--FinanceNBEA- Entrepreneurship IX --Business Plans / Choose a PA Standard:Computer Classes:15.4.12.D Evaluate emerging input technologies15.4.12.G Create an advanced digital project15.4.12.H Use programming lanuages15.4.12.J Create a complex computer program15.4.12.K Evaluate advanced multimedia work prods.15.4.12.A Apply creative use of emerging techEntrepreneurship:15.5.12.A Analyze personal choices in preparation 15.5.12.D Create a business plan15.5.12.E Evaluate legal forms of business entitieBusiness Law:15.7.12.E Examine legal requirements of business5.1.C.A Analyze the purposes & functions of lawReading, Writing, Speaking, Listening:I.A.1.1.11A. 1.1.11F, 1.1.11H, 1.2.11A1.5.11B, 1.6.11A, 1.6.11D, 1.8.11A1.8.11B, 3.7.10.D 3.7.10.CChoose a PA Standard:Computer Classes:15.4.12.D Evaluate emerging input technologies15.4.12.G Create an advanced digital project15.4.12.H Use programming lanuages15.4.12.J Create a complex computer program15.4.12.K Evaluate advanced multimedia work prods.15.4.12.A Apply creative use of emerging techEntrepreneurship:15.5.12.A Analyze personal choices in preparation 15.5.12.D Create a business plan15.5.12.E Evaluate legal forms of business entitieBusiness Law:15.7.12.E Examine legal requirements of business5.1.C.A Analyze the purposes & functions of lawReading, Writing, Speaking, Listening:I.A.1.1.11A. 1.1.11F, 1.1.11H, 1.2.11A1.5.11B, 1.6.11A, 1.6.11D, 1.8.11A1.8.11B, 3.7.10.D 3.7.10.C
Choose a PA Standard:Computer Classes:15.4.12.D Evaluate emerging input technologies15.4.12.G Create an advanced digital project15.4.12.H Use programming lanuages15.4.12.J Create a complex computer program15.4.12.K Evaluate advanced multimedia work prods.15.4.12.A Apply creative use of emerging techEntrepreneurship:15.5.12.A Analyze personal choices in preparation 15.5.12.D Create a business plan15.5.12.E Evaluate legal forms of business entitieBusiness Law:15.7.12.E Examine legal requirements of business5.1.C.A Analyze the purposes & functions of lawReading, Writing, Speaking, Listening:I.A.1.1.11A. 1.1.11F, 1.1.11H, 1.2.11A1.5.11B, 1.6.11A, 1.6.11D, 1.8.11A1.8.11B, 3.7.10.D 3.7.10.C / Big Ideas:Class Syllabus, WHHS Internet Policy, Entrepreneur/ Entrepreneurship, Free Enterprise System / Understanding Goals (Concepts):Entrepreneur
Free Enterprise Sysytem
Entrepreneurial Start-Up Process
Student Objectives (Competencies/Outcomes):
Students will be able to:define Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship
define the Free Enterprise System
answer Entreprenurial opinion based questions in their journal / Essential Questions:What is an Entrepreneur/ Entrepreneurship?
What is the Free Enterprise System?
What is the difference between a need and a want? / Vocabulary:Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship, Economics, Venture, Free Enterprise System, Profit, Market Structure, Monopoly, Opportunity, Entrepreneurial Start-Up Process, Start-Up Resources, Need, Want, Capital
Stage II – Assessment Evidence
Performance Task:Journal Entries, Quizzes, Tests, Share Journal Entries, Research Projects / Other Evidence:teacher observations
Stage III – Learning Plan
Materials & Resources: Folders, Computers, Guided Notes, PPTs, Research Projects
CONTENT AREA READING: Select the area being used:Read thru lesson before completing Summarize the key skills learned in the lesson.Hightlight important steps or key termsCurrent event articles on current topic / Formative Assessment(s):
#1. Choose assessments:Graphic OrganizersPre-AssessmentOpen Ended QuestionsSummarizing New SkillsSummarizing key conceptsStudent MonitoringPeer TutoringOnline Lessons
#2. Choose assessments:Graphic OrganizersPre-AssessmentOpen Ended QuestionsSummarizing New SkillsSummarizing Key ConceptsOnline LessonsStudent MonitoringPeer Tutoring
#3. Choose assessments:Graphic OrganizersPre-AssessmentOpen Ended QuestionsThink-Pair-ShareThumbs UpResponse CardsBrief in Class Writing PrompPortfoliosSummarizing New SkillsSummarizing Key ConceptsOnline LessonsStudent MonitoringPeer Tutoring / #4. Choose assessments:Graphic OrganizersPre-AssessmentOpen Ended QuestionsSummarizing New SkillsSummarizing key conceptsStudent MonitoringPeer TutoringOnline Lessons
#5. Choose assessments:Graphic OrganizersPre-AssessmentOpen Ended QuestionsSummarizing New SkillsSummarizing Key ConceptsOnline LessonsStudent MonitoringPeer Tutoring
#6. Choose assessments:Graphic OrganizersPre-AssessmentOpen Ended QuestionsSummarizing New SkillsSummarizing Key ConceptsOnline LessonsStudent MonitoringPeer Tutoring
Instructional Procedures*: (includes mini-lessons)Self Paced Learning, Individualized InstructionLecture / Guided NotesStudent PresentationsExam
Active Engagements used:
#1. Choose Active EngagementsNote-TakingGraphic OrganizersSummarizingHigher Level Thinking SkillsCooperative EducationPartneringWhole Class ResponseProjectsReview GamesStudent Taught Lessons\
#2. Choose Active EngagementsNote-TakingGraphic OrganizersSummarizingHigher Level Thinking SkillsCooperative EducationPartneringWhole Class ResponseProjectsReview GamesStudent Taught Lessons / Others:
Describe usage: / Scaffolding used:
#1. Choose Technique:Graphic OrganizersGuided NotesBuild VocabularyBuild on Prior KnowledgeChunkingProvide Visual SupportTeacher PrompingGuided Demos
#2 . Choose Technique:Graphic OrganizersGuided NotesBuild VocabularyBuild on Prior KnowledgeChunkingProvide Visual SupportTeacher PrompingGuided Demos / Others:
Describe usage:
Procedures / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
  • Entre Journal Entry: Literacy Vocab
  • Distribute Guided Notes for Section 2.1
  • Instruct on Section 2.1 Notes & Vocab PPT
  • Finish entrepreneurial video clip and question
  • Continue work on Favorite Entrepreneur Research Project
  • Entre Journal Entry: Literacy Vocab
  • Distribute Guided Notes for Section 2.1
  • Instruct on Section 2.1 Day 2Notes & Vocab PPT
  • Instruct students to make Entrepreneurship Journal entry
  • Entre Journal Entry: Literacy Vocab
  • Instruct on Section 2.1 Day 3Notes & Vocab PPT
  • Share Journal Entries
  • Students work on Entrepreneur Research Project
  • Entre Journal Entry: Literacy Vocab
  • Review Notes and Concepts from Section 2.1
  • Show Entrepreneurial video clip and provide key concept emphasis and questioning
  • Entre Journal Entry: Literacy Vocab
  • Administer Section 2.1 Quiz
  • Show Entrepreneurial video clip and provide key concept emphasis and questioning

Assignments /
  • Entre Journal Entry: Literacy Vocab
  • Finish watching entrepreneurial video clip and analyze
  • Continue work on Favorite Entrepreneur Research Project
  • Take Guided Notes on Section 2.1 Day 2Notes & Vocab
  • Make Entrepreneurship Journal entry
  • Continue work on Favorite Entrepreneur Research Project
  • Entre Journal Entry: Literacy Vocab
  • Take Guided Notes on Section 2.1 Day 3 Notes & Vocab
  • Share Journal Entries
  • Students work on Favorite Entrepreneur Research Project
  • Entre Journal Entry: Literacy Vocab
  • Review Notes and Concepts from Section 2.1
  • Watch Entrepreneurial video clip and provide key concept emphasis and questioning
  • Entre Journal Entry: Literacy Vocab
  • Complete and submit Section 2.1 Quiz
  • Watch and analyze Entrepreneurial video clip
  • Continue work on Favorite Entrepreneur Research Project

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