Objective – I can identify myths explaining different constellations. .

Constellation Myths DVD Worksheet

1. People used the skies to…

a. navigate the seas. c. tell time.

b. plant crops. d. all of the above.

2. What did people see in the sky?

a. Animals c. Monsters

b. Heroes d. All of the above

3. Who was Orion’s father?

a. Aries c. Hercules

b. Hephaestus d. Poseidon

4. Who as the goddess of the hunt?

a. Athena c. Demeter

b. Artemis d. Hera

5. Who became Artemis’s hunting companion?

a. Atlas c. Orion

b. Hercules d. Perseus

6. Who was Artemis’s jealous brother?

a. Apollo c. Hermes

b. Daedalus d. Odysseus

7. Who became most angry about Orion’s boasting?

a. Eos c. Hebe

b. Gaia d. Tethys

8. What creature was sent to kill Orion?

a. A bull c. A scorpion

b. An eagle d. A sea monster

9. The scorpion chases Orion across the sky.

a. True b. False

10. What did the Greeks call the Mother bear?

a. Callisto c. Ganymede

b. Europa d. Io

11. Who transformed Callisto into a bear?

a. Aphrodite c. Hygeia

b. Hera d. Juno

12. What happened to Callisto’s son, Arcas?

a. He stopped hunting bears. c. Hera turned him into a snail.

b. He took care of his mother. d. Zeus turned him into a bear.

13. Who became Ursa Minor, the small bear?

a. Apollo c. Jason

b. Theseus d. Arcas

14. Who was Cassiopeia’s daughter?
a. Pandora c. Andromeda

b. Medea d. Cassandra

15. Whom did Cassiopeia’s boast about her beauty anger?

a. Hermes c. Zeus

b. Poseidon d. Hades

16. Who was sent to destroy Cassiopeia’s kingdom?

a. The Kracken c. Cetus

b. Camelopardalis d. Corvus

17. What did Cepheus have to do to save his kingdom?

a. Step down as king. c. Sacrifice Cassiopeia to Cetus.

b. Sacrifice Andromeda to Cetus. d. Pay a huge ransom to the gods.

18. How did Perseus defeat Cetus?

a. Turned it to stone using the head of Medusa.

b. Cut off its head.

c. Convinced Poseidon to call off Cetus.

d. Fed it Cepheus.

19. Cepheus and Cassiopeia were not turned to stone.

a. True b. False

20. To what did the gods chain Cassiopeia?

a. Her bed b. A wall

b. A rock d. Her throne

Constellation Myths DVD Worksheet – Key I

1. People used the skies to…

d. all of the above

2. What did people see in the sky?

d. All of the above

3. Who was Orion’s father?

d. Poseidon

4. Who as the goddess of the hunt?

b. Artemis

5. Who became Artemis’s hunting companion?

c. Orion

6. Who was Artemis’s jealous brother?

a. Apollo

7. Who became most angry about Orion’s boasting?

b. Gaia

8. What creature was sent to kill Orion?

c. A scorpion

9. The scorpion chases Orion across the sky.

a. True (2 choices)

10. What did the Greeks call the Mother bear?

a. Callisto

11. Who transformed Callisto into a bear?

b. Hera

12. What happened to Callisto’s son, Arcas?

d. Zeus turned him into a bear.

13. Who became Ursa Minor, the small bear?

d. Arcas

14. Who was Cassiopeia’s daughter?

c. Andromeda

15. Whom did Cassiopeia’s boast about her beauty anger?

b. Poseidon

16. Who was sent to destroy Cassiopeia’s kingdom?

c. Cetus

17. What did Cepheus have to do to save his kingdom?

b. Sacrifice Andromeda to Cetus

18. How did Perseus defeat Cetus?

a. Turned it to stone using the head of Medusa.

19. Cepheus and Cassiopeia were not turned to stone.

b. False (2 choices)

20. To what did the gods chain Cassiopeia?

d. Her throne

Constellation Myths DVD Worksheet – Key II

1. d

2. d

3. d

4. b

5. c

6. a
7. b

8. c

9. a (2 choices)

10. a

11. b

12. d

13. d

14. c

15. b

16. c

17. b

18. a

19. b (2 choices)

20. d

Constellation Myths DVD Worksheet

Scoring Guide

19-20 – 4
18 – 3.5
17 – 3
15-16 – 2.5
13-14 – 2
11-12 – 1.5
9-10 – 1
1-8 – .5
0 – 0 / 95-100% - 4
90-94% - 3.5
85-89% - 3
75-84% - 2.5
65-74% - 2
55-64% - 1.5
45-54% - 1
1-44% - .5

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