Overall Objective

To increase participation in sports and PE and develop healthy life styles by:

• developing confidence in staff with the teaching of PE across the school.

• promoting the importance of a healthy lifestyle to all pupils.

• continuing to build on the legacy of the 2012 Olympics – additional Government PE funding.

• encouraging competitive sport across the school.

• promoting sport and physical activity outside of school.

What we are currently doing. All pupils participate in 2 hours of PE per week through which we develop their physical activity, tactical knowledge, fitness and team work skills.

This is developed through the six areas of activity as set out in the National Curriculum – Dance, Games, Gymnastics, Athletics, Outdoor Adventurous Activity and Swimming.

Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 are given the opportunity to swim at Kingfisher Leisure Centre and we aim for all pupils leaving school to be able to swim at least 25m. The same Year Groups will also access session at Sudbury Gymnastics Club were they will be able to use the equipment under the coaching of qualified coaches. This will provide an opportunity for teachers and teaching assistants to observe and learn from the qualified coaches, bringing that knowledge back to school and into their teaching of gymnastics – as appropriate to equipment in school and confidence of the teachers.

Alongside the PE curriculum, children will be able to participate in lunch time activities, offered by Mr Gates and the Sport leaders. A range of after-school clubs are offered to the children at Tudor, delivered by staff as well as outside agencies. The clubs currently offered; Girls’ football – Miss England KS2; Dodgeball, tennis, Tag rugby, Boys’ football KS2 – Mr Gates; Multiskills KS1 and fitness yr1-6 – Mr Sparks; Gymnastics – Rebecca; Boxercise and Fencing yr1-6 - Prestige Sports.

Objectives / Actions / Success Criteria / Start date / Review date
To continue to raise the profile of PE and Sport at Tudor. /
  • Additional After-school clubs offered.
  • Break/lunchtime activities delivered – JG and Sport Leaders – Tudor Mile each break, Key Skills activities at Lunch.
  • Sports Leaders interviewed and selected for the academic year.
  • To participate in inter and intra sporting competitions.
  • G&T pupils identified across curriculum areas, then attend G&T focus group session.
  • Increasing number of children accessing After-School Clubs, in particular, KS1 and UKS2 girls.
  • Children accessing activities.
  • Group of approx. 10 chn selected and trained, from Yr6 and Yr5.
  • Teams entered in competitions – 1 per half-term – depending on comps available. In school sport tournaments organised and supervised by LE, JG and Sport Leaders.
  • List for each KS compiled, chn attend 1x session each week additional to PE lessons with J.G
  • September 2017
  • Lunch activities – Sept 2017, Tudor Mile once Sport Leaders have been selected – Late Sept/Oct.
  • Late September.
  • January 2018 – see which clubs have been successful / clubs changed due to competitions / weather.
  • November 2017
  • End of each term to review lists and change the session being delivered by JG.

To ensure the effective use of PE Premium funding. /
  • Funding used to provide transport to Sudbury Gym Club.
  • Purchase PE kit for children to borrow in PE sessions.
  • Equipment purchased/checked to facilitate effective delivery of PE.
  • Sessions attended.
  • Kit in the hall accessible to all – including footwear.
  • Resources are in good working order – current resources checked each term. Equipment purchased.
  • September 2017
  • September 2017
  • September 2017
  • Ongoing
  • October 2017 – see if all sizes/kit is appropriate / more needed.
  • Termly

To develop the knowledge and skills of staff members to ensure the delivery of high quality PE. /
  • Arrange opportunities for teachers/JG to observe PE sessions and provide feedback.
  • Planning scrutiny and informal session observation– LE
  • CPD opportunities for teachers and support staff.
  • Provide opportunities for teaching staff to team teach / observe LE in areas they desire further experience / feedback.
  • Sessions occurring at least 3 times a week, within each Key Stage. JG to form links with OSA – with EI assisting – to gain further experience / observation opportunities of PE teaching staff.
  • Teachers to attend Gym Club sessions.
  • Units of work taken in at the start of delivery to ensure inclusion of all abilities and opportunities to challenge the more able, in addition to assessment notes, and once the unit has been completed.
  • Shallow Swim certificate – K.W
  • September 2017
  • September 2017
  • Shallow Swim session booked October 2017. Ongoing – when available.
  • October 2017
  • October 2017

Additional information

Tudor Mile – track set up on the playground which once completed a set number of times, will equal 1 mile. Class list to record the number of laps each child completes throughout the week. Prize given at the end of the week to the child with the highest amount of laps – in EYFS, KS1, LKS2, UKS2 – along with the class which completed the most laps. Tudor Mile trophy.

In school competitions –league set up, where children put together a team from their Key Stage – mixed boys and girls – to compete against other teams. The sport will be linked to the sport being delivered in PE sessions with JG. The teams/KS taking part will change each half-term to allow all year groups to participate.