June 21, 2016

Rockford Township

Regular Meeting Minutes

Call to Order

Chair Beise called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Rockford Township Hall. Present were Supervisors Beise, Eckblad, McDougall, Kjome and Clerk McDougall. Supervisor Deitering was excused.


A motion was made by Supervisor Eckblad and seconded by Supervisor Kjome to approve the agenda as printed. Motion carried by a unanimous vote.

Meeting Minutes

A motion was made by Supervisor Eckblad and seconded by Supervisor McDougall to approve the June 7, 2016 regular meeting minutes with the revision. Motion carried by a unanimous vote.

Maintenance Crew - None

Continued Items - None

Public Comment - None

New Agenda Items

June 21, 2016 Planning Commission Recommendations

A motion was made by Supervisor Eckblad and seconded by Supervisor Kjome to approve the June 21, 2016 Planning Commission recommendations as presented. Motion carried by a unanimous vote.

Norms Wayside – Liquor License Renewal

No complaints were received in the past year. A motion was made by Supervisor Eckblad and seconded by Supervisor McDougall to approve the liquor license renewal for Norms Wayside. Motioned carried by a unanimous vote.

Supervisor Kjome – None

Supervisor McDougall – None

Supervisor Eckblad – Informed the Board he would be attending a meeting in Rockford on June 27, 2016 regarding the park dedication money for a proposed park along the Crow River.

Supervisor Beise – None

Clerk McDougall – The Board instructed the Clerk to send a response to Steve Bot from the City of St. Michael clarifying what was discussed at the previous meeting.

Funds Report – None

Review of Bills

A motion was made by Supervisor Eckblad and seconded by Supervisor Kjome to pay 2016 claim #699 to #719 in the amount of $30,367.29 including payroll. Motion carried by a unanimous vote.

Supervisor Eckblad motioned to adjourn at 7:30 p.m.

______Date: ______

Dennis Beise (Chairperson)

______Date: ______

Rachelle L. McDougall (Clerk /Treasurer)