OCTOBER 10, 2017
5:00 P.M.
Planning Commission members present: Chairman Jeff Killian, Stacy Carlisle, Voin Campbell, Dale Bryan Henningson and Brent Rasmussen.
1. Planning Commission Chairman Jeff Killian called the meeting to order. He recognized Tim and Leah Black who had requested to be on the agenda but was overlooked.
Mr. Black said they were interested in purchasing property west of their existing home at approximately 140 North 450 East.
Deputy Recorder explained that this particular property is accessed through a private driveway and would be considered a flag lot. There was also much discussion as the original piece of property had been split several times so the question exists if this would be considered a subdivision. It was noted that the city does not have any plans to accept this driveway as a city road and thus will not improve same at this time.
Planning Commission member Dale Bryan Henningson said that he felt this piece of property should be allowed to be developed otherwise it will remain a field of weeds.
Some discussion ensued after which Chairman Killian inquired what the best interest of the city would be and he didn’t see that the city would need to require the private drive be a dedicated road.
Member Voin Campbell said he felt that the city created the flag lot years ago when development and splitting of the property was allowed.
After further discussion it was the consensus of the planning commission that a recommendation be forwarded to the city council to allow development of a home in this particular property with the acknowledgement that it is accessed through a private lane.
2. Chairman Killian made note of the information provided for review relative to possible fencing requirements. He then requested that the planning commission review this information and this item be placed on the agenda for the meeting in November.
Member Dale Bryan Henningson moved the meeting adjourn, seconded by Member Voin Campbell. Members voting “aye”: Dale Bryan Henningson, Voin Campbell, Brent Rasmussen and Stacey Carlisle. Members voting “nay”: none.
The meeting adjourned at 6:10 p.m.