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Memo No. Da-1/ Date:

Invitation for Tender

Tender Notice No. 02/2010-2011.

1. / Ministry/Division / Ministry of Water Resources
2. / Agency / Bangladesh Water Development Board.
3. / Procuring Entity Name / Executive Engineer, Jhalakathi Water Development Division, BWDB, Jhalakathi.
4. / Procuring Entity District / Jhalakathi.
5. / Invitation for / Manufacturing,supplying, dumping & placing of CC blocks, Supplying of Non-Woven punched Geo-textile (empty) bags size 126 kg & 175 kg, Filling & dumping of Geo-textile bags (size 126 kg & 175 kg) for River bank protection work of Nalcity town from the erosion of Sugandha river from 12.00m to 220.00m at Nalcity Upazila of Jhalokathi District under Jhalokathi WD Division, BWDB, Jhalokathi during the year 2010-2011.
6. / Invitation Ref. No / Memo No-Da-1/39(40)
7. / Date / 10-01-2011
8. / Procurement Method / Open Tendering Method (OTM)
9. / Budget and Source of Funds / GOB (River Bank Protection, Development & Town Protection Project (Phase-4)).
10. / Development Partners
(if applicable) / Not applicable
11. / Project Code (if applicable) / -
12. / Project Name(if applicable) / River Bank Protection work of Nalcity Town from the erosion of Sugandha river at Nalcity Upazila of Jhalokathi District under River Bank Protection, Development & Town Protection Project (Phase-4)under Jhalokathi WD Division, BWDB, Jhalokathi during the year 2010-2011.
13. / Tender Package No. / 2 (Two) Nos.
14. / Tender Package Name / (i) Package No-Jwdd-W1/2010-2011, (ii) Package No-Jwdd-W2/2010-2011
15. / Tender Publication date / 10-01-2011
16. / Tender Last Selling date / 06-02-2011
17. / Last Date & Time of Tender submission / Date :07-02-2011, Time : 12.00 hours (noon)
18. / Tender Opening Date & Time / Date :07-02-2011, Time : 13.00 hours
19. / Name & Address of the Office(s):
- Selling Tender Document (Principal) / Sonali Bank limited, Jhalakathi Court Building Branch, Jhalakathi.
- Selling Tender Document
(Others) / 1. Sonali Bank Limited, Sagordi Branch, Sagordi, Barisal.
2. Janata Bank Limited, Dilkusha Corporate Branch, 29, Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka.
Receiving Tender Document / Office of the Executive Engineer, Jhalakathi WD. Division, BWDB, Jhalakathi
Opening Tender Document / Office of the Executive Engineer, Jhalakathi WD. Division, BWDB, Jhalakathi
20. / Place/Date/Time of Pre-Tender Meeting (Optional) / Not Applicable
21. / Eligibility of Tenderer / All Eligible Tenderers as per The Public Procurement Rules- 2008.
22. / Brief Description of works / CC blocks manufacturing, supplying, dumping, placing and geo-textile bags supply, filling, dumping, etc.
23. / Price of Tender Document (Tk.)
Identification of Package No. / Identification of package / Location
District / Price of
(Tk) / Tender
(Tk) / Completion
Time in Week/Month
24. / Jwdd-W1/2010-2011 / Manufacturing, dumping & placing of CC blocks, filling & dumping of Geo-textile bags size 126 kg & 175 kg for River bank protection work of Nalcity town & adjacent area from the erosion of Sugandah river from 12.00m to 220.00m at Nalcity Upazila of Jhalokathi District under Jhalokathi WD Division, BWDB, Jhalokathi during the year 2010-2011. / Nalcity
Jhalakathi / 1500/- / 3,00,000/- / 4 months


Identification of Package No. / Identification of package / Location
District / Price of
(Tk) / Tender
(Tk) / Completion
Time in Days
25. / Jwdd-W2/2010-2011 / Supplying of Non-woven needle punched Geo-textile(empty) bags size 126 kg & 175 kg for River bank protection work of Nalcity town & adjacent area from the erosion of Sugandah river from 12.00m to 220.00m at Nalcity Upazila of Jhalokathi District under Jhalokathi WD Division, BWDB, Jhalokathi during the year 2010-2011. / Nalcity
Jhalakathi / 1500/- / 2,28,000/- / 3 months
26. / Name of Official Inviting Tender / MD. Zakir Hossain
27. / Designation of Official Inviting Tender / Executive Engineer
28. / Address of Official Inviting Tender / Jhalakathi WD. Division, BWDB, Jhalakathi
29. / Contact details of Official Inviting Tender / East Chand kathi, Jhalakathi
Phone : 0498-63440 (Office)
30. / a) The procuring entity reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the Tenders without assigning any reason.
b) If any confusion arises due to printing mistakes in STDPW2STD PG3 or otherwise, than “The Public Procurement Rules-2008” will govern.
c) The Tender closing date will be automatically extended to the following Office day in case of any unavoidable circumstances for which notice will be served and posted in the Notice Boards of the Chief Engineer, Southern Zone, BWDB, Barisal, the Superintending Engineer, Barisal O & M Circle, BWDB, Barisal and in the Office of the undersigned. In that case,Tender will be opened at the same time on the next working day. For this reason the Tenderers are advised to establish communication with the undersigned over Telephone # 0498-63440 (Office).
d) The procuring entity reserves the right to shift the location of work as per field condition requirement and quantity of works may increase or decrease as per field requirement, no claim in this regard will be entertained.
e). Notice of Award will be issued after getting approval from the competent authority.
f) Payment will be made as per availability of fund.
g) There is no provision for Land Acquisition for this work. So, Contractors will have to arrange the land at their own initiatives for works if necessary . No payment will be made in this regard and no claim in this regard will be entertained.
h) The regulation laid down in the “Public Procurement Rules- 2008” and Public Procurement Act’ 2006, “The Procedures for Implementation of the PPR 2008, and the “Standard Tender Document (PW2 and PG3) and ” shall be in strict compliance.
i) All certificate and other relevant papers which will be submitted with the Tender Document must be marked by serial numbers.
j) In case of modification, the tenderer should be newly filled / quoted the item wise rate and amount in the respective columns of the section 6: BOQ of those item’s rate want to be corrected / modified and submitted in the sealed envelope before the tender submission dead line in principle Tender submission office place. Modification quoted as percentage less or above on one or total items rate / amount will not be accepted.
k) Any interlineations, erasures, or overwriting in tender modification will not be accepted.
l) The Tender Security in the form of Demand Draft/ Pay Order/ Bank Guarantee must be submitted from any schedule Bank of Bangladesh in favour of Accounts Officer, Regional Accounting Centre, BWDB, Barisal. In case of Pay Order, it will be issued from the schedule Bank of Jhalakathi Town only. The Tender Security also payable in the form of irrecoverable Bank Guarantee issued from a Schedule Bank of Bangladesh in favour of The Executive Engineer, Jhalakathi WD. Division, BWDB, Jhalakathi.
m) In case of geo-textile bag supply, sample of size 50cmX 50cm with test report of Manufacturing Company should submit with the Tender Document.
n) If it is proved at any stage that information furnished in the Tender by the tenderer is false and the tender is signed and submitted in a way of fraudulent instead of signing the same by the actual tenderer / their authorized signatory, their tender/work order will be outright and action will be taken according to PPR-2008.
o) The Tenderer shall prepare one (1) original of the documents comprising the Tender as described in ITT Clause 12 and clearly mark it “ORIGINAL.” In addition, the Tenderer shall prepare one (1) copy of the tender, and clearly mark “COPY.” In addition to the one original and one Copy of the Tender document, the Tenderer will be submitted 2(Two) sets of BOQ in two separate kham with the tender document.

N. B. This Tender Notice will also be available in the website of BWDBand CPTU. The address are www. bwdb. gov. bd and respectively.



Executive Engineer

Jhalakati WD Division

BWDB, Jhalakati.

Memo No. Da-1/39/1(40)Date:10-01-2011

Copy forwarded for kind information/ information and wide circulation to :

01.The Additional Director General (Western Region), BWDB, WAPDA Building (2nd floor), Motijheel C/A, Dhaka-1000.

02.The Chief Engineer, Southern Zone, BWDB, Barisal.

03.The Chief Monitoring, BWDB, Motijheel C/A, Dhaka-1000.

04.The Divisional Commissioner, Barisal Division, Barisal.

05.The Superintending Engineer, Barisal O & M Circle, BWDB, Barisal.

06. The Project Director, Town Protection Project (Phase-4), 960/1, Outer Circular Road, Rajarbag, BWDB, Dhaka.

07.The Director, Contract & Procurement Cell, BWDB,WAPDA Bhaban (8th floor), Motijheel C/A, Dhaka-1000.

08.The C. S. O to the Director General, BWDB, WAPDA Building (2nd floor), Motijheel C/A, Dhaka-1000.

09.The Deputy Commissioner,Jhalakathi.


10.The Superintendent of Police, Jhalakathi.

11.The Executive Engineer, BarisalO & M Division, BWDB, Barisal

12. The Executive Engineer, Pirojpur O&M Division, BWDB, Pirojpur.

13.. The Executive Engineer, Patuakhali O&M Division, BWDB, Patuakhali.

14. The Executive Engineer, Barguna O&M Division, BWDB, Barguna.

15.The Executive Engineer, Roads & Highways, Jhalakathi.

16.The Executive Engineer, LGED, Jhalakathi.

17.The Executive Engineer, Public Works Department, Jhalakathi.

18.The Executive Engineer, Public Health Engineering, Jhalakathi.

19.The System Analyst, Computer Section, Office of the Chief Monitoring, BWDB,WAPDA Bhaban, Motijheel C/A, Dhaka-1000. He is requested to arrange all necessary actions to publish in the website of CPTU and BWDB (CD enclosed) and also requested to send print copy from website.

20.The Sub-Divisional Engineer, Jhalakathi O & M/Jhalakathi WD Sub-Division, BWDB, Jhalakathi.

21.The Accounts Officer, Regional Accounting Centre, BWDB, Barisal.

22.The Manager, Janata Bank Limited, Dilkusha Corporate Branch, 29/Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka( Note-1) with25 sets=10sets(2 Copy-1 set).

23.The Manager, Sonali Bank Limited, Jhalakathi Court Building Branch, Jhalakathi(Note-01) with210 sets=20sets(2 Copy -1 set).

24.The Manager, Sonali Bank Limited, Sagordi Branch, Sagordi, Barisal(Note-01) 25 sets=10sets ( 2 Copy – 1 set).

25.The Assistant Engineer/Assistant Accountant/Head Assistant/Estimator, JhalakathiWD. Division, BWDB, Jhalakathi.

26.Mr. / M/s......

27.Notice Board / Tender File (Da-1)

Executive Engineer

Jhalakati WD Division

BWDB, Jhalakati.

Note-1: The above indicated number of sets of Tender Documents (each set consists of two copies of document) are herewith for selling to intending tenderers up to 06-02-2011 during office hours at rate mentioned in the notice per set ( Non-refundable). The sale proceeds shall be credited to the Director, Finance, BWDB, Dhaka in the Account no. STD 36001008, Janata Bank Limited, Dilkusha Corporate Branch, 29, Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka and Accounts Officer, Regional Accounting Center (RAC), BWDB, Barisal in the A/C. No. SB-6403, Sonali Bank limited, Sagordi Branch, Barisal and Unsold tender Documents along with the copy of the credit advice is requested to sent to the undersigned at the earliest.

Note-2 : The Tenderer shall prepare one (1) original of the documents comprising the Tender as described in ITT Clause 12 and clearly mark it “ORIGINAL.” In addition, the Tenderer shall prepare one (1) copy of the tender, and clearly mark “COPY.” In addition to the one original and one Copy of the Tender document, the Tenderer will be submitted 2(Two) sets of BOQ in two separate kham with the tender document.