Unit I Summative Assessment: Can You Hear Me Now?

Your Task:

The summative for this unit will have scholars create mini magazinewhere they explain, describe, and analyze changes in industrial America, focusing on the new technologies and improvements that drew increased immigrants to settle in American cities. Scholars should include key vocabulary from the unit showing they understand the key terms and concepts.


To provide scholars with the opportunity to utilize the knowledge they gain from our unit activities and use critical thinking skills to show the relationship between the industrial revolution and increased immigration. Scholars will strengthen their writing abilities within the historical content area.

Key Vocabulary:

assembly line / Mass production / Monopoly
Philanthropy / Emigrate / Ethnic group
Steerage / Sweatshop / Assimilate
Tenement / The Guided Age / Settlement House


Scholars will be provided with templates to follow to create their mini magazine. Each magazine will have the following components:

  • Cover Page
  • 3 articles
  • Transportation changes
  • Urbanization and the Factory System
  • The Immigrant Experience
  • A review game/puzzle/activity. Some suggestions are:
  • Word search
  • 8 question quiz
  • Interview with an inventor or captain of industry
  • Must have at least 5 question/responses
  • Who Am I personality test
  • If you have other ideas, just run them by the teachers.

Due Date:

Summative is due at the end of class on Friday October 18th. There will be 4 class periods of work time. The summative is to be hand written, and computer time is not being provided. Students should draw pictures (quality of the artwork is not being graded) or do work outside of class if they want to print pictures from other sources.


Grading is based on knowledge and understanding and thinking critically. The rubrics and indicators are attached.

Criterion A: Knowing and understanding Maximum: 8

Students should be able to:

• use humanities terminology in context

• demonstrate knowledge and understanding of subject-specific content and concepts, appropriate to the age level, using descriptions, explanations and examples.

Level Descriptor / Indicators
0 / The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below. / Student does not submit mini magazine OR student does not submit his/her own work.
1-2 / The student:
• makes a limited attempt to use some relevant terminology
• demonstrates basic knowledge and understanding of content andconcepts through some descriptions and/or examples. /
  • Student uses 0-3 of the required terms to accurately and appropriately explain the era
  • Uneven development of the parts of the magazine show little knowledge of the task
  • Unclear descriptions, explanations, and/or examples are utilized to support the task

3-4 / The student:
• uses some humanities terminology appropriately
• demonstrates knowledge and understanding of content andconcepts through simple descriptions, explanations and examples. /
  • Student uses 4-7 of the required terms to accurately and appropriately explain the era
  • Uneven development of the parts of the magazine showsome knowledge of the task.
  • Vague descriptions, explanations, and/or examples are utilized to support the task

5-6 / The student:
• uses relevant humanities terminology accurately
• demonstrates good knowledge and understanding of content andconcepts through descriptions, explanations and examples. /
  • Student uses 8-11 of the required terms to accurately and appropriately explain the era
  • Uneven development of the parts of the magazine showsome knowledge of the task.
  • Clear descriptions, explanations, and/or examples are utilized to support the task

7-8 / The student:
• uses a range of humanities terminology accurately and appropriately
• demonstrates detailed knowledge and understanding of content andconcepts through thorough descriptions, explanations and examples. /
  • Student uses all 12 of the required terms to accurately and appropriately explain the era
  • All 4 parts of the magazine show detailed knowledge of the task
  • Thorough and coherent descriptions, explanations, and examples are utilized to support the task

Feedback: ______


Criterion C: Thinking critically Maximum: 8

Students should be able to:

• analyze concepts, events, issues, models and/or arguments

• analyze and evaluate a range of sources in terms of origin and purpose, recognizing values and


• recognize different perspectives and their implications

• make connections between information to make valid, well-supported arguments.

Level / Level Descriptor / Indicators
0 / The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below. / Student does not submit mini magazine OR student does not submit his/her own work.
1-2 / The student:
• makes a limited attempt to analyze concepts, events, issues, models or arguments
• recognizes the origin and purpose of some sources, as well as some values and limitations of sources
• identifies different perspectives
• makes connections between information in a limited attempt to make simple arguments. /
  • Magazine contain little to no detail that shows analysis on the appropriate changes indicated by the prompt
  • Information used references but does not elaborate on the changes brought on by the era of industrialization
  • Magazine does not reflectvaried experiences/ perspectives of people during the time period
  • Information used is irrelevant to the task and/or presented in an ineffective manner

3-4 / The student:
• completes a simple analysis of concepts, events, issues, models or arguments
• describes sources in terms of origin and purpose, recognizing values and limitations
• identifies different perspectives and suggests some of their implications
• makes connections between information to make simple arguments. /
  • Magazine uses some details to show analysis on the appropriate changes indicated by the prompt
  • Information used describes the changes brought on by the era of industrialization
  • Magazine reflects little of the varied experiences/perspectives of people during the time period
  • Information used is mostly relevant to the task and presented in asatisfactory manner

5-6 / The student:
• completes a satisfactory analysis of concepts, events, issues, models or arguments
• satisfactorily demonstrates an ability to analyze and evaluate sources in terms of origin and purpose, recognizing values andlimitations
• recognizes different perspectives and their implications
• makes connections between information in order to make valid arguments. /
  • Magazine uses some details to show analysis on the appropriate changes indicated by the prompt
  • Information used evaluates the changes brought on by the era of industrialization
  • Magazine reflects some of the varied experiences/perspectives of people during the time period
  • Information used is relevant to the task and presented in a satisfactory manner

7-8 / The student:
• completes a detailed analysis of concepts, events, issues, models or arguments
• effectively analyzes and evaluates a range of sources in terms of origin and purpose, recognizing values and limitations
• clearly recognizes a range of different perspectives and their implications
• makes connections between information to make valid and well supported arguments. /
  • Magazine is highly detailed to show analysis on the appropriate changes indicated by the prompt
  • Information used effectively evaluates the changes brought on by the era of industrialization
  • Magazine reflects the varied experiences/perspectives of people during the time period
  • Information used is consistentlyrelevant to the task and presented in an effective manner

Feedback: ______

Name of Magazine(make it up!)
(not today’s date…think about the time period!)

/ List of articles and activities that are included in your magazine and their page numbers
Your name
/ ______
Title of Article

