Goals and Objectives for Unit 2
  1. Be able to better describe sicknesses and injuries
  2. Be able to better make guesses.
/ Vocabulary
Page 17
dizzy, nauseous, weak, short of breath, vomiting, coughing, sneezing, wheezing, in my chest, in my hip, in my ribs, in my stomach / Grammar
17 Grammar- must + verb​ / Useful expressions
Page 15
as soon as possible
make an appointment
fitting me in
killing me
what’s going on

Ask your partner: How do you feel today?


Read and listen.

Read with your partner.

Do C Focus on Language

Unit 2

15 Photo story

e / as soon as possible / a. causing a lot of pain
c / make an appointment / b. making time for an appointment
b / fitting me in / c. arrange a time to come
a / killing me / d. what the problem is
d / what’s going on / e. right away


Have you – or someone you know- ever had an emergency that required dental or medical attention?

Where did it happen? / When did it happen? / What happened?
At a ski resort. / 2006 / I snowboarded into a tree.


16 Vocabulary

dizziness / nausea / weakness / vomiting / coughing / sneezing / wheezing / pain / Where?
1 / o / o / o / shoulder
2 / o / o / back of neck
3 / o / o / back
4 / o / o
5 / o
6 / o / hip


17 Grammar- must + verb​/must not + verb

Used to draw conclusions for something that you think is true.

A: I didn’t sleep well last night.

B: You must be tired today.

A: I got an A+ in Scott’s class.

B: You must feel wonderful!

You are taking a winter English course. You must/must not…


1. must be

2. must not want

3. must feel

4. must want

5. must not be

6. must not feel

24 C

1. You must feel terrible/must have food poisoning/must be in a bad mood/must not want to eat/

You must not want this coffee I bought you.

2. Your dentist must be busy/must not be at his/her clinic/ must hate you / must have many appointments/

Must be on vacation/

  1. You must feel good/must feel relieved / must be happy /
  2. He must be in pain/ He must be clumsy / He must fall down often / He must not know how to walk correctly

:31 Break

Mime: You must…/You must not…

:45Video 1

I’ve got this horrible ______.

I’m ______, and my ______is killing me.

I’ve got this pain in my______

My ______has been bothering me all day.

And I have a ______.

What are the different treatments Bob jokes about in the video?

Cheryl: Let’s get Ms. Novak’s tickets ready. Shemay be stopping by this afternoon.
Marie: Paul, are you OK?
Paul: No. I feel awful.
Cheryl: What’s wrong?
Paul: I’ve got this horrible cold. I’m sneezing,and my back is killing me. I’ve got this pain inmy hip. My neck has been bothering me all
day. And I have a stomachache.
Marie: You may have to go see a doctor.
Paul: No! I hate doctors.
Cheryl: I wonder what could be wrong?
Bob: Maybe he’s allergic to work.
Paul: I’m not kidding here. I’m in pain.
Bob: I used to want to be a doctor, you know.
Say “Ahhh.”
Paul: Ahhh-choo!
Bob: Now I remember why I didn’t become adoctor. / Cheryl: Paul, you really must get some medicalhelp.
Bob: A little acupuncture might help you feelbetter.
Paul: Stay away from me.
Cheryl: Dr. Anderson is meeting Mr. Evansdownstairs in the café. Should we ask her tocome up? She may be able to help.
Marie: Great idea. I’ll go get her.
Bob: You might prefer an herbal remedy.
Paul: Stop it.
Cheryl: How long have you been feeling this way?
Paul: I got the cold last night, and the pain in myback started this morning.
Bob: Want to try a little spiritual healing?
Paul: You’re making me laugh.
Bob: Laughter is the best medicine, you know.
Paul: But it hurts!

Video 2

What are three reasons why Paul does not feel well?

What Dr. Anderson: Say “Ahhh.”
Bob: Cover your face, doc.
Paul: Ahhh.
Dr. Anderson: Well, you have a cold, that’s forsure.
Cheryl: What about the other stuff? The pain in
the back and the side . . . ?
Dr. Anderson: Have you taken any medicationslately?
Paul: Just some over-the-counter stuff—painkiller, cold tablets, nasal spray.
Dr. Anderson: That sounds OK.
Paul: And some cough medicine, vitamins,antacid.
Dr. Anderson: That’s a lot of medicine.
Paul: And some decongestant.
Dr. Anderson: That’s too much medicine in oneday. / Marie: That must be why you’re feeling so bad.
Dr. Anderson: Have you been around anyone
else who’s sick?
Paul: My friend Don has had a cold all week. Welifted weights last night for about an hour andran five miles. He had to walk the last mile.
Dr. Anderson: Is that your usual exercise routine?
Paul: Yep. I started it yesterday.
Dr. Anderson: Well, that explains it. Youexercised too much.
Paul: That’s all?
Dr. Anderson: That’s all.
Bob: A little chiropractic treatment might helpyou.
Paul: Stay away from me.

What are the Christmas traditions in Korea?

What are your Christmas plans?

Did you buy any gifts for anyone?

HW 1 is due in class on Monday.