December 10 Cave Country League Match Written Assessment

B & R


(270) 991-5204


1.Solve this system of equations: 2x – 3 = -5y

-2y = -3x + 1

a)x = 11/19, y = 7/19b) x = -11/19, y = -7/19c) x = -11/19, y = 7/19d)x = 11/19, y = -7/19

2. What is the area of a circle with a radius of 9 meters?

a) 4.5 pi sq mb) 9 pi sq mc) 18 pi sq md) 81 pi sq m

3. Two-thirds of the coins in a collection of quarters and dimes are quarters. The collection is worth $12. How many dimes are there?

a) 18b) 20c) 22d) 24

4. Find the lateral area of a right circular cone with a radius of 4 inches and a height of 10 inches.

a) 8 radical 29 pi sq inb) 40 pi sq inc) 6 radical 14 pi sq ind) 3 radical 28 pi sq in

5. A rug is in the shape of a trapezoid. Its area is 38 square feet, its height is 4 feet, and one of its bases is 8 feet long. What is the length of the other base?

a) 6 ft.b) 8 ft.c) 9 ft.d) 7 ft.

6. Find the slope of the line with the equation 3x – 4y = 20.

a) -4/3b) -3/4c) ¾d) 4/3

7. If y varies inversely as x when y = 9 and x = 2, find y when x = 3.

a) 18b) 27c) 4.5d) 6

8. What is the sum of the measure of the interior angles of an octagon?

a) 1,080ob) 900oc) 960od) 1,100o

9. Solve for x: 3x + 2 < 14 and 2x – 5 > -11.

a) {x > -3 and x < 4}b) {x > 3 and x < 4}c) {x > 3 and x < -4}d) {x < -3 and x > 4}

10. Simplify radical 28.

a) 4 radical 7b) radical 28c) 2 radical 7d) 2 radical 14

11.In a 45 degree, 45 degree, 90 degree right triangle with legs measuring 4 inches, find the length of the hypotenuse.

a) 8 inchesb) 2 radical 4 inchesc) 4 radical 2 inchesd) 4 radical 4 inches

12. The intersection of two planes could be a

a) plane.b) line.c) point.d) segment.

13. If-then statements are also called ______.

a) conditionalsb) hypothesesc) conclusionsd) reasons

14. “If you double any number, the result is an even number” is a true conditional. Use the Law of Detachment to reach a logical conclusion.

a) The result of doubling 317 is an even number.

b) The result of doubling 234 is an odd number.

c) When you triple a number, the result must be an even number.

d) If you double an odd number, the result is another odd number.

15. Name the property that justifies if a < b, then a + c < b + c.

a) subtraction propertyb) transitive propertyc) comparison propertyd) addition property

16. If 28 and 49 are the lengths of two sides of a triangle, between what two numbers must the measure of the third side fall?

a) 21 & 77b) 10 & 60c) 28 & 49d) 31 & 67

17. An isosceles trapezoid has vertices at (-2, 1), (2, 1), (5, -1), and (-5, -1). Find the measure of each diagonal.

a) 10b) 4c) radical 13d) radical 53

18. In Mr. Smith’s homeroom there are 15 girls and 10 boys. What is the ratio of boys to total number of students?

a) 2/3b) 3/2c) 5/2d) 2/5

19. Find the geometric mean between 7 and 13.

a) 2√5b) √91c) √51d) 20

20. Find the value of sin 87O to the nearest thousandth.

a) 0.052b) 0.999c) 19.08d) -0.822

21. An exterior angle of a regular polygon has a measure of 30o. Find the sum of the measures of the interior angles.

a) 2,160ob) 2,880oc) 2,520od) 1,800o

22. What is the number of distinguishable permutations in the word HOUSE?

a) 720b) 100c) 120d) 24

23. Convert 0.00516 hectoliters to milliliters.

a) 0.516 mLb) 5.16 mLc) 51.6 mLd) 516 mL

24. Concerning the lines y – 2 = 5x + 4 and -15x + 3y = 9,

a) they are parallel.c) they are neither parallel nor perpendicular.

b) they are perpendicular.d) they are both parallel and perpendicular.

25. The distance between two parallel lines is the distance between one of the lines and ______.

a) any point farther than the other linec) any point on the other line

b) any point not on the lined) the other line

26. One curious customer took a random survey of 10 passengers on his airplane to determine the average price paid for a ticket. The mean was then calculated for the sample. Determine which of these is represented by the average dollar amount paid by all passengers on the plane.

a) populationb) population parameterc) sample statisticd) sample

27. An English teacher needs to choose 10 students out of 15 to serve as rough draft reviewers. A group of 10 seniors, 3 juniors, and 2 sophomores have volunteered. If the students are chosen randomly, what is the probability that 6 seniors, 2 juniors, and 2 sophomores will be selected?

a) 30/143b) 10/429c) 10/143d) 30/415

28. Students at the middle school are given the opportunity to determine the school’s mascot, the mascot’s name, and the school colors. The choices are narrowed down to those shown in the table below. What is the probability that the students will choose a lion named Gus for their mascot?

a) 1/3b) 1/12c) 2/7d) 1/24

29. This table was compiled from surveying random students in Mrs. Turner’s class about their spring break plans. Based on the data, determine which of the conclusions is valid.

a) More students in Mrs. Turner’s class will be traveling than playing video games this spring break.

b) The majority of students in Mrs. Turner’s class will be doing outdoor activities this spring break.

c) The majority of students in school will be doing outdoor activities this spring break.

d) Given their own option, more students in Mrs. Turner’s class would like to do outdoor activities than shop this spring break.

30. Steve needed to find out which classes people liked the most. Therefore, after he arrived at his math club meeting, he asked some people there. What kind of sample is this?

a) biased, voluntaryc) unbiased, random sample

b) unbiased, random stratified sampled) biased, convenience

31. Solve 2x - ___3___ = 1.

x + 3 x – 3

a) -9b) 0c) 9d) {0, 9}

32. Cindi has earned 81 total points on quizzes, and she has averaged a 13 ½ on them. How many quizzes has she taken?

a) 7b) 6c) 5d) 3

33. Lucy spent $25 on a backpack and bought 3 books for $5 each. She has $15 left. How much did she originally have?

a) $45b) $40c) $55d) $15

34. Divide the following: 32a6b7c2 divided by 16ab6c.

a) 2a5bcb) 2abcc) 2ab13c3d) 2a7b7c

35. If a line has a slope of 1/3, then any line parallel with have a slope of what?

a) 1/3b) -1/3c) 3d) -3

36. Make a conjecture based on the following information. For points A, B, and C, AB = 2, BC = 3, and AC = 4.

a) A, B, and C form a right triangle.c) A, B, and C are noncollinear.

b) A, B, and C are collinear.d) A, B, and C form an equilateral triangle.

37. What is the negation of the conclusion of the following conditional? All birds can fly.

a) It can fly.b) It is not a bird.c) It cannot fly.d) It is a bird.

38. The Law of Detachment and other laws of logic can be used to provide a system for reaching logical conclusions called

a) reasonable doubt.c) detachment reasoning.

b) inductive reasoning.d) deductive reasoning.

39. Which is an example of the symmetric property?

a) If 0.2 = 1/5, then 1/5 = 0.2c) 2x = 2x

b) 5(6 – 2) = 30 – 10d) If 2x = 12, then x = 6.

40. If Angle 1 and Angle 2 form a linear pair and the measure of Angle 1 = 2x + 16 and the measure of Angle 2 = 50x + 60, find the measure of Angle 2.

a) 160ob) 180oc) 80od) 20o

41. The table shows the probability distribution of the number of television sets per household in a neighborhood. What is the probability that a household in this neighborhood has two or more televisions?

a) 0.33b) 0.44c) 0.67d) 0.72

42. Two triangles are necessarily congruent if and only if

a) their corresponding sides and corresponding angles are congruent, and they are rotated to the same position.

b) their corresponding sides and corresponding angles are congruent.

c) their corresponding angles are congruent.

d) two of their sides are congruent.

43. In how many ways can 7 books be arranged on a book shelf having 7 different shelves?

a) 49b) 439c) 5,040d) 2,012

44. How much interest would Mrs. Willis pay for a 30-day loan of $600 at an 8% interest rate?

a) $4b) $18c) $9d) $2.40

45. Find the surface area of a box if the length is 2 feet, the width is 3 feet, and the height is 5 feet.

a) 30 sq. ft.b) 60 sq. ft.c) 62 sq. ft.d) 90 sq. ft.

46. To celebrate getting their drivers’ licenses, Liz, Anna, and Philip borrowed their parents’ cars: a white sedan, a red sports car, and a red compact. Philip’s parents own only red cars. Liz borrowed a red car, but her parents wouldn’t let her drive their sports car. Who was driving the sports car?

a) Lizb) Philipc) Annad) either a or b

47. The table shows the results of rolling a number cube over three separate experiments. What is the experimental probability of rolling a four?

a) 1/6b) 3/20c) 41/60d) 29/60

48. In the equation 4x + 7y = 8, what is the y-intercept?

a) 7/8b) -7/8c) 4/7d) 8/7

49. Give all solutions for x in the following: 8x2 = 2x.

a) x = 0 or x = ¼b) x = 0 or x = -1/4c) x = 0 or x = 4d) x = 0 or x = -4

50. Find another quadratic equation with the same roots as 2x2 – 11x = -12.

a) (x + 4) (2x – 3) = 0b) 4x2 – 22x + 12 = 0c) 2x(x – 4) = -12d) x2 – 11/2 + 6 = 0

B & R


(270) 286-4279



1. A40. A

2. D41. C

3. B42. B

4. A43. C

5. B44. A

6. C45. C

7. D46. B

8. A47. A

9. A48. D

10. C49. A

11. C50. D

12. B

13. A

14. A

15. D

16. A

17. D

18. D

19. B

20. B

21. D

22. C

23. D

24. A

25. C

26. B

27. A

28. B

29. D

30. D

31. D

32. B

33. C

34. A

35. A

36. C

37. C

38. D

39. A

B & R


(270) 991-5204


1. Identify the INCORRECT statement from those listed below:

a) All matter is made up of very small, discrete particles called atoms.

b) All atoms of a particular element are alike but are different from the atoms of any other element.

c) Atoms unite in chemical changes to form elements.

d) None of the above are incorrect.

2. If heat is applied continuously at the bottom, then the boiling point will finally be reached. It is confined to liquids and gases. When a fluid is heated at the bottom, it expands there and its density becomes less. Identify this method of heat transfer resulting in the warmer fluid rising and the colder material above sinking.

a) conductionb) convectionc) radiationd) latent heat

3. The prevailing winds that affect the Sahara Desert are

a) prevailingwesterlies.b) northeast trade winds.c) doldrums winds.d) from the west.

4. When the temperature of a gas in a rigid container increases, the pressure will

a) increase.b) decrease.c) stay the same.d) go up and down.

5. A/An ______is an inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder.

a) leverb) screwc) wheel and axled) pulley

6. Olympus Mons, the largest volcano in our solar system, is found on the planet ______.

a) Jupiterb) Mercuryc) Venusd) Mars

7. Particles of clay and silt eroded and deposited by the wind are called

a) loess.b) till.c) dust.d) sod.

8. A _____ air mass can bring thunderstorms to the United States in summer.

a) maritime polarb) maritime tropicalc) continental polard) continental tropical

9. Which of the following is an example of indirect contact that spreads some infectious diseases?

a) touching and huggingc) inhaling infected drops of moisture

b) animal bitesd) eating contaminated food

10. Identify the INCORRECT statement/s written below:

a) Day and night are caused by Earth’s revolution on its axis.

b) The beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere is marked by the vernal equinox.

c) both a & b

d) none of the above

11. Identify the INCORRECT statement/s written below:

a) When the temperature is constant, the volume of a gas will decrease as the pressure decreases.

b) In a rigid container, as the temperature of a gas decreases, the pressure of the gas will decrease.

c) both a & b

d) none of the above

12. A device that uses an outside energy source to transfer thermal energy from a cool area to a warm area is called ______.

a) a thermometerb) a vaporizerc) a combustion energyd) a refrigerator

13. Identify the CORRECT statement/s written below:

a) A transparent material absorbs light.

b) A virtual image is formed where light rays meet at a point.

c) both a & b

d) none of the above

14. The smallest lava fragments produced by an explosive eruption are called volcanic ______.

a) bombsb) cindersc) ashd) gases

15. The Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic are divisions in the geologic time scale called

a) epochs.b) eras.c) layers.d) periods.

16. Rain or snow is usually associated with ______air pressure.

a) fallingb) risingc) falling then risingd) steady

17. Heterotrophic bacteria obtain food by

a) consuming autotrophs and other heterotrophs.c) helping autotrophs make food.

b) using the energy from chemicals in their environments. d) capturing the sun’s energy.

18. There are more than 3 million different organic compounds in living things. Identify this organic compound made of the elements carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen that is the main source of energy for living things.

a) proteinsb) carbohydratesc) enzymesd) fats & oils

19. Ocean waves, like all other waves, have several characteristics. What is the horizontal distance between two consecutive crests or two consecutive troughs?

a) crestb) troughc) wavelengthd) wave height

20. It is responsible for 28% of the world’s oxygen turnover and is the world’s most diverse ecosystem. Identify this ecosystem characterized by high rainfall.

a) desertb) savannac) rainforestd) taiga

21. White light is separated into the colors of the visible spectrum. They always appear in the same order. What color always appears second?

a) indigob) orangec) redd) blue

22. Earthmoving equipment scrapes away soil to expose ore in the process of

a) strip mining.b) smelting.c) shaft mining.d) scrape mining.

23. What season change refreshes the supply of nutrients throughout a lake?

a) lake turnoverb) eutrophicationc) depositiond) erosion

24. Flooding is most often caused by

a) fast-flowing rivers.c) tornadoes.

b) melting snow and spring rains.d) snowstorms.

25. What does nicotine do to the body?

a) It lowers the level of oxygen in the blood.c) It reduces the desire to smoke.

b) It increases blood pressure.d) It slows the heartbeat.

26. Fur is an adaptation that allows mammals to

a) let their body heat escape.c) find prey.

b) survive in cold climates.d) care for their young.

27. What causes lactic-acid fermentation?

a) too little oxygen in muscle cellsc) too little sugar in muscle cells

b) too much oxygen in muscle cellsd) too much sugar in muscle cells

28. What is one thing adrenaline does to the body during stress?

a) It makes the pupils of the eyes become smaller.c) It reduces hearing.

b) It increases the heart rate.d) It stimulates the appetite.

29. Which of the following is an example of rolling friction?

a) your shoes on a sidewalk as you walkc) a boat on the water as it sails

b) bike tires on the road as you rided) two hands rubbing together

30. Which of the following is considered to be an animallikeprotist?

a) slime moldb) dinoflagellatec) amebad) euglena

31. Parallax is a method used to determine a star’s

a) temperature.b) distance from Earth.c) composition.d) brightness.

32. The scales of all cartilaginous fish are

a) located in pockets on the sides of the head.c) overlapping, like shingles on a roof.

b) pointed and toothlike.d) located within the swim bladder.

33. Which substituted hydrocarbon is formed by replacing atoms with one or more hydroxyl groups?

a) alcoholb) halogen compoundc) organic acidd) ester

34. ______was the South African surgeon who performed the first successful human heart transplant.

a) Charles Bellb) Harvey Cushingc) Christiaan Barnardd) Walter Reed

35. How are the noble gases different from other groups of elements?

a) Their atoms do not react easily with other atoms.c) They have no valence electrons.

b) They are nonmetals.d) Their atoms react only with each other.

36. The symbol for current is

a) C.b) P.c) V.d) I.

37. Which of the following is a list of mineral crystals?

a) halite, water, carbon dioxide, quartzc) sugar, sulfur, salt, methane

b) halite, sugar, oxygen, micad) halite, sulfur, mica, quartz

38. Photographs of the far side of the moon show that

a) there is water on the far side.c) the far side has active volcanoes.

b) the far side is much rougher than the near side.d) the far side has a smooth surface.

39. In conservation plowing, why are dead weeds and stalks of the previous year’s crop left in the ground?

a) to retain moisture and hold the soil in place

b) to reduce the amount of seed needed for the next year’s crop

c) to keep the soil from becoming too fertile

d) to keep more organisms out of the soil

40. The most diverse group of gymnosperms are the

a) cycads.b) ginkgoes.c) gnetophytesd) conifers

41. What causes a solar eclipse?

a) Earth’s shadow on the moonc) Earth’s shadow on the sun

b) the sun’s shadow on Earthd) the moon’s shadow on Earth

42. What is the difference between refracting and reflecting telescopes?

a) A reflecting telescope uses a convex lens to magnify an image, and a refracting telescope uses a mirror.

b) A refracting telescope uses a mirror, and a reflecting telescope uses a concave lens to magnify an image.

c) A refracting telescope uses a convex lens to magnify an image, and a reflecting telescope uses a mirror.

d) There is no difference.

43. Yeasts consist of

a) many long hyphae that are tightly wound together.c) single cells.

b) astemlike stalk that is topped by a cap.d) cup-shaped fruiting bodies.

44. The month-old leftovers that you discover at the back of the refrigerator are spotted with a velvety blue-green fungus. This fungus is probably a

a) yeast.b) mushroom.c) lichen.d) mold.

45. Identify the CORRECT statement written below:

a) The particles of the medium move perpendicular to the direction in which a transverse wave is traveling.

b) The particles of the medium move in circular paths as a surface wave passes.

c) both a & b

d) none of the above

46. Identify the CORRECT statement written below:

a) The potential difference between the terminals of a voltage source causes current to flow in a circuit.

b) As the temperature of most conductors increases, the resistance increases.

c) both a & b

d) none of the above

47. Identify the CORRECT statement written below:

a) Charged particles from the solar wind come closest to Earth at the magnetic poles where Earth’s magnetic field lines dip down to Earth’s surface.

b) An electric current cannot be used to deflect a compass needle.

c) both a & b

d) none of the above

48. A generator supplies 15,000 J of electrical energy each minute. Determine the maximum number of 100-W light bulbs that the generator can power.

a) 1b) 2c) 5d) 15

49. What class of lever is a wheelbarrow?

a) firstb) secondc) thirdd) fourth

50. Identify the CORRECT statement written below:

a) Air enters your lungs when you inhale because the pressure inside your lungs and the pressure outside are balanced.

b) Your heart, squeeze bottles, and medicine droppers work on Archimedes’ principle.

c) both a & b

d) none of the above

B & R


(270) 991-5204



1. C40. D

2. B41. D

3. B42. C

4. A43. C

5. B44. D

6. D45. C

7. A46. C

8. B47. A

9. C48. B

10. A49. B

11. A50. D

12. D

13. D

14. C

15. B

16. A

17. A

18. B

19. C

20. C

21. B

22. A

23. A

24. B

25. B

26. B

27. A

28. B

29. B

30. C

31. B

32. C

33. A

34. C

35. A

36. D

37. D

38. B

39. A

B & R


(270) 991-5204


1.The term “symphonic poem” was used to describe some of the new musical compositions. Opera became more serious and more dramatic. Nationalism was a force in music, and composers often incorporated folk music into their work. Identify this major musical period occurring from about 1815 to 1910 when musicians broke free from the demands of patrons and composed for their own and their audiences’ pleasures.

a) modernb) classicalc) baroqued) romantic

2.The relationship of one movement or part of a movement to another is the dance element known as time. It includes which aspect known as a movement or shape performed in such a way as to give emphasis?