November 19,2015
(Recorded for Transcription Purposes Only)
Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/Roll Call: Chair Booth called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and the Pledge of Allegiance was said. Roll Call: Supervisors Roland Anderson, John Wulff, Arlene Schmit, Greg Booth, Yvette Adelman-Dullinger and Faith Broberg, Clerk/Treasurer. Sign-In Sheet Attached.
Agenda: Supervisor Wulff moved to approve the amended agenda, seconded by Supervisor Schmit and the motion carried.
Clerk/Treasurer’s Report –
Minutes– Regular Board of Supervisors – 11-05-2015 – Supervisor Wulff moved to approve the minutes as corrected, seconded by Supervisor Anderson and the motion carried.
Authorize Clerk to move Money—Supervisor Wulff moved to authorize the Clerk to move $8,000 from the Savings account General Fund to the Checking account, seconded by Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger and the motion carried.
Public Input
Clint Converse – Clint has been trapping pocket gophers for the Township in the road ROW and was present to bring more gopher feet into the Board tonight and report on his work.
June 23 1st trap, -- caught a total of 24 gophers – residents were pleased to see that he was trapping gophers. He has done a good job of trapping them on the road ROW and then individuals were also asking him to trap on their property.
Road Supervisor’s Report --
Pictures sent in by Sally Volmer Neighbor of the Douglas Horns – regarding the Horn’s Variance Application for a Garage.
The issue is not a Township issue but between the two parties regarding water movement. The Board did view the pictures that Sally had sent. The Horns are looking at revising their plans and attaching the garage to the house.
Road Supervisors Road Report –
Pictures taken by Supervisor Anderson-
Paper Road – 65’ wide and 90’ deep – there is a private jeep parked on this piece of property and they need to move it as the public uses this paper road to get their fish houses on the lake. There was a tree cut down by Power Company and the wood is the Township’s. Township is hoping someone will take the wood for firewood. Paul Klinger from Cass County says this paper road is shown on the Sylvan Shady Shore Plat. Supervisor Anderson will contact the Sheriff and find out who the owner is of the truck and get the jeep moved.
Supervisor Wulff will get the wood pile removed.
Outlot A—the Board of Supervisors have lots of questions on the road easement of Outlot A and need to have it verified what the Township can or cannot do.
Some of the questions and areas of interest are:
- What is a prescriptive easement?
- If the road is not for vehicle use because of the barricades, can the Township establish it as a pedestrian trail? And if so, how do we go about doing that.
- Do we keep it barricaded?
- Have Walker verify in writing that the Township does have a 25 foot road easement on Outlot A.
- The Township has used the area in the cul du sac for 10 years as a turnaround for the snowplow and for snow storage.
- The Township has its barricades on Outlot A – since the Township uses them for maintenance (to keep traffic from going on Outlot A) and to the area where the culvert was removed.
- What is Torrens Property?
Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger has volunteered to come up with questions for our attorney, Mr. Steven Qualley. Supervisor Anderson will also come up with questions to present to the Clerk for mailing to Mr. Qualley and inviting him to one of the Township’s meetings to review these questions.
Crow Wing Circle SW – Brad Holmvig, Sylvan Township’s Road Maintenance Contractor, cleaned out ditches and removed two driveway approaches.
Clark Drive SW – there is a large hanging limb by Greg Booth’s which is on Minnesota Power property.
East Gull Lake – Supervisor Anderson reported that Holmvig Excavating has agreed to do East Gull Lake’s snowplowing this winter.
River Lane SW – Correction of Legal Description – The Clerk is still waiting for about 11 of the Waivers of Release from the residents on River Lane SW. The Clerk was asked to send another letter with the forms to the 11 residents who have not returned the forms.
Brad Clark –Supervisor Wulff moved to appoint Brad Clark to snowplow the Town Hall parking lot and to clear the sidewalks, seconded by Supervisor Schmit and the motion carried. The Clerk will notify Mr. Clark.
The Township is one of the winners of the Local Government Innovation Awards 2015 for their work in having free septic inspections completed in the Township. There was discussion on who would go to this event. This is a meeting night for the Planning Commission. Supervisor Wulff moved to approve of two (2) representatives going to this event, on December 10, 2015 at the Humphrey School, 4:00 – 6:00 PM, seconded by Supervisor Schmit and the motion carried.
Planning Commission
PC Liaison Report – the PC tabledthe Road Ordinance, and the Sylvan Township Response Team as well. Feedlots-- working on a first draft to pass on to everyone so that the Board of Supervisors can make a decision regarding doing a moratorium on feedlots.
Also received information regarding a Public Hearing which will be held in Walker, where the County Board will be discussing the CCAT resolution concerning the election equipment charges that have been passed on to the townships in the past. The budget committee will be deciding whether the county will absorb all of these expenses (which total about $40,000). This meeting will be on December 1, 2015 at 6:00 PM in Walker. Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger is interested in going if there is another driver. Supervisor Wulff would be interested in going with Supervisor Anderson volunteering to be an alternate.
Corey Thorstenson – Construction materials (debris) on Township Property – After discussion it was decided that we need to verify what is actually on the property line before another letter is sent to him.
Septic Inspections in 2016– Email from John Ringle Cass County Environmental Services – the first question – is it OK that the grant is extended for another year and if the Township is committed to see it through?
The second question is if the last 2 bills from A & J Inspecting can go towards the Township’s cost share? Supervisor Wulff moved to approve both questions, seconded by Supervisor Schmit and the motion carried.
Open Position on the Planning Commission (PC) – the PC received a letter from Tane Barclay stating that he is interested in serving another term of three years on the Planning Commission. The Township has received the recommendation from the PC recommending Tane for this position. Supervisor Anderson moved to approve Tane Barclay for another three years on the Planning Commission, seconded by Supervisor Wulff. The Town Board appreciates his serving on the Planning Commission. The question was called and the motion carried.
New Business
Audit Agreement with CliftonLarsonAllen for 2015 Audit – the Board received the agreement for the 2015 Audit. Supervisor Schmit moved to approve the Chair and Clerk signing the agreement with CliftonLarsonAllen, seconded by Supervisor Wulff. The cost of the audit for 2015 is $5,400.
Election Privacy Shields – Cass County has requested the use of the Township’s election privacy shields for two elections in January 2016. Supervisor Wulff moved to approve Cass County using the Township’s shields, seconded by Supervisor Anderson and the motion carried.
Other Township Business:
Correspondence –
Thank You – from the Putnam family for the flowers for Larry’s mom’s funeral.
Letter from Township Attorney regarding Outlot A – discussed earlier.
Email from Fairview – regarding the Cass County Public Hearing Meeting on Dec. 1st, 2015 -- already discussed.
Review Claims –
Supervisor Wulff moved to approve the claims #21512 thru 21521 in the amount of $9,856.97 and the payroll #’s 21510 to 21511 in the amount of $1,641.79 for a total of $11,498.76, seconded by Supervisor Anderson and the motion carried.
Adjournment- Supervisor Wulff moved to adjourn, seconded by Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger and the motion carried with the meeting adjourning at 8:53 PM.
Minutes submitted by,
Faith C. Broberg, Clerk/TreasurerChair, Greg Booth
Supervisor Schmit moved to approve the minutes as presented/as amended, seconded by Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger and the motion carried.
Amendments: Page 2 Under Crow Wing Circle SW – remove the last part and insert, cleaned out ditches and removed two driveway approaches. Under Clark Drive SW – change tree to a large hanging limb.
Date: 12-03-2015
11-19-2015 Regular Board of Supervisors MeetingPage 1