Synonym Snap

Here is a version of the card game Snap that you can play with synonyms. You will need a group of two or more people to play it.

The page below has a list of words, some of which are synonyms of each other. To make a pack of Synonym Snap cards, print the whole page, then cut along the lines and glue each word onto a separate piece of thick paper or card. You should have 48 cards, each with a single word in the middle.

Shuffle the cards and deal them out as equally as possible among the players. (It is okay if some players have more cards than others.) Each player puts their cards in a pile in front of them, with the word side down.

Choose one player to start. The first player turns over the top card in their pile and places it in the centre of the table, with the word side up. The player to the left then turns over their top card and adds it to the new pile. If the word on the card is a synonym of the previous word, then the first player to shout “Snap!” wins all the cards which have been turned over.

Take turns to play, moving in a clockwise direction around the table. When a player has no cards left, they are out of the game. The winner is the player who wins all the cards.

You can make additional sets of Synonym Snap cards by choosing new lists of synonyms from your thesaurus.


beautiful / good-looking / handsome / attractive / gorgeous / pretty
happy / joyful / cheerful / merry / gleeful / delighted
sad / unhappy / glum / sorrowful / miserable / forlorn
small / little / miniature / petite / minute / tiny
look / glance / stare / peek / gaze / peer
say / exclaim / declare / state / remark / announce
eat / munch / nibble / guzzle / savour / dine
walk / amble / saunter / stroll / plod / pace