Athens County Convention and Visitors Bureau

2018 Tourism GrantProgram

General Sponsorship/Grants

This is a cash award not to exceed $1,000.

Guidelines for use of the General Sponsorship/Grant Award are as follows:

  • Funding should be requested for marketing, promotion, and advertising expenses only (brochures, maps, print, radio, or TV advertising) conducted outside of the local area.
  • Funding may not be used for administrative, personnel, equipment, capital improvements, or space costs.
  • The event must be held in2018 within Athens County.
  • If an applicant is requesting funding for more than one special event, project, or program, separate applications must be completed for each request. Applicant should prioritize requests.
  • Applicants must have a fiscal agent – an incorporated, nonprofit, tax-exempt organization – that provides administrative and financial services. The fiscal agent accepts responsibility for administering the paperwork and project funds throughout the application and sponsorship process.
  • Applications must include an overall budget.
  • Applications may include relevant support materials.
  • Recipients MUST use ACCVB logo and recognition of sponsorship in all print, signage, and promotions for which the funding was requested. Failure to do so could result in the loss of future award opportunities.

A final report is not necessary after the event or promotion.

Application Process

  • Completed application forms and support materials must be submitted to the ACCVB office by close of business (5 p.m.) on Tuesday,February 20, 2018.
  • Application packets are reviewed by the Tourism Sponsorship Committee and then presented to the ACCVB Board of Trustees for final funding decisions.
  • Once funds are awarded, a letter of the decisions informs all applicants.
  • Applicants who receive a favorable decision enter into an agreement with the ACCVB.
  • General Sponsorship/Grant Award Recipients may receive an advanced partial payment of as much as 50% of the total sponsorship prior to completion of the special event, project, or program.
  • A Final Report Form to ACCVB is not necessary.
  • Final payment of Sponsorship Awards will be sent to recipients following review of the Final Report Form and Tourism Development Sponsorship Committee approval.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact:

Paige Alost, Executive Director | | 740-592-1819