Catherine Rainwater

Professor of English

Department of Literature, Writing and Rhetoric

School of Humanities

St. Edward's University

3001 South Congress Avenue

Austin, Texas 78704

(512) 448-8544


Ph.D. English, 1982

American LiteratureUniversity of Texas at Austin

M.A. English, 1976

Literature and TheoryUniversity of California, Irvine

B.A. English, 1974University of Texas at Austin


Native Eyes OnlineInstitute of American Indian Arts, Santa Fe, New Mexico

(Native American Studies course fall 2008)

Post-doctoral, Summer 1990Dartmouth School of Criticism and Theory


Sabbatical Leave, spring 2013

Nominee for Piper Professor Award 2007

Teaching Excellence Award 2007

School of Humanities

Teaching Excellence Award Finalist 2006

Sabbatical Leave, spring 2005St. Edward's University

Penelope Niven Creative Nonfiction Center for Women Writers

Literary Award, 2004Salem College, Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Presidential Excellence Summer

Scholarly Activity Grant, 2000,


Summer Technology Institute

Grant, 2000 St. Edward’s University

Choice Award, 2000 American Library Association

(for Dreams of Fiery Stars)

SCMLA Book Award Nominee 1999Southern Chapter, MLA

(for Dreams of Fiery Stars)

Sabbatical Leave, spring 1997

Nominated for Teaching Excellence

Award 1994, 1997, 2000St. Edward's University

Norman Foerster Prize, 1990Modern Language Association

Post-doctoral fellowship

Summer 1990Dartmouth School of Criticism and Theory

Faculty development grants

1988-1998 (12 grants)St. Edward's University (Austin, Texas)

Distinguished Dissertation

Award nominee from Department

of English, 1982University of Texas at Austin


Contemporary Authors

International Authors and Writers Who's Who

Who's Who in American Education

Who's Who in the South and Southwest

Who's Who of American Women

Who's Who in the World

Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers

Dictionary of International Biography


The Society for Literature, Science and the Arts (SLSA)

Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment (ASLE)

American Literature Association (ALA)

Association for the Study of American Indian Literature (ASAIL)

Ellen Glasgow Society (EGS) (Executive Council member 1991-1993; President, 1993-2007)

Modern Language Association (MLA)

Southern Chapter of Modern Language Association (SCMLA)

Society for the Study of Southern Literature (SSSL)

Hamlin Garland Society

Loren Eiseley Society


Authored Book

Dreams of Fiery Stars: The Transformations of Native American Fiction. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999.

Book in progress tentatively titled Runaway Thunder: Personhood in the More-than-Human Universe of Indigenous Writing.

Edited Book

All of Us Remembering: New Perspectives on Leslie Marmon Silko's Storyteller. University of New Mexico Press, forthcoming 2016.

Co-Edited Books

Figuring Animals: Essays on Animal Images in Art, Literature, Philosophy, and Popular Culture (with Mary S. Pollock). New York: Palgrave/Macmillan of St. Martin's Press, 2005.

Contemporary American Women Writers: Narrative Strategies (with William J. Scheick). Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1985.

Three Contemporary Women Novelists: Hazzard, Ozick, and Redmon (with William J. Scheick). Special issue of Texas Studies in Literature and Language, 25 (Summer 1983).

Articles in Print

On Native American Literature

“’Maybe Einstein was Part Yaqui’: Deposing Thought in Works by Endrezze and Silko.” SAIL (Studies in American Indian Literatures), 26:1 (Spring 2014), 1-28.

"Bohmian Order in Leslie Marmon Silko's The Turquoise Ledge: A Memoir, and Ocean Story." LIT: Literature, Interpretation, Theory, 24.1 (Winter 2013), 1-21.

"Tears and Dry Howls: Grief and Displacement in Three Novels by Erdrich, Castillo, and Viramontes." Between Worlds. Eds. Deborah Poe and Ama Whattley. New York: Peter Lang, 2012), 144-158.

“Haunted by Birds: An Ecocritical View of Personhood in Louise Erdrich’s The Plague of Doves.” Louise Erdrich: Continuum Studies in Contemporary American Fiction. Ed. Deborah Madsen. (New York: Continuum, 2011), 153-167.

"Louise Erdrich's Storied Universe," Cambridge Companion to Native American Literature. Eds. Kenneth Roemer and Joy Porter. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005, 271-282.

"Who May Speak for the Animals? Deep Ecology in Linda Hogan's Power and A. A. Carr's Eye Killers. In Figuring Animals: Essays on Animal Images in Art, Literature, Philosophy, and Popular Culture, 261-280.

"Intertextual Twins and Their Relations: Linda Hogan's Mean Spirit and Solar Storms," Modern Fiction Studies, 45 (Spring 1999), 1-21.

"Ethnic Signs in Erdrich's Tracks and The Bingo Palace, " in The Chippewa Landscape of Louise Erdrich. Ed. Allan Chavkin. University of Alabama Press (1999), 144-160.

"Planes, Lines, Shapes, and Shadows: N. Scott Momaday's Iconological Imagination." Texas Studies in Literature and Language, 37 (Winter 1995), 376-393.

"The Semiotics of Dwelling in Leslie Marmon Silko's Ceremony," American Journal of Semiotics, 9 (1992), 219-240. [Reprinted in Casebooks on Contemporary Literature. Ed. Allan Chavkin. New York: Oxford UP, 2001, 117-138.]

"Reading between Worlds: Narrativity in the Fiction of Louise Erdrich," American Literature, 62 (September 1990), 405-422. [Reprinted in Emerging Voices. Eds. Janet Madden-Simpson and Sara Blake. San Diego: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1993.] [Reprinted in Louise Erdrich's Love Medicine: A Casebook. Ed. Hertha D. Sweet Wong. New York: Oxford UP, 2000, 163-178.]

On Ellen Glasgow

"Through a Gate and into Another Life: Ellen Glasgow After 1945," Regarding Ellen Glasgow: Essays for Contemporary Readers. Eds. Welford Dunaway Taylor and George C. Longest. (Richmond: Virginia State Library, 2001), 3-12.

"The Fauna and Flora of Her Species: Nature and Southern Womanhood in Glasgow and Chopin," Ellen Glasgow Newsletter, 41 (Fall 1998), 9-11.

"'That Abused Word, Modern' and Ellen Glasgow's 'Literature of Revolt,'" Mississippi Quarterly, 49 (Spring 1996), 345-360. (Special issue on Ellen Glasgow. Ed. E. Stanly Godbold.)

"Ellen Glasgow's Outline of History," in The Critical Response to H. G. Wells. Ed. William J. Scheick. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press (1995), 125-138.

"Consciousness, Gender, and Animal Signs in Ellen Glasgow's Barren Ground and Vein of Iron," in Ellen Glasgow: New Perspectives. Ed. Dorothy Scura, special issue of Tennessee Studies in Literature, 36 (1995), 204-219.

"Narration as Pragmatism in Ellen Glasgow's Barren Ground," American Literature, 63 (December 1991), 664-682.

On Other American and British Literature

"Course Syllabus: 'Identity and Otherness in Film and Fiction" [a course syllabus and narrative on the course], "Syllabus Practicum Series" on creative, innovative approaches to teaching, College Literature, 21 (June 1994), 132-142.

"Aliens in the Garden: The Re-vision of Mary Cholmondeley's Red Pottage" (with William J. Scheick), Philological Quarterly, 71 (Winter 1992), 101-119.

"Worthy Messengers: Narrative Voices in Toni Morrison's Novels," Texas Studies in Literature and Language, 33 (Spring 1991), 96-113. [Reprinted in Contemporary Literary Criticism. Vol. 00. Ed. James P. Draper. Detroit: Gale (1995).] [Reprinted in Toni Morrison: A Casebook of Criticism of Contexts and Texts. Ed. David L. Middleton. Garland (1995).]

"'This Brazen Serpent Is a Doctors Shop': Edward Taylor's Medical Vision," Studies in Puritan American Spirituality, 2 (1992), 51-75. [Reprinted in American Literature and Science. Ed. Robert Scholnick. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky (1992), 18-38. Also reprinted in Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800, Vol. 163 (LC-163), Gale, June 2009.

"H. G. Wells's Re-vision of Poe: The Undying Fire and Mr. Blettsworthy on Rampole Island," English Literature in Transition, 30 (1987), 423-436. {Revised and reprinted as "Keeping the Game Going: The Re-Vision of Poe in Wells's Later Fiction," 115-124 in The Critical Response to H. G. Wells.]

"The Sense of the Flesh in Four Novels by Margaret Atwood," in Margaret Atwood: Reflection and Reality. Ed. Beatrice Mendez-Egle. Edinburg: Pan American University Press (1987), 69-78.

"The Fugal Procedure of Anne Redmon's Music and Silence," in Contemporary American Women Writers: Narrative Strategies (Eds. Rainwater and Scheick), 69-86.

"Edward Taylor's Reluctant Revolution: The 'New Astronomy' in the Preparatory Meditations," American Poetry, 1 (1984), 4-17.

"Poe's Landscape Tales and the Picturesque Tradition," Southern Literary Journal, 2 (1984), 30-43.

"Encounters with the 'White Sphinx': Poe's Influence on Some Early Works of H. G. Wells," English Literature in Transition, 26 (1983), 35-51. [Reprinted in Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism, Vol. 19. Ed. Dennis Poupard. Detroit: Gale (1986), 446-450; and revised and reprinted as "Encounters with the 'White Sphinx': The Re-Vision of Poe in Wells's Early Fiction," 75-88 in The Critical Response to H. G. Wells.]

Literary Nonfiction

“Collared by the Jaguar: Kay Sutherland (1942-2002),” Desert Candle (May 2006), 4-5, 9, 15, 30. Reprinted in Her Texas: Story, Image, and Song, Eds. Donna Walker-Nixon, Cassy Burleson, Rachel Crawford, and Ashley Palmer, San Antonio:Wings Press, 2015, 104-113.

"Cochiti Silence," Red Rock Review, 27 (Spring 2011), 66-70.

"The Way Things Break," Windhover, 12 (January 2008), 52-60.

"My Father's Clothes," New Texas (May 2005), 123-133.

"Above the Timberline," New Texas (May 2005), 134-143.

"Last Days," The Fourth River (Spring 2005), 110-122.

Encyclopedia, Specialized Dictionary, and Reference Text Articles

“Ellen Glasgow,” Literary Encyclopedia online

“Native American Literature,” Books and Beyond: The Greenwood Encyclopedia of New American Reading, 4 Vols.Ed. Kenneth Womack. Vol. 3,663-682. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood P, 2008.

"Ellen Glasgow" headnote. Anthology of American Literature, Martha Cutter, ed.Thomson/Gale, 2008.

"Edgar Allan Poe," Writers of the American Renaissance: An A-to-Z Guide. Ed. Denise D. Knight (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2004), 300-307.

“Leslie Marmon Silko,” Contemporary American Women Fiction Writers: An A-to-Z Guide. Eds. Laurie Champion and Rhonda Austin (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2002), 331-37.

“Marilynne Robinson,” Contemporary American Women Fiction Writers: An A-to-Z Guide. Eds. Laurie Champion and Rhonda Austin (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2002), 318-22.

“Ellen Glasgow Society,” Dictionary of Literary Biography Yearbook 2001. Ed. Matthew Bruccoli (Bruccoli Clark Laymon/Gale Group, 2002), 443-44.

"Ellen Glasgow," American Women Writers, 1900-1945. Ed. Laurie Champion (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2000), 124-132.

"Indian Captivity Narrative," Encyclopedia of American Literature. Ed. Steven R. Serafin. New York: Continuum, 1999, 565-567.

"Urian Oakes," Encyclopedia of American Literature. Ed. Steven R. Serafin. New York: Continuum, 1999, 834.

"'The Way to Rainy Mountain,'" The Sixties in America. Ed. Rowena Wildin. Pasadena: Salem, 1999.

"Anne Redmon," in Dictionary of Literary Biography Yearbook, 1986. Ed. J. M. Brook. Detroit: Bruccoli-Clark, 319-322.

"Urian Oakes," in Dictionary of Literary Biography, Vol. 24: American Colonial Writers, 1606-1734. Ed. Emory Elliot. Detroit: Bruccoli-Clark (1984), 239-243.


“Ellen Glasgow.” Critical bibliography in Oxford Bibliographies in American Literature. Eds. Jackson Bryer and Paul Lauter. New York: Oxford University Press,

"A Bibliography of Writings by Anne Tyler," in Contemporary American Women Writers: Narrative Strategies (Eds. Rainwater and Scheick), 142-152.

"Seventeenth-Century American Poetry: A Reference Guide Updated [1970-1981]," Resources for American Literary Study, 10 (1980), 121-145.

"A Bibliography of Writings by Anne Redmon," in Three Contemporary Women Novelists: Hazzard, Ozick, and Redmon (Eds. Rainwater and Scheick), 364-366.


"An Interview with Shirley Hazzard" (with William J. Scheick), in Three Contemporary Women Novelists: Hazzard, Ozick, and Redmon (Eds. Rainwater and Scheick), 213-221. [Reprinted in Contemporary Literary Criticism, ed. Jeff Hunter. Detroit: Thomson Gale (2006).]

"An Interview with Cynthia Ozick" (with William J. Scheick), in Three Contemporary Women Novelists: Hazzard, Ozick, and Redmon (Eds. Rainwater and Scheick), 255-265. [Rptd. in Short Story Criticism Detroit: Gale (1994).]

"An Interview with Anne Redmon" (with William J. Scheick), in Three Contemporary Women Novelists: Hazzard, Ozick, and Redmon (Eds. Rainwater and Scheick), 322-342.


[Review of Howling for Justice: New Perspectives on Leslie Marmon Silko’sAlmanac of the Dead, by Rebecca Tillett, editor], American Indian Culture and Research Journal, 39:3 (forthcoming).

[Review of Sherman Alexie: A Collection of Critical Essays. Edited by Jeff Berglund and Jan Roush], English: The Journal of the English Association, 61 (234): 314-316. English (2012)61(234):314-316doi:10.1093/english/efs017

[Review of Contemporary Native American Literature (BAAS). By Rebecca Tillett], American Indian Culture and Research Journal, 34:3 (2010), 142-145.

[Review of Perfect Companionship: Ellen Glasgow’s Selected Correspondence with Women, by Pamela R. Matthews], Ellen Glasgow Newsletter, 55 (Fall 2005), 7.

[Review of The Novels of Louise Erdrich: Stories of Her People, by Connie A. Jacobs], Great Plains Quarterly, 22:2 (2002), 130-31.

[Review of Feathering Custer, by W. S. Penn], American Indian Culture and Research Journal, 26:2, 172-175.

[Review of How Should I Read These: Native Women Writers in Canada, by Helen Hoy], American Indian Culture and Research Journal, 25:4, 127-29.

[Review of Prophets of Recognition: Ideology and the Individual in Novels by Ralph Ellison, Toni Morrison, Saul Bellow, and Eudora Welty, by Julia Eichelberger], Arkansas Review, 32 (April 2001), 69-70.

[Review of Circles of Sorrow, Lines of Struggle: The Novels of Toni Morrison, by Gurleen Grewal], American Literature, 71 (December 1999), 814-815.

[Review of Earth's Mind: Essays in Native Literature, by Roger Dunsmore, and Reinventing the Enemy's Language: Contemporary Native Women's Writings of North America, ed. Joy Harjo and Gloria Bird], Canadian Literature, 161-162 (Summer/Autumn 1999), 197-198.

[Review of Women Reading, Women Writing: Self-Invention in Paula Gunn Allen, Gloria Anzaldúa and Audre Lorde, by AnaLouise Keating;Critical Perspectives on Native American Fiction, by Richard F. Fleck, ed.]Canadian Literature, 161-162 (Summer/Autumn 1999), 220-222.

[Review of American Indian Literature and the Southwest: Contexts and Dispositions by Eric Gary Anderson], Texas Books in Review, 19:1 (Spring 1999), 16.

[Review of Writing Tricksters: Mythic Gambols in American Ethnic Literature, by Jeanne Rosier Smith], Modern Fiction Studies, 44:2 (Summer 1998), 404-407.

[Review of Mediation in Contemporary Native American Fiction, by James Ruppert], Great Plains Quarterly, 17:1 (Winter 1997), 71-72.

[Review of Chiwid, by Sage Birchwater; Big Bear (Mistahimusqua): A Biography, by J. R. Miller; and Gatherings Vol. VI: The En'owkin Journal of First North American Peoples, Don Fiddler and Linda Jaine, eds.]Canadian Literature, 156 (Spring 1998), 113-114.

[Review of North Spirit: Travels Among the Cree and Ojibway Nations and Their Star Maps by Paulette Jiles] Canadian Literature, 152 (Spring 1997), 241-242.

[Review of Inuit Women Artists by Odette Leroux, Marion E. Jackson, and Minnie Aodola Freeman, eds; Spirit Faces: Contemporary Masks of the Northwest Coast by Gary Wyatt; and Eagle Transforming: The Art of Robert Davidson by Ulli Steltzer and Robert Davidson] Canadian Literature, 150 (Fall 1996), 182-183.

[Review of The Poems and Prose of Mary, Lady Chudleigh, ed. Margaret J. M. Ezell] Seventeenth-Century News, 54 (Spring-Summer 1996), 24.

[Review of One Good Story, That One by Thomas King, and The Native Creative Process by Douglas Cardinal and Jeannette Armstrong] Canadian Literature, 149 (Summer 1996), 170-173.

[Review of Food and Spirits by Beth Brant, and The Gathering: Stones for the Medicine Wheel by Gregory Scofield], Canadian Literature, 145 (Summer 1995), 142-144.

[Review of Supernatural Forces: Belief, Difference, and Power in Contemporary Works by Ethnic Women by Bonnie Winsbro], Modern Fiction Studies, 40 (Winter 1994), 855-857.

[Review of Comedy: The Mastery of Discourse by Susan Purdie], Seventeenth-Century News 52 (Fall/Winter 1994), 50-51.

[Review of Letter Bomb: Nuclear Holocaust and the Exploding Word by Peter Schwenger], Papers on Language and Literature , 29 (1993), 1-6. [with William J. Scheick].

[Review of In Celebration of Our Survival by Doreen Jensen and Cheryl Brooks, eds., and Keepers of the Animals by Michael F. Caduto and Joseph Bruchac, eds.], Canadian Literature, 137 (Summer 1993), 115-116.

[Review of Winged Words: Native American Writers Speak by Laura Coltelli, ed., and The Zuni Man-Woman by Will Roscoe], College Literature, 20 (June 1993), 214-218.

[Review of Rich and Strange: Gender, History, and Modernism by Marianne DeKoven], American Literature, 64 (September 1992), 627-628.

[Review of Contemporary Challenges: Conversations with Canadian Native Authors by Hartmut Lutz, ed., and Comparative American Identities: Race, Sex, and Nationality in the Modern Text by Hortense Spillers, ed.], Canadian Literature 132 (Autumn 1992), 132-133.

[Review of Our Bit of Truth: An Anthology of Canadian Native Literature by Agnes Grant, ed., and The Invention of Canada: Literary Text and the Immigrant Imagination by Arnold H. Itwaru], Canadian Literature 135 (Winter 1992), 135-137.

[Review of Gracious Laughter: The Meditative Wit of Edward Taylor by John Gatta], Seventeenth-Century News, 49 (1991), 19-20.

[Review of Authorizing Words: Speech, Writing, and Print in the English Renaissance by Martin Elsky], Seventeenth-Century News.

[Review of The Rez Sisters by Tomson Highway and On Double Tracks by Leslie Hall Pinder], Canadian Literature, 130 (1991), 169-170.

[Review of America 1585: The Complete Drawings of John White by Paul Hulton], Seventeenth-Century News, 43 (1985), 66-67.

[Review of Richard Mather by B. R. Burg], Seventeenth-Century News, 41 (1983), 56-57.

Instructional Materials

Manual for correspondence course (English 338: American Literature from 1865 to the Present) through University of Texas at Austin Extension Instruction Center.

Student Handbook (revised and updated 1987-1991, 1997) for St. Edward's University's Capstone Course (formerly RCM).

Website tutorial, "The Literary Researcher,"

Articles on Miscellaneous Subjects

"'Door and Steeple': Photographs of Central Texas Churches." [With William J. Scheick]. Windhover, 7 (2002), 87-102.

"A Native Tribe of Southwest Texas: Cacteae Echinocactinae." Native Plant Society of Texas Newsletter, 18 (Nov.-Dec. 2000), 90-91.

Review of CD-ROM, Austin and Vicinity: The World of Nature, by Visual Delights, Inc. Native Plant Society of Texas Newsletter, 18 (May-June 2000), 42.

“‘After-Comers Cannot Guess the Beauty’: The Fate of Brother Daniel’s Native Half-Acre.” Native Plant Society of Texas Newsletter, 18 (Jan.-Feb. 2000), 9-11.

“Pretty Poison,” Native Plant Society of Texas Newsletter, 18 (Mar.-Apr. 2000), 27-28.


South Central MLA, Austin, Texas, October 20, 2014: Paper presented: "'Is That Human?'": Linda Hogan's People of the Whale and the Politics of Devolution."

Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts, Notre Dame, Indiana, October 3, 2013. Paper presented: “’Maybe Einstein was Part Yaqui’: Deposing Thought in Works by Endrezze and Silko.”

Southwest /Texas Regional Meeting, Popular Culture and American Culture Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 10, 2012. Paper presented: "Bohmian Orderin Leslie Marmon Silko's The Turquoise Ledge: A Memoir, and Ocean Story."

Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment (ASLE) Conference, June 20-26, 2011. Paper presented June 24: "Ojibwe Personhood and Resistance to Globalization in Louise Erdrich's The Plague of Doves."

Reading of "Cochiti Silence," Mary Hardin Baylor Windhover Literary Festival, Belton, Texas, Jan. 7, 2010.

Southwest /Texas Regional Meeting, Popular Culture and American Culture Association, Albuquerque, New

Mexico, February 25, 2009. Paper presented: “Arts and Bones: Repatriation and Representation in Contemporary Native American Literature and Film.”

Southwest /Texas Regional Meeting, Popular Culture and American Culture Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 13, 2008. Paper presented: "Walters’ Ghost Singer and Carr's Eye Killers: The Long Walk and the Problem of History.”

First speaker in new “Brown Bag Lunch” series sponsored by St. Edward’s Office of Sponsored Research, October 2, 2007. Presentation of ongoing work and research in Native American studies.