NCBI’s Virtual Technology Club

Table of Contents:


How it works:

Downloading TeamTalk on Windows:

Installing TeamTalk on Windows:

Running TeamTalk for the first time:

Connecting to NCBI’s Virtual Technology Club:

For help or answers to other questions:


Thank you for your interest in NCBI’s virtual technology club. We believe strongly that some of the most useful support and informal training can occur when people have the time and space to chat to each other about how they use their technology, in work, at school and at home.

In the last number of years we’ve been facilitating groups of people to come together and talk about how they use their technology, share and solve problems and hear from experts who have told us about everything from the latest tech gadgets to some of the most basic daily living aids.

Now however, we want to extend that idea and make sure that access does not preclude someone from participating. To that end we are introducing a virtual meeting space, where we can all join together from the comfort of our own living room and talk about technology. Initially these meetings will be held monthly and the first of these is scheduled to take place at 7:00 pm on Thursday April 6th.

This document will help you prepare your own technology to join the meeting and will guide you step-by-step through installation of the software that we are using to connect us all together.

How it works:

We have chosen to use a piece of software called TeamTalk. TeamTalk is a powerful internet communications software, which uses your existing internet connection to allow you to talk in real-time to others who are at the same virtual meeting. You can do other things too, such as text chat and even use video, if you have a webcam, or camera on your smartphone or tablet, but for now, we’re going to focus on the audio aspect of TeamTalk. Also, for the purposes of this first meeting, we are focusing on TeamTalk for the Windows operating system. If you have a mobile phone or tablet running Android or iOS, you can download and install the TeamTalk app for both platforms on these devices. If you wish to use a mobile device, please get in touch with us prior to the meeting so we can help you get your device set up.

TeamTalk is free software and it is very easy to use.

Downloading TeamTalk on Windows:

If you are using a Windows computer, you first of all need to download the TeamTalk software. To do this please go to the TeamTalk home page and select the link that says ‘Client Application’ and then, the link that says ‘Download’.

You can choose to either run the downloaded file immediately, or save it in a convenient place on your computer and run it later. Either way, you do need to run the downloaded file to be able to use the TeamTalk software.

Installing TeamTalk on Windows:

When you run the TeamTalk installation program, the first window will ask you if you wish to install TeamTalk onto your computer. Select Next to continue or Cancel to exit the installer.

When you press the ‘next’ button you will be focused on the license agreement which you can read with the arrow keys. Tab across to the set of radio buttons and select "I accept the Agreement" when ready to do so, and select the ‘next’ button.

You will now be asked for the default install location. There is no need to change anything here unless you desire to do so. Again, select the ‘next’ button to continue.

You will now be focused on a combo box of components you can install. Use your arrow keys to navigate to the "TeamTalk Classic client for accessibility" choice and tab to ‘next’and press enter.

The next screen asks which start menu folder you wish to install TeamTalk in, no need to change this unless you have specific requirements to do so, just tab to ‘next’ and activate the button.

You can now select whether or not to create a desktop icon or quick launch icon. Select the desired options by selecting the checkboxes and activate the ‘next’ button.

You are now focused on the Install button so either hit space to begin the install or navigate the dialog to review your settings so far. Activate the ‘install’ button when you are ready.

After a short time you will be told that the install is complete. Either leave the ‘launch TeamTalk’ checkbox selected to have TeamTalk launch when the installer exits or uncheck it to bypass this step. Select the ‘finish’ button to close the installer.

Running TeamTalk for the first time:

When you run TeamTalk for the first time, the TeamTalk first-time setup wizard will open. You can re-run this wizard from the help menu of the main application. These settings are also found in the preferences dialog.

The first page asks you to select your default language. Do so, and hit ‘next’.

You will now be asked to provide your name, as well as the method you will use to transmit, otherwise known as "key up." We recommend for the moment that you select or check ‘voice activation’ and not ‘push to talk’. Do not check both. If you check neither option, you will not transmit audio, and no one will hear you.

The next page asks you to set up your audio inputs and outputs, as well as the sound system you wish to use. Please make sure to select ‘Direct Sound’. If ‘Direct sound’ does not work on your system, change the setting to Windows Audio. Be sure to use the test selected button to make sure that you have chosen the correct input and output devices, then move on. Note that if you add or remove audio devices on your computer, for example a USB headset, TeamTalk might need to be reminded as to which devices it should be using.

On the final screen, launch the quick start guide if you wish to read it, otherwise, select the ‘finish’ button. You should now be in the main TeamTalk window.

Connecting to NCBI’s Virtual Technology Club:

Please follow the instructions in this section to connect to our virtual technology room. We’ll have the room open from 6:00 pm on Thursday April 6th, so that we can help anyone who has problems transmitting or receiving audio. We’ll also talk about how to use the TeamTalk text chat service during the session, which you may find useful if you’d prefer to communicate in this way.

To connect to our virtual room:

  1. Press the windows key and the letter ‘R’ to open the Windows ‘Run’ dialogue box
  2. In this dialogue box, please enter the following exactly as it appears here.


  1. Press enter.

In a second or two, the TeamTalk software will automatically load and you will be automatically connected to the NCBI virtual technology club. You will immediately begin hearing activity from the room, and assuming you’ve configured your audio system properly as outlined earlier in this guide, you’ll also be able to speak and be heard.

For help or answers to other questions:

Please contact Stuart Lawler in NCBI by emailing