Year 2 Curriculum Map

English / Mathematics / RE / PE / PSHE
Term 1 / Fiction: Why Dog Lives with Man – Pupils develop their use of punctuation to ensure they’re writing accurate sentences.
Non-Fiction: Creating a persuasive healthy living leaflet based on Doctor Dog by Babette Cole
Poetry: Autumn Poetry using our senses
Reading: Pupils are taught through a phonetic approach, following the age-appropriate Letters and Sounds scheme
SPAG: Recognising the different word classes (nouns, verbs, adjectives)
Star Author: Babette Cole - Dr. Dog series, Princess SmartyPants series / Number and Place Value
Pupils recognise numbers written in digits and words.
Pupils make 2 digit and 3 digit numbers using numicon and Base 10 manipulatives
Pupils write numbers to 100 in words and numerals
Measure: Time
Pupils read the times o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to.
Pupils begin to read the times to 5minute intervals
Pupils draw the hands onto clock faces / Hinduism – Believing
Pupils are introduced to the Hindu Gods Brahma, Ganesh and Lakshmi and the symbols and stories associated with them. / Multi Skills
Pupils take part in a range of throwing, catching and aiming activities using a range of equipment such as balls and beanbags.
Pupils take part in balance and agility activities such as shuttle runs, balance beam and speed bounce. / New Beginnings
Keeping Safe & Healthy
Pupils learn about how school is a safe environment. They discuss how it feels to start school and how we can help others.
Term 2 / Fiction: Can’t You Sleep, Little Bear? By Martin Waddell – Pupils adapt the story and develop use of expanded noun phrases and description
Non-Fiction: Writing reports based on our history topic – including Remembrance Day and the Great Fire of London
Poetry: Christmas Calligrams
Reading: Pupils are taught through a phonetic approach, following the age-appropriate Letters and Sounds scheme
SPAG: Using coordinating and subordinating conjunctions correctly
Star Author: Martin Waddell – Big Bear and Little Bear series of stories / Addition and Subtraction
Pupils add using objects, numicon, number line, base 10, Dienes rods
Pupils subtract using cubes, objects, numicon, base 10
Pupils understand the commutative rule
Pupils understand – is the inverse of +
Geometry: Properties of Shapes
2D: Identify and describe properties of 2D shapes – square, rectangle, circle – number of sides, corners
3D: Identify and describe properties of 3D shapes – cube, cuboid, cylinder – number of edges, faces, vertices / Celebrations
Pupils learn about the Hindu celebrations Raksha Bandhan and Diwali as well as the Christian celebration of St. Andrews Day and Christmas. / Gymnastics
Pupils learn a range of 1 body, 2 body, 3 body and 4 body part balances.
Pupils place these balances in a routine both individually and in pairs. / Getting On and Falling Out
Skills for working together
Pupils learn to identify how they and others can feel, including how to identify and deal with anger. Pupils learn to work well in groups.
English / Mathematics / RE / PE / PSHE
Term 3 / Fiction: The Gingerbread Man – Pupils adapt the story and develop their own characters. Pupils describe their new characters in detail.
Non-Fiction: Following instructions and creating instructions of our own using imperative verbs
Reading: Pupils are taught through a phonetic approach, following the age-appropriate Letters and Sounds scheme
SPAG: Recognising and writing sentences of different forms (statements, questions, exclamations, commands) and using the appropriate punctuation
Star Author: Roger Hargreaves – Mr Men and Little Miss series of books / Multiplication and Division
Pupils understand multiplication as repeated addition through use of Numicon, number lines, Cuisenaire, drawing pictures.
Pupils understand division as repeated subtraction through use of Numicon, number lines, Cuisenaire, drawing pictures.
Pupils understand multiplication is the inverse of division.
Geometry: Properties of Shapes
2D: Identify and describe properties of 2D shapes – triangle, pentagon, hexagon, octagon – number of sides, corners.
3D: Identify, explore and describe properties of 3D shapes – sphere, square-based pyramid, cone, tetrahedron, triangular prism – number of edges, faces, vertices. Identify 2D shapes on the faces of 3D shapes. / Hindu Stories
Pupils learn some of the stories associarted with the Hindu Gods including how Ganesh lost his tusk and how Krishna was saved at birth / Gymnastics
Shapes and Rolls
Pupils are introduced to rolls and shapes.
Pupils perform rolls and shapes both standing and laying down on the floor and on apparatus. / Goings for Goals
Pupils learn how to set themselves realistic targets and how to break them down to be achievable.
Say no to bullying
Pupils learn about ways to say no to bullying and what they should do if they think they are being bullied.
Term 4 / Fiction: The Tale of the Naughty Little Rabbit by Beatrix Potter – Pupils adapt the story to develop their understanding of settings.
Non-Fiction: Pupils recount their trip to the woods, structuring their writing
Reading: Pupils are taught through a phonetic approach, following the age-appropriate Letters and Sounds scheme
SPAG: Writing consistently in the past and present tense
Star Author: Beatrix Potter – The tales of Peter Rabbit, Benjamin Bunny, Jemima Puddleduck, Mrs Tigglewinkle and more / Fractions
Pupils recognise, find, name and write fractions 1/3, ¼, 2/4 and ¾ on different shapes, lengths, sets of objects and quantities. Pupils count in fractions.
Measure: Weight, Mass, Volume, Capacity
Pupils choose and use appropriate standard units to estimate and measure mass (kg/g), capacity (litres/ml)to the nearest labelled unit using scales and measuring vessels.
Pupils compare and order mass and record the results using greater than (>), less than (<) and equals (=) / Celebrations
Pupils learn about the Christian patron saints of St. George, St. Patrick and St. David. Pupils also learn about the Hindu celebration of Holi and the Christian celebration of Easter. / Dance
Pupils follow simple movements to perform a Maypole Dance.
Pupils move to the music and learn individual and paired work dances.
Pupils develop their poise and coordination. / Good to be Me
Pupils learn how to talk about themselves positively. Pupils learn how to relax and calm down.
Medicines & Keeping Safe
Pupils learn about the uses of medicines and the importance of keeping them safe.
English / Mathematics / RE / PE / PSHE
Term 5 / Fiction/Poetry: Beetle in the Bathroom by Brian Moses – Pupils read the story and respond to the use of interesting language, which is reflected through writing their own versions.
Non-Fiction: Writing reports using all features of non-fiction writing, linked to our science topics
Reading: Pupils are taught through a phonetic approach, following the age-appropriate Letters and Sounds scheme
SPAG: Pupils learn to use expanded noun phrases in their writing and how to use new punctuation including commas in lists and apostrophes for contractions
Star Author: Tony Ross – Tadpole’s Promise and other stories / Money
Pupils solve problems using money with addition and subtraction.
Pupils recognise and use symbols for pounds (£) and pence (p).
Pupils combine amounts to make a particular amount.
Measure: Linear (Length and Height), Temperature
Choose and use appropriate standard units to estimate and measure length/height in any direction (m/cm) to the nearest appropriate unit using rulers.
Choose and use appropriate standard units to estimate and measure temperature (°C) to the nearest labelled unit using thermometers. / The Stories Jesus Told
Pupils learn some of the stories Jesus told and the morals behind them including the Lost Sheep, the Prodigal Son and the Good Samaritan. / Football
Pupils learn to pass the football with increasing accuracy. Pupils learn the importance of defending and working in teams.
Pupils also compete intra class competitions. / Relationships
Pupils learn to understand the feelings of being loved and cared for. Pupils learn to recognise how it feels when we lose something we love.
Term 6 / Fiction: Town Mouse, Country Mouse – Pupils consolidate all writing skills learnt.
Non-Fiction: Discussion writing – which is better the town or the country?
Reading: Pupils are taught through a phonetic approach, following the age-appropriate Letters and Sounds scheme
SPAG: Recognising and writing sentences of different forms (statements, questions, exclamations, commands) and using the appropriate punctuation
Star Author: Lauren Childs – Clarice Bean books and Charlie and Lola series / Calculation
Pupils solve problems with addition and subtraction by using concrete objects and pictorial respresentations
Pupils apply an increasing knowledge of mental and written methods
Geometry: Position and Direction
Pupils use mathematical vocabulary to describe position, direction and movement of both objects and themselves
Pupils interpret, construct and ask and answer simple questions about simple pictograms, tally charts, block diagrams and simple tables / Belonging & Myself
Pupils learn what it means to be a member of the Christian Church family and what Christians see as important. / Volleyball
Pupils take part in throwing and catching acitivites using a range of size of balls
Pupils learn how to return a throw
Pupils compete in intra class Volleyball competitions / Changes
Pupils prepare for the changes that are happening in school. Pupils learn ways by which they can change their behaviour and how their behaviour effects others.
Citizenship & Community
Pupils learn ways they can positively contribute to their community

Yr 2 Creative Curriculum

Theme / Science / Computing / History / Geography / Art / Design and Technology / Music / Extended Learning / Visits and Visitors
Term 1
Healthy Living / Pupils identify how we stay healthy through eating the correct types and amounts of food and hygiene / Pupils learn how to stay safe when using the internet and present info (words and pictures) using the computer / Pupils compare the lives and work of Florence Nightingale and Edith Cavell and how they have shaped Britain today / Pupils recognise Europe on a map and locations of the 1st and 2nd World Wars / Pupils make collages for display in Harvest Festival celebrations / Pupils plan and make a savoury healthy dish, using tools and equipment safely / Pupils play non-tuned instruments and compose own musical pieces / Harvest Festival – Pupils present poetry and artwork / Visit from the Tooth Lady (Dentist) to learn about the importance of looking after your teeth
Term 2
Remembering the Past / Pupils investigate the best materials for making houses (TASC investigation) / Pupils research safely using the internet for information and pictures. They save and retrieve their work / Pupils learn about and recall key aspects of the Great Fire of London and identify the impact of World War 1 and Remembrance Day / Pupils identify the similarities and differences between London and Dover, through use of maps and aerial phtographs and draw their own map of Dover / Pupils use pencil and charcoal to create sketches of the Great Fire of London from imagination. / Pupils prepare food items to be sold at the Christmas Fair / Pupils use their voices for singing songs expressively / Christmas Production – Pupils rehearse for and perform their production to the school and parents / Pupils walk to the War Memorial to lay their poppy wreath
Term 3
Ch-Ch-Changes / Pupils explore properties of materials and their uses and investigate how common materials can be manipulated / Pupils understand what an algorithm is and use them to create and debug simple programs / Pupils learn about the life and work of Isambard Kingdom Brunel / Pupils use geographical vocabulary when discussing the design and making of bridges and tunnels / Pupils explore examples of different materials used in art, particularly sculpture / Pupils design and make a bridge to carry a toy car across a river (TASC investigation) and evaluate its effectiveness / Pupils learn to play an ocarina both individually and as a group / Pupils take part in Safer Internet Day to learn the importance of keeping their personal information and passwords private / Pupils have opportunity to talk to a real builder and ask questions about their job
Term 4
Green Fingers / Pupils observe and describe how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants / Pupils learn to save, manipulate and retrieve their work / Pupils learn about Beatrix Potter and where she relates chronologically to other famous figures learnt about previously / Pupils use fieldwork skills to compare areas of the school grounds, observing and describing what they’ve seen / Pupils explore materials to create a sculpture from their imagination / Pupils learn about the importance of growing your own food / Pupils learn to play an ocarina both individually and as a group. Pupils perform to an audience. / Pupils create an Easter Bonnet to take part in the school’s Easter Bonnet Parade.
Pupils tend to a class flower bed and grow their own plants. / Trip to the woods to explore plants, trees and flowers in our local woods
Term 5
Bugs and Beasties / Pupils observe and describe lifecycles of common animals and insects. Pupils will learn how animals obtain food and about basic food chains / Pupils learn how to send and receive emails safely / Pupils learn how insects are used as symbols in history e.g. Ancient Egypt / Pupils identify different habitats within the school grounds and compare them with elsewhere / Pupils complete observational drawings of insects / Pupils design and make their own wildlife feeder / Pupils use their voices for singing songs expressively / Classes have live butterflies and ladybirds / Visit from the ‘Bug Man’ – chn are introduced to and handle various insects
Term 6
Where Do You Live? / Pupils learn how habitats are best suited for different kinds of animals and plants. / Pupils learn to create simple graphs on the computer and use their graphs to answer questions / Pupils add the information of when different continents were discovered to the class timeline / Pupils learn to name and locate the 7 continents and 5 oceans / Pupils learn about art from different cultures around the world, and create their own rubbings picture / Pupils taste and make dishes from around the world / Pupils listen to music from different continents / Pupils learn about our twinning school in the Gambia / Pupils have opportunity to invite people to speak who have visited different continents to discuss their experiences