“Professionalism through Knowledge” / NALEO Invoice: / 16
Purchase Order:
Invoiced on:
Payment rec’d:


TAXI/PRIVATE HIRE TRAINING COURSE - 20th September 2016 (Non-residential)
Micklegate Room, The Priory Street Centre, 15 Priory Street, York, YO1 6ET
(Please see the contractual terms applicable to the booking as overleaf)
Title: / Forenames:
Surname: / Tel:
Emergency Contact (not work):
Authority Name:
Postcode / Invoicing Address/ Postcode
Tick here if your authority requires NALEO to register with their online E-Procurement Service
Email address for pdf Invoices
If NALEO has been assigned a mandatory supplier number please show here.
Special Dietary Needs/ Disability Adjustments required (please list)
Please indicate your membership status and the relevant fees to be included on the invoice:
Cost per Delegate (Member Rate) / £125-00 / =
Cost per Delegate (Non-Member Rate) / £225-00 / =
Total to be invoiced
I have read and understood the contractual booking terms and cancellation policy as listed overleaf and wish to request NALEO to accept and process my booking. In signing this application I accept and understand that the NALEO standard terms of business apply to this transaction.
Signed: / Date:

“Professionalism through Knowledge”

Standard terms of business and further information for Training Bookings as overleaf:

  1. Persons wishing to provisionally secure delegate places are advised to initially contact Mrs Anne Aspinwall via telephoneto ensure that a place is still available on the course you want. However this will not secure a place.
  1. Provisional bookings are only confirmed once a Booking Form has been received by NALEO (with a Purchase order if required) and an invoice/receipt has been issued in respect of the fees payable;
  1. To request a firm booking please complete and return to:

Anne Aspinwall
13 Ingleton Close, Harwood, Bolton, BL2 3LJ
Telephone 07935 802954.
  1. All venues used are 100% non smoking throughout.
  1. Special Dietary requirements or required disability adjustments should be advised (space overleaf) at the time of booking to allow NALEO time to make all necessary arrangements with the venue;
  1. All course fees must be paid, in full, no less than 14 days before the commencement of the event unless otherwise agreed in writing with NALEO.
  1. Cancellations will be accepted, in writing, and a refund made, if the cancellation is received before 27thAugust2016. A refund will only be given after that date if the place can be re-allocated to another person before 27th August 2016. No refunds on cancellations will be made after 27th August 2016 as the Association will be charged for venue/tutorial fees.. In all cases an administration fee of £100 will be deducted from any approved refund amount.
  1. If any delegate is unable to attend, substitution with another delegate of the same membership status is permitted with the prior approval of NALEO.
  1. Joining instructions will be sent to delegates in advance of the course taking place;
  1. If any delegate is unable to attend, substitution with another delegate of the same membership status is permitted with the prior approval of NALEO.
  1. NALEO operates a 100% attendance rule. If a candidate fails to attend sessions then no course certificate will be issued and no refunds will be given.