Policy Number / 0140191
Created / September 2017
Review Date / September 2018
Owner-Name / Peter Clayton
Owner- Job Title / Post 16 Lead Teacher

Introduction and Background

Careers education is a statutory part of the Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 curriculum in all maintained schools. From September 2004 it became mandatory to provide careers education for students in Years 7 and 8 as well as those in Years 9 -11. It is expected that schools will work in conjunction with their local Services (formerly Connexions) to ensure that students have access to guidance materials and a wide range of up-to-date reference materials relating to careers education and careers opportunities. Day students have dedicated additional needs coordinators from the LEA who support the school in looking for the best placements and opportunities available to our learners. Discussions are held during annual transition reviews with stakeholders, parents and young people in ascertaining the most appropriate next step provisions into adult life.

Rationale for Careers Education in Acorn Park School

Acorn Park is an Independent Specialist School for children and young people with autism, a learning disability or who may display challenging behaviour. The school provides education and care for a wide spectrum of need so an innovative learning curriculum programme is required in developing each learners skills and knowledge needs enabling opportunity in maximising full potential.There are currently two areas of targeted Careers Guidance within the school. Firstly,Post 16provisionlocated within the Oak Tree Centre who in addition to a diagnosis of Autismhave learning difficulties, who may exhibit challenging behaviour which impact on their ability to learn in a traditional way. These learners are provided with an adult vocational skills curriculumto enable them to gain appropriate knowledge and skills for adult life. These learners in addition to accessing a vocation curriculum within the school setting also benefit with appropriate work experience opportunity or future access to foundation learning programmes within the FE sector. There are several potential feeder Colleges within the Norfolk and Suffolk catchment areas who provide successful placements.Secondly careers education and guidance provision is also available within the Upper School provision for those learners who are working toward recognised academic qualifications –AQA Foundation Skills, Entry level Certificate and GCSE subjects. Learners can benefit from work experience on or off site depending on individual skills set, needs and aspirations. In addition learners will be offered careers guidance on choosing suitable FE options on chosen careers or aspirations. Although research shows that a high percentage of adults with Autism are unlikely to secure and sustain permanent employment, Acorn ParkSchool will provide what it can to meet statutory requirements in offering careers education and guidance in facilitating learner needs and expectations. The school also recognises that good quality careers education raises the aspirations of all young people, especially those with limited horizons. It increases motivation by linking activities in school for preparation to adult life and independence. This positive approach contributes to raising learner achievement and school improvement, and can help ensure equality of opportunity for all.

In gaining skills acquisition learners will gain maximised opportunity with meaningful next steps in fulfilling potential employment aspirations.

The Aims of Careers Education and Guidance at Acorn Park

The school aims to provide appropriate Post 16 (yr 11 and above) careers education, guidance and support by:-

  • Providing good links with the local authority education and careers guidance advisor.
  • Developing and maintaining good and open links with parents, carersand stakeholders so that appropriate decisions on future needs are made.
  • Completing necessary documentation i.e. transition and progression plans so that learners can access the most appropriate provision and support.
  • Providing learners with acquisition of skills, knowledge and experience within the FE sector and the world of work in facilitating informed choice.
  • Providing highly skilled and knowledgeable staff in career advice and guidance to learners on appropriate next steps options .
  • Creating personalised curriculums that take account of strengths and needs, by working toward shared goals and future career aspirations – FE, work experience or employment.
  • Provide a Focus on adult life skills for the less able learners in determining next steps options.

Provision for Students at Acorn Park

Work related experiences and opportunities are planned as part of our curriculum for learners in Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 and become progressively more diverse as students move through the school. In Key Stage 4 learners may access work related experiences and work experience opportunities. Visits from different groups of employers significantly enhance students’ learning and help bring skills and knowledge to life. Careers education, guidanceand advice activities will be provided in the appropriate formats and settings subject to learner/s need.

Monitoring Provision for Careers Education and Guidance

The Head Teacher and the Post 16 Lead Teacherwill monitor the implementation of the careers, education andguidance. A Transition/Pathway Plan will be actioned and implementedfor all learners during Year 9 (Key stage 3) and to then inform of progress toward Yr 10 (key stage 4). The plan will be reviewed and monitored at eachinterim/statutory annual review meeting and individual education planning meetings. All monitoring activities will take account of the views of the learners’ parents/carers and the Local Authority.

Checklist on Individual Transition / Pathway Plan Process

  • Implementation of Individual transition/Pathways Plan with timelines
  • Set Key Stage 3 learning goals and targets
  • Outline predicted grades at end of KS3 test results
  • Details of any other assessments that may influence/ impact on next steps
  • Other achievements including wider development activities, soft skills etc
  • Identify barriers to participation and achievement – Review of BMP, CLP
  • Learner preferred options for Key Stage 4
  • Specific learning goals and targets for end of Key Stage 4
  • Wider development activities at Key Stage 4
  • Learner wishes and aspirations post 16 – qualifications and aspirations
  • Individual learner career goals and wider interests
  • Interests/desires to go on to further/higher education
  • Progress review tracking data to monitor post 16 attainment and achievement

Assessment and Recording

Teaching staff will record learner progress and achievement as they move through Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4. Assessment will be recorded bythe statutory Awarding Body Assessment criteria i.e. Course work, written tests and Portfolio of evidence. Evidence can take various forms including diagnostic and written tests, visual representations in the form of work sheets, photographic and video evidence and witness testament to list a few. All evidence has a valueto demonstrate the learning journey and the achievement that has been made.