Proposed Uniform Plan

SSC will vote on a uniform policy on February 4th (revised date). This is the proposed plan we will present.

Common themes across grades in classroom conversations with students include:

  • comfortable
  • sweatpants
  • FDR logo gear
  • colors: blue, black, gray


For all options, bottoms include pants, skirts, and jumpers. Leggings and jeans are not acceptable pants. Sweatpants and FDR apparel are acceptable uniform options any day.

Uniform wear can be purchased from any store, however tops must be plain (insert color) and bottoms must be plain (insert color) - no words or designs with the exception of FDR apparel.

Below is our current school-wide dress code. This will be adapted next year to include our uniform policy.

Dress Code

We have a dress code that students are expected to follow. Students are expected to wear appropriate clothing to school on a daily basis. Students who do not adhere to the dress code will be asked to adjust their clothing or their parents/guardians will be contacted to bring alternate clothing to school. Students who repeatedly violate the dress code will have increasingly serious consequences, in-line with our progressive discipline policy. The following are specific dress code regulations that all students are expected to follow:

  • Hats and hoods may not be worn in the school building.
  • Printed messages on t-shirts and clothing must be appropriate for school.
  • Students must wear their pants at their waists--ensuring that all undergarments are covered.
  • Students midriffs, bottoms, and chests should be covered.
  • Footwear must be appropriate and safe for participation in school activities.

The Boston Public Schools uniform policy is the following:

The Boston Public Schools does not have a district-wide school uniform. However, it does have a School Uniform Policy. Under the policy, each School Site Council must choose one of three options: no uniform, voluntary uniform or dress code, or mandatory (required) uniform or dress code. Even if your child’s school has a mandatory uniform policy, you have the right not to participate. To do this, send a letter to the principal stating why your child is not participating. School staff must allow students who are not wearing uniforms to attend school.

Option #1Option #2Option #3

Tops: Light BlueTops: Navy BlueTops: Gray

Bottoms: Navy BlueBottoms: Gray Bottoms: Navy Blue

Proposed Launch Plan

Launch: April-June

  • Include new uniform policy in notices: bulletin, newsletters, etc
  • Organize a fashion show where students can model how to “Rock My Uniform”
  • Student council reps will visit classrooms to motivate students to wear their uniform
  • Work on developing a school logo contest with students
  • Finalize school logo by May to give us enough time to have uniforms made and available for purchase over the summer, or preferably available for purchase in June

Launch: September

  • Include policy in parent handbook and review at open houses
  • Start strong with lots of incentives: classes who wear uniform 90% will receive weekly incentives for September. Classroom teacher will choose the weekly incentive. Incentives may include:
  • Classroom parties
  • Picture with Principal in the newsletter (bi-weekly)
  • Class picture with Principal (include in bulletin board? newsletter?)
  • Classroom Dance Party
  • 10 minutes of Extra Recess/Free Time
  • Class-wide distribution of Scholar Dollars/Middle School Points
  • Display daily uniform participation percentage by class on a bulletin board at each campus
  • No uniform the last Friday of every month

Proposed Incentives & Enforcement

Plan for incentives

  • Rewards will be given as a class, not to individual students
  • Tie incentives into current reward systems (scholar points and scholar dollars)
  • Classes who have 90% of students wearing their uniform for the month, will receive one of the following incentive(s). Teachers will choose which incentive to give each month. Possible incentives include:
  • Classroom parties
  • Ice cream party at the end of the year
  • Picture with Principal in the newsletter
  • Class picture with Principal (include in bulletin board? newsletter?)
  • Classes announced at monthly community celebrations
  • Classroom Dance Party
  • 10 minutes of Extra Recess/Free Time
  • Class-wide distribution of Scholar Dollars/Middle School Points

Plan for kids not coming in uniform (families have not opted out):

  • When a student enters building without uniform, teacher sends student to office to Ms. Steele or Mrs. Sheridan.
  • Mrs. Sheridan or Ms. Steele will call home and send a letter home. Student will be given a shirt to wear the first two times this happens. Administrator will collect “collateral” (keys, phone, bus pass, bag, etc) from kids to be returned at the end of the day when the shirt is returned
  • Phone call home may not happen first thing in the morning if administrators are not available to call right away, but it will happen that day.
  • Once a student has come to school without uniform for a 3rd time, an administrator will set up a meeting with parents to find out what the issue is and how we can support the family.
  • Extra uniforms will be stored by the nurse at both campuses.
  • Donation table/uniform swap table: Beginning with the summer back to school picnic, families can donate uniform items that are either new or gently used. Going forward, we will have a uniform swap table at all school events where families can leave items they no longer need and/or pick up uniform items that would be useful.