The IndustrialDevelopment Corporation of Sanford (IDC) was established as a local non-profit corporation in 1959 by a group ofarea business, banking and professional people. It was considered an important component of the community’s efforts to attract new businesses to Sanford after the Goodall-Sanford operations were closed by Burlington.

The Mission of the IDC is:

It is the mission of the Corporation to promote and enhance the cultural and economic aspects of the greater Sanford community. This will be accomplished by utilizing the Board of Director’s diverse backgrounds and expertise to provide leadership and, when appropriate, the assets of the Corporation as a catalyst to promote and enhance its objectives.

The IDC raised a significant amount of money through the sale of bonds to people and businesses in and around Sanford. With the money raised, the IDC purchased a large tract of land in South Sanford in the vicinity of the Airport. In 1962 the Sanford Industrial Estates was formedas a place for manufacturing industries to locate their operations. The infrastructure including roads, sewer, water and power were developed to allow a building to be quickly constructed. A speculative 18,750 ft2 building, easily expandable if needed, was constructed and readied for immediate occupancy as a demonstration of the IDC’s commitment to welcoming new businesses. American Cyanamid (now Evonik Cyro) and Sprague Electric (Vishay) established operations in the area. The Sanford basedAdams Trucking business, constructed a new and larger terminal and relocated their operations to the area.

In 1995 the IDC constructed a 20,000 ft2building and leased it to Vishay. The building eventually became one of the State of Maine’s Composite Technology Centers.

In 2001, as the Sanford Industrial Estates approached full capacity, the IDC undertook the development of a second industrial park, the Sanford Industrial Park, located on Cyro Road. The infrastructure was added and lots made ready for sale and building construction.

The IDC is a member organization of theSanford Regional Economic Growth Council and remains committed to supporting the efforts to bring new businesses to Sanford.

Board of Directors

Faith Ballenger - Treasurer

Gordon Collins

Robert Hardison - President

Ted Hissong

Donald Holdsworth

David Jagger

Michael Ralston - Vice President

Richard Shaw

Edward J. Titcomb– Secretary

For more information about land, building and development opportunities for the IDC properties please contact Suzanne McKechnie, Economic Development Specialist, Sanford Regional Economic Growth Council

207-324-9155 or