2 May2013 10.30am

Chair: NS

Notes: JM

Present: NS, RW, NC, DW, JM

Actions from previous meeting – outstanding

  • A cigarette bin is needed. Action: RW has raised this – to follow up (ongoing).
  • The new fence outside still hasn’t had any planting put up in front of it to make it more attractive. Anna Passmore, at the last meeting, said she would also look into this. Action: NS to ask her for an update.
  • The privacy and dignity of carers visiting patients is an issue; carers see patients in the dining room (ongoing). Anna Passmore, at the last meeting, suggested the room with a window where ward rounds are held could be used for this. . Action: NS to contact Anna for an update.
  • Food items have obscure names that don’t give any indication as to what might be in it, e.g. Harvest Pie. Action: taken to Stakeholder Forum – update pending.
  • Patient phone not private enough. Action: RW will try to speak to someone on the ward. Action: NS to email ward manager to ensure RW has a regular designated contact to feed back to.
  • Patients feel there’s not enough activities happening consistently when the OT isn’t there. Action: NS to email ward manager.
  • Reports that patients aren’t allowed to change the TV channels. Action: NS to email ward manager.
  • Gym isn’t open often enough. Action: NS to email ward manager.

Stakeholder Forum feedback

  • We would like to know how often the menus are changed. Action: taken to Stakeholder Forum - update pending.
  • We would like to know how far in advance do other wards have to order food. Action: taken to Stakeholder Forum – update pending.
  • Transfer of Coves patients to Garner and the additional transport costs involved
  • Protecting patients privacy and dignity when using the patient phone on Fletcher Ward. This is an on-going issue we have been raising for two years.
  • Harvest Ward and the public footpath that runs alongside and the gaps in the mesh fence which could produce a safety risk to patients. A risk assessment should be undertaken.

West feedback


  • DW has been visiting the ward and that Rick is her main point of contact.
  • DW was introduced to new patients on the Ward.
  • Bay are undertaking the Meridian questionnaires with the help of IVS volunteers from the beginning of April and DW is to undertake a further one on 5th June 2013.
  • NS asked that all volunteers please forward to her dates that they undertaken the questionnaires, so that we are able to claim back expenses.

Action: All IVS volunteers

East feedback


  • There are five patients on the ward at present and the OT is very busy.
  • Patients are saying the gym isn’t open often enough. Action: NS to email ward manager.
  • RW mentioned that there is a very cracked table in the food area and that she would speak to the Ward Manager re: safety etc. Action: RW
  • RW mentioned that there is a public footpath on the boundary of Harvest and that people have been peering in and also able to pass objects through the mesh fence. Action: NS to speak to Ward Manager and this will be taken to the Stakeholder Forum.


  • JM visited the ward briefly after visiting Fletcher.
  • New privacy screen on the glazing between the corridors so that no one can see into the garden. ??
  • JM will be helping patients complete the Meridian questionnaire at the end of May.


  • JM advised that during her visit craft there was no one in the craft room except for a member of staff. She also noticed that there were no activities on the white board; severalpatients were saying that they were bored, that there is nothing to do and there’s lack of stimulation. When she started visiting the craft room used to be a vibrant, fun and engaging place for patients to be, not now. What is the situation with regard to OT activities?Action: JM to take to Ward Manager
  • A patienthad managed toclimb on to the flat roof in the garden area during the afternoon and JM understood that this had happened previously; she also heard that some patients had tried to break out the weekend before.Action: JM to take to Ward Manager
  • There was also an incident on the ward while she was there and she was asked to leave. When she came back later the floor was wet butno sign saying wet floor; this could have caused another incident.Action: JM to take to Ward Manager
  • An elderly lady was standing by the doorleading to the bedrooms for nearly an hour and would not move but still in her nightie.Action: JM to take to Ward Manager.


  • The garden on Fettle Ward does need attention, looking unkempt.Action: RW to speak to the Ward Manager.
  • Lots of activities, well structured. Truro College have been visiting and cooking with the patients and a knitting group has started.


  • Patients from Cove moved Tuesday 2 April. The move went well. Carers not happy about transport links. Could CFT look at a bus service from Bodmin Parkway to link in with visiting times (2-5pm)? Action: to Stakeholder Forum
  • After discussion with NS, RW has decided not to visit Garner. Action: NS will speak to the Ward Manager about a replacement.
  • NS thanked RW for all her hard work on the ward over the years and it was greatly appreciated.

Summary of issues for next Stakeholder Forum

  • Food items have obscure names that don’t give any indication as to what might be in it, e.g. Harvest Pie. Action: taken to Stakeholder Forum – update pending.
  • We would like to know how often the menus are changed. Action: taken to Stakeholder Forum - update pending.
  • We would like to know how far in advance do all wards have to order food. Action: taken to Stakeholder Forum – update pending.
  • Patient phone on Fletcher – awaiting update.
  • Transport issues for carers to Garner.
  • Harvest Ward and the public footpath : risk assessment


Dates for 2013 IVS meetings – all meetings are Thursdays, 10.30 am to 12.30 pm at Princes Street.

6 June

4 July

1 August

5 September

3 October

7 November

5 December