Sir Charles Gairdner Osborne Park Health Care Group Statistical Consultation Form

The Sir Charles Gairdner Osborne Park Health Care Group (SCGOPHCG) Statistical Consultation Service is available to all researchers employed at Sir Charles Gairdner or Osborne Park Hospital and are conducting research at either of the sites. Investigators may access up to 10 hours through the statistical consultation service, after which justification for ongoing support will need to be provided. These services are provided at the discretion of the Department of Research.

Note – Where there is a reasonable contribution to the manuscript through analysis and interpretation of the data, there is expectation of the biostatistician being included in the authorship of the paper.

Please complete the following form to gain access to the service

Please complete Investigator Details
SCGOPHCG Researchers Full Name / Title, First Name, SURNAME
Researchers CGNM Employee Number / This can be located on your payslip
Contact email for Researcher / Click here to enter text.
SCGOPHCG Department / Click here to enter text.
Position held / Position held at SCGOPHCG
Research Project Details
Project Title
Please tick the Statistical services you are seeking / Power/sample size calculation☐
Analysis of own data ☐
Qualitative methods ☐
Trial or study design ☐
Interpretation of data ☐
Have you applied for HREC or QI? / HRECQINeither
Please enter your HREC or QI number
Are you intending on applying for funding? / YesNo
If Yes, please specify source
Please provide a brief description of your project
Please indicate your deadline for this project / Click here to enter a date.
Please outline the reason for your deadline

Please email completed form to
Please attach any relevant documentation to the email, such as protocol or research plan. Do not attach datasets.

Office use (to be completed by biostatistician)
Job number::
Date seen: / Click here to enter a date.
Duration of consultation:
Agreed outcome: / Click here to enter text.

Sir Charles Gairdner Group Department of Research, Level 2 A Block, Hospital Ave, Nedlands, WA 6009

Telephone (08) 6457 4531 Fax (08) 6457 3307 ABN: 61 282 636 952

email Website