North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association (NAVHDA)
Mid South Chapter
The Mid South Chapter of NAVHDA will conduct a Natural Ability Test (NA), Utility Preparatory Test (UPT), and Utility Test (UT) on Saturday, February 25, and Sunday, February 26, 2017. The test will be held at Buckeyes Plantation, 1250 Jersey-Social Circle Rd., Covington, Georgia.
Entry Fees
Mid South Chapter Members / Non Mid South Chapter MembersNatural Ability (NA) / $125 / $140
Utility Preparatory Test (UPT) / $155 / $170
Utility Test (UT) / $155 / $170
Only NAVHDA registered dogs are eligible to participate in NAVHDA tests. Single Dog Registration forms can be downloaded at SINGLE DOG REGISTRATION. If you do not have a 3-generation pedigree, please contact the International Office of NAVHDA. You may enter the test before you receive your dog’s registration number, but it must be received by the Test Secretary before the test day.
Phone: (847) 253-6488
Fax: (847) 255-5987
Dogs are eligible for Natural Ability testing up to and including the day they reach 16 months of age. Dogs over 16 months may be run for evaluation only, but may only run if space is available. No prize classification can be awarded to dogs that run for evaluation, only test scores.
Test entries are limited and will be taken on a first come, first served basis, subject to the rules of eligibility stated above. A test entry consists of the Official Current Year Test Entry Form and the correct test entry fee. PLEASE PRINT legibly and USE PEN or Type. All information must be included or your entry will be returned. Test rules and the entry form may be found at If the dog is hip tested, a copy of the document should be attached to the Official Test Entry application to have it recorded.
Entries withdrawn or cancelled by January 31, 2017, will receive a refund of all but $25.00 of the entry fee. After January 31, 2017, no refunds will be made. If in the event of death or medical condition where your dog is unable to participate in the test, a written certificate from your veterinarian must be provided for a full refund.
Entry Confirmation
A confirmation email will be sent upon receipt of your entry. We will try to place you on your preferred running day. Your running day and confirmation of the event start time will be sent by February 13, 2017. Motel & camping information will be sent with the email confirmation. If upon receiving your entry our test is full, you will be contacted immediately and your name will be placed on the waiting list. If you do not get into the test, a full refund will be sent.
Make checks payable to: Mid South NAVHDA
All entries are to be sent to the chapter test secretary:
Jeff Lorenzini
29 Stony Ridge Point
Newnan, GA 30265
Phone (404) 217-8699,