Year Group: / Term: Autumn / Trip: Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery
Children will focus on
Writing Dilemma
Stories. They will focus on punctuation, grammar and composition. Children will learn to plan, write and edit a chapter of our class story. / Texts:
‘Lost or Stolen.’
‘Ka, The Time
Travelling Cat’, by Julia Jarman.
‘My best book of mummies.’
‘The Egyptian Cinderella’
/ Maths: Children will
focus on Place Value;
learning how to add 1000 more, order, compare and round 4-digit numbers. Children will then move onto adding and subtracting 4-digit numbers. / Science: During Autumn 1, children are learning about Animals including humans. This will include the digestive system, teeth and food chains.
They will also look
At the lifecycle of a plant / Computing:
Children will be learning
How to use search engines
Effectively, how to find
Relevant information online and the importance of emails in the digital age.
Geography links to our theme of Egypt. Children will learn to use an Atlas to locate Geographical features. They will also look at the importance of the Nile River in Egypt.
/ History:
In History, children will be looking at life in Ancient Egypt. They will be looking at Egyptian Artefacts, creating time lines and learning about the hierarchy of Egyptian society. / Theme: Ancient Egypt
/ Art:
Children will study
The Pop Art style, looking at the works of Andy Warhol. They will then create their own piece of Egyptian inspired Pop Art. / Design Technology:
Children will create an Egyptian themed puppet, based on one of the Egyptian Gods. They will design their puppet and look at ways to make the
Puppet move.
Children will be focusing on Modern British values: They will focus on the importance of working together.
/ RE:
In Autumn One, Children will look at Christianity, focusing on why Jesus is important to Christians. They will also cover key events in the life of Jesus Christ. / Music:
Children will be studying a module based on the music of ‘Abba.’
They will learn to sing, find musical pulse, play instrumental accompaniments and understand how songs are composed musically. / Languages:
Children will learn: how to make introductions, say where do you live , animals/pets and role plays. / PE: Children are going to learn skills and techniques necessary to play handball.

Year Group: / Term: Spring / Trip: Roman History Trip
Non-fiction- Romans, historical facts, description, non-chronological reports, recounts of our visit. Narrative- Roman Bean feast, talk for writing.
Poetry- Gladiators and Imagine, Pie Corbett. Non-fiction, explanation texts, games, literacy shed. / Texts:
Class Text: The Roman
BeanFeast by Ros
Asquith / Maths:
Handling Money. / Science:
Sound- investigating how sounds are made and travel, about pitch and volume, how distance effects volume.
Electricity - making simple circuits, learn about appliances and conductors / Computing:
Children will be exploring
Digital media with a focus
On making short films.
They will also explore the use of
Children will be
Learning about the
growth and expansion
of the Roman Empire across Europe and the rest of the world. / History:
Children will be
Learning about how
Romans lived. They will
Look at Roman culture, Roman artwork, Roman Military life and the types of homes Romans lived in.
/ Theme:
Roman Empire
/ Art:
Shield designs.
Researching different designs.
Drafting, outlines and sketching designs
Adapt and refine paintings step by step.
Looking at painting techniques. Mosaics ad collage/ range of materials for effect. / Design Technology:
Design and making Roman shields.
Use coiling, overlapping, tessellation, mosaic
and montage

We also continue to focus on learning more about Modern British Values. / RE:
During the Spring
Term we will be
Learning about
The Sikhism and Islam. / Music:
Learn songs.
Sing song from memory.
Roman march song-compose.
Complete rhythm accompaniment.
Use vocabulary to describe a piece of music. / Languages:

French / PE:
Indoor games
Fundamental movement skills.
Year Group: / Term: Summer / Experience: Bhangra music and dancing experience.
Play-scripts and Dialogue.
Stories from other cultures.
Adventure and Mystery
Newspaper reports / Texts:
Class Text: The
Rickshaw Girl by
Mitali Perkins. / Maths:
Statistics / Science:
Children will be learning
About states of matter and the water cycle. / Computing:
Web Page Design
Planning and Creating
an Animation.
Children will learn
All about life in
India. The will learn
About the physical georgraphy of India as a country. The will also focus on elements of human georgraphy, looking at the relationship between people and effect on the place in which they live. / History:
Children will focus on
the history
Of Indian culture.
They will learn about traditions in Indian culture. / Theme:
An Indian Summer!
/ Art:
Children will study a
Variety of Indian
Artwork. They will create their
Own artworks using a different media. / Design Technology:
Children will look at
A balanced diet.
Children will explore the origins of different foods, looking at how food is produced around the world.
We also continue to focus on learning more about Modern British Values / RE:
Children will be learning
About Judaism and Hinduism.
/ Music:
Bhangra Music / Languages:

French / PE:
Team Games
Fundamental Movement skills.