Categories/Points / 50 - 45 / 44 - 39 / 38 - 34 / 33
(Information, and Quote)
50 pts / Student includes all the required information along with detailed explanations. Speech has a creative introduction and conclusion. / Student includes all the required information along with explanations. / Student included most of the required information, but lacked detailed explanations. / Student information was vague and left the audience uninformed and/or key components of the speech were missing.
15 / 13 / 11.5 / 10
15 pts / Student presents information in logical, interesting sequence which audience can follow. / Student presents information in logical sequence which audience can follow. / Audience has difficulty following speech because student jumps around. / Audience cannot understand speech because there is no sequence of information.
15 / 13 / 11.5 / 10
Elocution(The art of public speaking in which gesture, vocal production, and delivery are emphasized.)
15 pts / Student uses a clear voice and correct, precise pronunciation of words so that all audience members can hear presentation. Few to no stumbles. / Student’s voice is clear. Student pronounces most words correctly. Most audience members can hear presentation. Several minor stumbles. / Student’s voice is low. Student incorrectly pronounces words. Audience has difficulty hearing presentation. Multiple stumbles. / Student mumbles, incorrectly pronounces words, and speaks too quietly for students in the back of class to hear. / ______
10 / 8.5 / 7.5 / 6.5
Eye Contact
10 pts / Student maintains eye contact with audience, seldom returning to notes. / Student maintains eye contact most of the time but frequently returns to notes. / Student occasionally uses eye contact, but still reads most of speech. / Student reads all of speech with no eye contact. / ______
10 - 9 / 8.5 / 7.5 / 6.5
10 pts / Between 2-4 minutes / Just under 2 minutes or just over 4 minutes / Between 1minute 45seconds and 1 minute / Less than 1 minute / ______
Total Points / ______

NOTE: Any student who does not present their speech will receive a zero. Students who present their speech late will receive the standard deduction for late work.