Request for Proposal
Customer Name
Software Development and Licensing Project
This document is proprietary to ______(“Company”) since it describes current and future/proposed processes for its Information Technology department. Subject to the foregoing, the information contained herein may be disclosed only to those persons who have a need to know and are constrained by a formal, written obligation not to further disseminate this information. These restrictions on disclosure will apply equally to all future oral or written information, supplied to you by Company, which is designated as “PRIVILEGED” or “CONFIDENTIAL.”
1.Request for Proposal (RFP) Summary
2.Request for Proposal Guidelines
2.1Return of Confidentiality Agreement
2.2Retention of Proposals and Confidentiality
2.4Conference Call
2.5Package Evaluation Process
2.6RFP Guidelines
2.7RFP Evaluation Time Table
3.Background of Company and Project Information
3.1Company Overview
3.2Project Information
4.Vendor-Supplied Information
4.1Executive Summary
4.3Project Costs
4.6Client References
5.Project SummaryAttachment A
6.Project RequirementsAttachment B
1.Request for Proposal (RFP) Summary
______(Company) is planning to implement the ______program through its information technology department. This Request for Proposal (RFP) is being issued as the vehicle for soliciting and evaluating proposals from vendors. The intent of this RFP is to describe the project and its requirements.
2.Request for Proposal Guidelines
2.1Return of Confidentiality Agreement
This RFP and all information provided to the Vendor in connection herewith, is Company confidential and proprietary information. The reciprocal Confidentiality Agreement, sent to you in the same email as this RFP, must be signed by the vendor in order to participate in this RFP, and returned as part of vendor’s Proposal submission. Any violations of the Confidentiality Agreement will disqualify the vendor from the RFP process.
2.2Retention of Proposals and Confidentiality
No part of this RFP may be reproduced or published without written permission from Company. All RFP responses will become the property of Company, and will not be released outside of Company. Company will take reasonable precautions to avoid the disclosure of information identified within an RFP response as proprietary, but only if such identification is included within the proposal. Vendor’s confidential information will be covered by the reciprocal Confidentiality Agreement. Vendors who are submitting a proposal are not at liberty to discuss this RFP outside the Company community. If a vendor is awarded a contract, they are not to release the details of this RFP or subsequent contract without written permission from Company.
Vendors should submit all questions about this RFP via email to:
It is Company’s intent to provide responses to questions to all Vendors where appropriate.
Any vendor submitting a Proposal shall not contact or lobby any Company personnel regarding this project. Any attempt to influence the proposal review process will result in the elimination of that vendor from consideration.
2.4Conference Call
Company may schedule a conference call for all vendors on a date to be determined. This call will be scheduled depending on the number and nature of written questions received from participating vendors as an opportunity for all vendors to ask questions directly to the RFP project team. Specific dial-in details, including timing, will be distributed if the call is required.
2.5Package Evaluation Process
An interdisciplinary team comprising of representatives from the relevant departments of Company, including Strategic Sourcing, will be responsible for the review, evaluation, and rating of the RFP responses. Proposals will be evaluated against a number of evaluation criteria. The following is a representative list of criteria to be used during the evaluation process:
Approach: Vision for fulfilling the key business requirements
Project Team Experience
Scalability of Proposed Approach
Experience with establishing and managing a major Reengineering program
Experience with [industry] environments in general and [application] in particular
Implementation Methodology
The descriptions contained herein are meant to inform the bidders as to the minimal desired functions/capabilities and should not be interpreted as the exclusive approach that would be accepted. Bidders are encouraged to propose an alternative approach where they can be shown to provide equal or greater functions/capabilities and/or better efficiencies.
2.6RFP Guidelines
1.Your proposal must be received at Company no later than 5 pm _____ , 20__.
One (1) soft copy and one (1) hard copy of your proposal, plus one signed copy of the Confidentiality Agreement must be delivered to ______at the mailing/email addresses listed in Section 2.3. Please note that the Company firewall has a size limitation on incoming email attachments. If your email exceeds 1Mb, you must divide it up and send in several emails, each one not exceeding 1Mb.
2.Proposals received after the date specified will not be considered and will be returned to the vendor unopened.
3.If the vendor elects to respond to the proposal, but chooses not respond to any section within the RFP, the vendor must clearly identify those sections not responded to.
4.If the proposal includes the intended use of one or more subcontractors, the vendor shall identify the subcontractors and their corresponding areas of expertise. The subcontractors are subject to the same rules of engagement as the vendor, including confidentiality.
5.All proposals will be considered final. Subsequent changes to the proposals without the express consent of Company may result in elimination of the vendor from consideration.
6.Responses to the questionnaire section should identify the specific question being answered. Written responses should be concise.
2.7RFP Evaluation Time Table
It is expected that the RFP response evaluations will be conducted over a three week period following the response due date. However, Company reserves the right to extend this timeframe as required to ensure a thorough evaluation is conducted. As a matter of professional courtesy, Company will make every effort to communicate significant changes in status and/or timeframe.
3.Background of Company and Project Information
3.1Company Overview
Company is a research-based company engaged primarily in the discovery, development, manufacturing, and marketing of [industry] products worldwide. Company generates approximately __ billion dollars in sales from [industry] products and related [industry] products, with corporate headquarters in [city, state]. Geographically focused, Company’s primary marketing activities are concentrated in the countries that represent a major part of the total worldwide [industry] market. In all, our products are sold in more than ___ countries worldwide.
3.2Project Information
Company’s Information Technology (IT) department is initiating a reengineering project to enhance the IT functionality following:
List reasons for implementation of project
Significant changes in technology that have rendered our current custom-built AE reporting system somewhat obsolescent.
Enlargement and changes in the IT operations
Enlargement of staff size
(See Attachment A for additional information.)
As a consequence of this, Company engaged an outside vendor to examine the current situation and propose a high level reengineering program to cover operations, personnel, and technology. A high level view of the recommended approach is outlined in Attachment B. The need to implement such a program as soon as possible in Company has been recognized as a strategic requirement within Company. We are now seeking the most appropriate partner with whom to proceed with this project.
4.Vendor-Supplied Information
Vendor proposals should contain the following sections and information:
4.1Executive Summary
A concise description of how the proposed approach will address the needs spelled out in this RFP. After reading this section, the reader should have a clear conceptual understanding of the following:
Special Capabilities/Strategies
Company anticipates two (2) phases for the project:
Phase I: Quick Hits and build vs. buy recommendation for IT solution
Phase II: Implement reengineering including the full IT solution
Project Strategy document—based on the information provided, please explain how your company would address the reengineering project plan, including timing, duration, number of people required, their roles, etc.
4.3Project Costs
The total cost quoted for this engagement must be all-inclusive and show details of services, plus hardware and software (if applicable). The cost of professional services must be stated separately for each phase (i.e., design, implementation, maintenance) of the project. In addition, each phase of the project should be broken into sub-components. These sub-components should be logical functions or pieces of the process that can be identified with a deliverable. Labor costs should be identified by each sub-component and include the following:
Role of personnel,
Amount of effort in days or hours, and
Dollars for this effort and elapsed time (hourly billing rates).
Please include a timeline for each phase of the project.
Provide a background and brief history of your company. Please include an organization chart of the company in addition to the following information:
Headquarters Location
Local Office Location(s)
Number of employees
Number of local employees
Provide financial information on your company for the past three consecutive years (i.e., annual report, 10-K).
Company organization (identify area responsible for pharmaceutical industry, number of employees dedicated to pharmaceutical practice, etc.)
4.6Client References
Please provide three (3) references for when you have provided systems and/or ______services similar to those being requested in this RFP. Include contact names and phone numbers.
Have any of your clients/former clients canceled a contract after the beginning of an engagement? If yes, please explain. Please specify for whom with contact names and phone numbers.
Please provide a list of [industry] industry clients. Of these clients, please categorize relevant engagements with them as one of the following:
In Progress
Recently started