



ABOUT US………………………………………P3










Side by Side Advocacy Incorporated is a community-based not-for-profit organisation with the status of a charity. It provides advocacy and support to people with disability, primarily intellectual disability. An advocate gives a voice to a person to enable that person’s needs to be met. Issues requiring advocacy include housing and accommodation, payment of bills, education and medical procedures.

Side by Side originated as Citizen Advocacy Ryde-Hunters Hill (CARHH) - incorporated in 1991- although work on setting up the organisation had been in train for several years. One of the driving forces in the organising committee which established CARHH was John Roarty, a resident of Weemala, who wrote forcefully about his experience of being institutionalised in his book Captives of Care. The Citizen Advocacy movement originated in the USA in the 1970s and follows the principles of Social Role Valorisation (SRV) enunciated by Wolf Wolfensberger. SRV explicitly brings people with disability into the general community by recognising their role as valued members of society instead of categorising them because of their disability. Citizen Advocacy finds the most vulnerable members of a community and matches each person with a caring person in the general community who can freely provide advocacy and encouragement in an unpaid capacity. These relationships can extend for many years and are very frequently expressive, that is, provide emotional inclusion and support and do not merely exist just to undertake the advocacy role. Side by Side Advocacy’s support role in Citizen Advocacy is through the professional experience and training of our staff that advise and assist the Citizen Advocate directly. In addition we can call on our Advocate Associates with particular expertise (eg law, pharmacy, housing, nutrition) who donate their time and knowledge to inform the advocacy. Citizen Advocacy is an ongoing relationship between two parties- members of the general community- and it is not appropriate for us to intervene in those relationships except to support the relationship.

Individualadvocacy, involves paid dedicated staff in our offices responding directly to the person requiring assistance. There is no monetary cost to the people involved. It is called Individual to distinguish it from systemic advocacy which involves speaking up about difficulties in the welfare system as a whole. A person may ask us for our direct assistance whenever it is required. This form of advocacy is more easily quantified for accounting purposes, although a numerical value does not necessarily reflect the time spent in and complexity of Individual (Direct)Advocacy acts.

Side by Side Advocacy became our name when we explicitly announced that we would undertake Individual Advocacy in addition to our Citizen Advocacy program. The Citizen Advocacy program is concentrated in the Ryde-Hunters Hill area; our direct advocacy extends across the northern Sydney area including our traditional area plus the NorthShore, Northern Beaches and Hornsby. Our Citizen Advocacy program aims to be independent of government funding.

OUR advocacy defined

what is citizen advocacy?

We seek to meet the fundamental needs of people with intellectual disability by establishing and supporting freely given relationships of advocacy.

Citizen Advocacy is an international movement that seeks to promote, protect and defend the rights, interests and dignity of people who are vulnerable. It involves the unique and powerful response of ordinary citizens, who are unpaid and independent of the human service system choosing to enter into relationship with a person with disability for the sole purpose of meeting one or some of that person’s needs. It is governed by clearly defined principles. These include fidelity, persistence, and freedom from conflict of interest, loyalty, person-centred planning and inclusion.

Although contemporary society continues to look to professionals for answers, citizen advocacy offers opportunities for neighbours to help neighbours. Ordinary citizens posses a variety or talents through their experiences in family, work, church and community associations. The program also enlists the support of skilled and resourced advocate associates who provide information and support to advocacy relationships and program staff.


In our advocacy it is the rights, interests and needs of a person with a disability that has primacy. Our Advocates meet with and respond directly to the person to gain the clearest understanding of their advocacy needs. Our advocacy actions assist not replace the ‘voice’ of that person.

Individual (Direct) Advocacy is provided by our paid Advocates who respond to a range of issues from assistance concerning information and referral to available services through to lodging formal complaints concerning abuse and neglect, review of guardianship orders and appeals concerning administrative decisions of government funded services.

Where we believe that other organisations or services are better able to assist then ourselves, we will refer the person with a disability to that service or assist them in an alternative approach. Where the concern is about a systemic problem, we will ensure that specific peak/specialist advocacy organisations are also made aware of the relevant issue.


2010 -2011 was a year of consolidation and once again the operation off Side by Side Advocacy has been efficient and productive. The day to day management of the organisation has been a credit to our Executive Officer, Gary Goodship. The Board commends him for the leadership that he has shown and the positive office environment he has nurtured for the other staff members.

We began the 2010-2011 year with a full compliment of staff. However, after an extended leave of absence Janet Castle tendered her resignation as Citizen Advocacy Coordinator in November. Despite active recruiting, finding the right person to fill this role was protracted and difficult. Gary Goodship’s training in Citizen Advocacy and SRV from previous years proved invaluable, as he undertook a caretaker role for the CA program. Indeed, during this time we oriented a “blessed match” into the CA program.

In June we were happy to appoint Matthew Dimmock to the role of Citizen Advocacy Coordinator. Matt comes to us with a long history of advocacy, and personal and professional experience of disability. Matt will undergo extensive specific training and we are optimistic that he will be a good fit for this role.

The Direct Advocacy Program was busy, productive, forceful and effective for the entire year. Kirsty MacDonald and Maree Salzano continued to be two of our greatest assets. While their personalities and advocacy styles differ vastly, both have had continued and significant results in many and varied situations. We commend Maree and Kirsty for their continued dedication and enthusiasm.

We also added some casuals to our staffing line up this year. Raymond Lee assisted with accounting while Michael Slinn was temporarily unavailable due L’arche commitments. Carolyn Karlsson underwent orientation and is now available to be called in on a casual basis when we have extended staff absences or a particularly heavy work load. Such an arrangement strengthens the organisation as in times of staffing crisis there is a contingency plan already in place.

In order to come into line with peer organisations and FaHCSIA, it was decided to change the way in which we refer to our staff delivered advocacy, with Individual Advocacy being substituted for

Direct Advocacy in all communications from October onwards. This was a change in name only. The Individual Advocacy Program continued to make a positive difference in the lives of people with disability across 10 LGA’s of northern Sydney. There is some irony however in the pride that we take in the Individual Advocacy Program. While we are pleased that we are busy and effective, our productivity reflects that the needs and rights of so many people with disability are still being ignored or abused.

The Board remained busy and diligent in 2010 – 2011. As well as regular governance duties we have been reviewing our Policies and Procedures. This is a time consuming process and we are doing this one service standard per month. We are on track to have this completed by the end of the 2011 calendar year.

We regretfully farewelled Melissa Simcoe and Emma Doukakis from the board at the last AGM. Both had served Side by Side Advocacy in a variety of roles over the years and we thank them for their time and commitment.

We were however fortunate to be able to welcome two new Board members this year. Ming Chak-Lee was elected to Board in July and accepted the position of Vice Chair at the AGM in November 2010. Ming was initially put in contact with Side By Side Advocacy through Ryde Council’s volunteer connection. Jan Gorman was elected to the Board in June. Both new members underwent orientation. Ming attended an SRV training course in September and Jan will complete one in July.

One of our Board members identified that he needed greater support in order to fulfil his obligations as a Board member. Specific training was organised for him on a one to basis. Additionally, Mariella Pavone was recruited, also through a Ryde Council volunteering introduction, to become a support person to the Board. Mariella will also undergo SRV training in July and is a welcome addition to our meetings.

Another addition that we were delighted to hear about was the birth of Flynn Jarrah, to Melissa Simcoe and her partner Nathan. We were also saddened at the loss of one our members, Corina Braakensiek who passed away after a short illness.

As well as governance the Board has had a busy year with social and promotional events, where we have worked along side members of staff. Such events have included the Granny Smith Festival, our end of year Cocktail Party and the Ryde Community Information Expo. Such projects strengthen the harmonious, respectful and cooperative relationships that continue between the Board and staff, in addition to achieving their primary goals.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank my fellow Board members. The Board has shown diligence, enthusiasm and good humour making it pleasurable and rewarding to be in their company as we work toward a common goal of social justice.

Coralie Jensen


A voluntary Committee of Management (the Board) oversees the legal and financial operation of the program. Management Committee members are elected annually at the Annual General Meeting and contribute at every level to ensure the ongoing success of the program.


chairperson– coralie jensEn

Coralie has a background in education and a passion for inclusive education.She has been a member of Side By Side Advocacy (formerlyCitizen Advocacy Ryde-Hunters Hill) for many years and joined the Committee of Managementsix years ago. She is the Chairperson for a third year. Coralie has been deeply involved in the preparation of our fundraising events, has been active in promoting and lobbying for us, and has been pivotal in many office activities. Coralie lives in Eastwood and is the mother of three sons.

VICE CHAIRPERSON – Ming chak lee

Ming is a long time resident of the Ryde area. After completing his studies he approached Ryde Council to enquire about volunteering in his community. Ming was put in touch with Side by SideAdvocacy and spentsome timelearning about the organisation. After seeing the enormous impact the organisation has on improving the lives of people with disability Ming agreed joined the Board in July and. InNovember 2010 he was elected to the position of Vice Chair. Mingis a practicing doctorandhas an interest in promoting the welfare of people with disability in the community.


Emma was on the Board for three terms, having come from employment with Side by Side as one of our Advocates. Emma has a background in volunteer service. She is also an Advocate in our Citizen Advocacy program. Emma has a deep commitment to the rights of people with disability. Emma left us at the 2010 AGM

TREASURER – Michael Slinn

Michael is a professional accountant. Without Michael and his commitment we would be poorer in many senses. Michael gives many hours to this organisation and is also active with other organisations helping towards a better life for disadvantaged people. Michael and his wife live at Cherrybrook and have two children and two grandchildren, and two foster grandchildren.

member - Julia bovard

Julia originally became involved in Citizen Advocacy Ryde-Hunters Hill as a Crisis Advocate in 2003. She has been a board member for 8 years. She has been active in lobbying on behalf of Side by Side aiming to give us a positive profile in the wider community. Julia has a legal and policy background and lives in West Ryde.

member – michelle donelly

Michelle is one of the founding members of our original Citizen Advocacy Ryde-Hunters Hill and has been actively involved over more than twenty years (even though CARHH itself was only incorporated 21 years ago). Michelle ensures that people with disability are included as valuable members of society. Michelle has an academic professional as well as a personal commitment to educating people about disability. Michelle has provided extensive SRV oriented training and assistance to staff.

Member – Melissa Simcoe

Melissa first became associated with Citizen Advocacy Ryde-Hunters Hill as a support person for one of our Board members. Seven years as a Board member herself, she brought to us valuable knowledge of social welfare policy and the disability sector to Board deliberations. Melissa was responsible for suggesting our name Side by Side Advocacy, has produced policy documents and submissions for us, Melissa left us at the 2010 AGM

Member – jan Gorman

Jan joined the Board this year. She is the mother of four delightful adults: one daughter and three sons who have blessed her with four grandchildren. The family have lived in Eastwood for almost 30 years. Jan has worked in schools for 35 years and has been involved with dyslexia correction for more than 10 years. She is looking forward to making a positive contribution to all those involved in Side by Side Advocacy.

Member – George Gray

George has served the Board of Management for eight consecutive terms. He is a fine speechmaker and a consummate networker and haswide social contacts over the northern Sydney area. George also provides assistance in recruitment of staff as required. George lives in the Ryde area.

assistant to MEMBER – Mariella pavone

Mariella has been a Ryde resident for 12 years, Mariella is interested in giving back to her community. She is enjoying participating a special relationship with one of the board members to whom she provides support. Mariella is currently employed in the customer service field and has had considerable experience with peoples with disability

Executive Officer’s Report

The 2010/11 year has certainly been “interesting” for the provision of advocacy, to people with disability, in general and to Side By Side in particular. With the “threat’ a rigid Quality Assurance regime looming throwing many programs into panic Side By Side is uniquely well placed to accept any proposed legislative change. Why? Is it our geographic location, our philosophies, our good financial standing or even our “policies and procedures”?

No, it’s none of the above it’s our people!

In no particular order

  • Our Citizen Advocates who remain steadfastly loyal to their protégés throughout the year with little or no support provided to them by the program. The value of the concepts and ethics of Citizen Advocacy are exemplified by the role that our Advocates perform.
  • Our Individua; Advocates to whom this is not just a job but their passion, They often put themselves in harm’s way when advocating for and supporting People with Disability. With their ready acceptance of ongoing training in all manner of relevant fields their skills keep on improving
  • Our Board of Management which is most certainly a special blend of skills compassion and experience, the Board continues to be our anchor the past and our values while always being focused on a viable future for Side By Side. Good governance is growing to be a major issue in all facets of our society and the members of the board have a good overall understanding of our legal requirements. as it pertains to the running of a federally funded NGO.

Even though all of these people have been working hard, smart and at times for many years to obtain social justice for people with a disability, are we making headway in this area. I am compelled to say yes, we are, although small improvement. There are still people in locked environments (sometimes very attractive structures now), still people being excluded,, still people being treated inappropriately