1.2 System Components

1. a) Define each of the following:

Subsystem - smaller systems within a system that each perform a task

Mechanism - part of a subsystem that helps the subsystem perform a designed task

Force – a push or pull on an object that may result in a change in motion or shape

1. b) Four (4) things that mechanisms do are:

i)change one type of force to another

ii)change one type of energy to another

iii)change one type of motion to another

iv)change one type of action to another

2. a) What is an INDUSTRY?

They produce goods and services that people need or desire

2. b) What makes up an industry?

They are combinations of physical and social systems that work together

3. Why are the terms “input” and “output” good words to use when talking about systems?

Inputs are what we put in to the system and outputs are what the system puts out

4. Complete the following chart using tablet or smartphone as the system being used:

Input / Expected Output / Side Effect (undesired)
Plug in charger / Start charging / -cost of electricity
-doesn’t charge
Touch the screen / Respond to touch / -greasy fingerprints
-stylus response only
-screen accidentally activates
Search files/mem / Expect to find it / -wifi required (but not there)
-system crash/freezes
-battery die
-need update
-not enough memory to run
-lag leads to multiple apps opening

5. Which inputs in a garden come from nature and which come from humans?

Nature : __sun energy, bee pollinate, wind moves seeds, worm decompose matter, rain______

Humans: _add fertilizer, water the plants, add pesticides, plant seeds_____

6. What is “systems thinking” in your own words?

By considering what goes in and comes out of a system so that we can create

another, better, version.

7. Why is it important to think about side effects when you use systems thinking?

A side effect is what we don’t usually want and we want to avoid them

in the future.

8. Match the following with the best possible matches

a) wheel__E__industry

b) prevention__C__ subsystem

c) steering__F__ side effect

d) input__B__ systems thinking

e)transportation__A__ mechanism

f) pollution__G__ system

g) car__D__ raw materials

9) Show a step by step set of directions on how to use a can opener using the terminology provided in the textbook on page 13 (Chapter 1.2)

Attach the can opener to the can using the holding and cutting subsystem

i) Pick up and hold can opener using handle

ii) Separate handles

iii) Attach to can using holding system/cutting wheel by squeezing handles

iv) Turn crank until you get all the way around

v) Separate the handles and remove

10) Select three (3) input/output relationships in a garden (p15) and match them up.

1. Input:Output:

2. Input:Output:

3. Input:Output: