Surgery: 01335 300588

Fax: 01335 300178

20 February 2013

Statement of purpose

Health and Social Care Act 2008

Statement of purpose
Health and Social Care Act 2008
Version / 1 / Date of next review / 1/4/16
Service provider
Full name, business address, telephone number and email address of the registered provider:
Name / Drs Broom, Ward, Shelly & Maxwell-Jones
Address line 1 / The Surgery
Address line 2 / Clifton Road
Town/city / Ashbourne
County / Derbyshire
Post code / DE6 1RR
Email /
Main telephone / 01335 300588
ID numbers
Where this is an updated version of the statement of purpose, please provide the service provider and registered manager ID numbers:
Service provider ID / 1-199705627
Registered manager ID / Not provided by CQC
Aims and objectives
What do you wish to achieve by providing regulated activities?
How will your service help the people who use your services?
Please use the numbered bullet points:
1.As per the definition of Essential Services as outlined in the GMS and PMS Contract:
nGMS Contract 2004 – Essential Services
2.8 (i) management of patients who are ill or believe themselves to be ill, with conditions from which recovery is generally expected, for the duration of that condition, including relevant health promotion advice and referral as appropriate, reflecting patient choice wherever practicable
(ii) general management of patients who are terminally ill
(iii) management of chronic disease in the manner determined by the practice, in discussion with the patient
Plus any Locally Enhanced Services (LES), or their equivalent, which may be commissioned from the practice by a CCG, Local Authority or the NHS Commissioning Board

Legal status

Tick the relevant box and provide the information requested for the type of provider you are:
Use þ


/ ¨
Partnership / ü
List the names of all partners / 1. Dr Andrew Broom
2. Dr David Ward
3. Dr Katharine Shelly
4. Dr Helen Maxwell-Jones
Limited liability partnership registered as an organisation / ¨
Incorporated organisation / ¨
Company number
Are you a charity? / No
Group structure (if applicable)

Please repeat the following table for each of your regulated activities1

Regulated activity 1
As shown on your certificate of registration / Diagnostic and screening procedures
What services, care and/or treatment do you provide for this regulated activity? (For example GP, dentist, acute hospital, care home with nursing, sheltered housing) / GP primary care services
As listed on your certificate of registration. Please repeat the section below for each location for this regulated activity
Location 1:
Name of location / Drs Broom, Ward, Shelly & Maxwell-Jones
Address line 1 / The Surgery
Address line 2 / Clifton Road
Address line 3 / Ashbourne
Address line 4 / DE6 1RR
Address line 5
Brief description of location2 / Surgery (only one location)
No of approved places/beds
(not NHS)3 / 0
Regulated activity 1
As shown on your certificate of registration / Family planning
What services, care and/or treatment do you provide for this regulated activity? (For example GP, dentist, acute hospital, care home with nursing, sheltered housing) / GP primary care services
As listed on your certificate of registration. Please repeat the section below for each location for this regulated activity
Location 1:
Name of location / Drs Broom, Ward, Shelly & Maxwell-Jones
Address line 1 / The Surgery
Address line 2 / Clifton Road
Address line 3 / Ashbourne
Address line 4 / DE6 1RR
Address line 5
Brief description of location2 / Surgery (only one location)
No of approved places/beds
(not NHS)3 / 0
Regulated activity 1
As shown on your certificate of registration / Maternity and midwifery services
What services, care and/or treatment do you provide for this regulated activity? (For example GP, dentist, acute hospital, care home with nursing, sheltered housing) / GP primary care services
As listed on your certificate of registration. Please repeat the section below for each location for this regulated activity
Location 1:
Name of location / Drs Broom, Ward, Shelly & Maxwell-Jones
Address line 1 / The Surgery
Address line 2 / Clifton Road
Address line 3 / Ashbourne
Address line 4 / DE6 1RR
Address line 5
Brief description of location2 / Surgery (only one location)
No of approved places/beds
(not NHS)3 / 0
Regulated activity 1
As shown on your certificate of registration / Surgical procedures
What services, care and/or treatment do you provide for this regulated activity? (For example GP, dentist, acute hospital, care home with nursing, sheltered housing) / GP primary care services
As listed on your certificate of registration. Please repeat the section below for each location for this regulated activity
Location 1:
Name of location / Drs Broom, Ward, Shelly & Maxwell-Jones
Address line 1 / The Surgery
Address line 2 / Clifton Road
Address line 3 / Ashbourne
Address line 4 / DE6 1RR
Address line 5
Brief description of location2 / Surgery (only one location)
No of approved places/beds
(not NHS)3 / 0
Regulated activity 1
As shown on your certificate of registration / Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
What services, care and/or treatment do you provide for this regulated activity? (For example GP, dentist, acute hospital, care home with nursing, sheltered housing) / GP primary care services
As listed on your certificate of registration. Please repeat the section below for each location for this regulated activity
Location 1:
Name of location / Drs Broom, Ward, Shelly & Maxwell-Jones
Address line 1 / The Surgery
Address line 2 / Clifton Road
Address line 3 / Ashbourne
Address line 4 / DE6 1RR
Address line 5
Brief description of location2 / Surgery (only one location)
No of approved places/beds
(not NHS)3 / 0
Name and contact details of registered manager(s)
(if applicable)4
Full name, business address, telephone number and email address of each registered manager.
For each registered manager, state which regulated activities and locations(s) they manage.
Copy and paste the sub-section if they are more than two registered managers / Registered manager
Full name: Dr Andrew Broom
Proportion of working time spent at each location (for job share posts only): n/a
Contact details:
Business address:
The Surgery, Clifton Road, Ashbourne, DE6 1RR
Telephone: 01335 300588
The Surgery, Clifton Road, Ashbourne, DE6 1RR
Service user band(s) at this location5
Use þ / Learning disabilities or autistic spectrum disorder / ü
Older people / ü
Younger adults / ü
Children 0-3 years / ü
Children 4-12 years / ü
Children 13-18 years / ü
Mental health / ü
Physical disability / ü
Sensory impairment / ü
Dementia / ü
People detained under the Mental Health Act / ü
People who misuse drugs and alcohol / ü
People with an eating disorder / ü
Whole population / ü
None of the above
Please give details: / ¨

Statement of Purpose

The name and address of the registered provider is:

Drs Broom, Ward, Shelly & Maxwell-Jones

The Surgery

Clifton Road



Telephone: 01335 300588


Registered Manager: Dr Andrew Broom

Practice Manager: Rachel Taft

The practice is registered as a partnership and there are 4 partners within the practice:

Dr Andrew Broom

Dr David Ward

Dr Katharine Shelly

Dr Helen Maxwell-Jones

Our surgery is purpose-built and has on-site car parking available for patients and staff.

Under the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (The Care Quality Commission (registration) Regulations 2009 Part 4), the registering body (Drs Broom and Partners) is required to provide to the Care Quality Commission a statement of purpose.

Our aims and objectives

·  To provide a high standard of medical care which is available to the whole population and to create a partnership between patient and healthcare professional

·  Be committed to our patients needs

·  Act with integrity and complete confidentiality

·  Be courteous, approachable and friendly

·  To recruit, retain and develop a highly motivated and appropriately skilled team who are committed to providing excellent patient care

·  To ensure effective and robust information governance systems are in place

·  Treat all patients with dignity, respect and honesty

·  Ensure safe and effective services and environment

·  Offer relevant health promotion advice and referral as appropriate, reflecting patient choice wherever practicable

·  Through monitoring and auditing continue to improve our healthcare services

Regulated Activities under CQC

·  Diagnostic and screening procedures

·  Family Planning

·  Maternity and midwifery services

·  Surgical procedures

·  Treatment of disease, disorder or injury

The registered activities have been agreed by the partners of The Surgery, Ashbourne in accordance with CQC guidance.

The registered activities under CQC are:

·  Routine medical checks and general medical services.

·  NHS relevant prescriptions and medications or a private prescription can be issued.

·  Vaccinations and immunisations – the practice strongly supports the childhood immunisation programme. All routine childhood vaccinations are performed at the surgery by one of our practice nurses. We also offer all ‘at risk’ patients the seasonal influenza vaccination from October to January every year.

·  Foreign travel advice and immunisation – provided by our practice nurses

·  Medicals – the GPs carry out medical reports and examinations

·  Chronic disease management – this encompasses a wide range of conditions which require long term treatment and care. Our priority is to ensure this care is on-going and appropriate and we endeavour to review patients medication on an annual basis. Spirometry testing is also available.

·  Family planning and contraceptive services – this is provided by the doctors and nurses.

·  Phlebotomy – patients can be seen in house service by our Health Care Assistants. They can also attend the Monday morning clinic at St Oswalds

·  Maternity services – The community midwife holds a weekly clinic at the surgery on a Monday. The doctors also provide ante-natal and post-natal care.

·  Minor Surgery

·  Ear syringing – facilities available for ear syringing.

·  Well person checks – these are carried out by our Health Care Assistant.

·  ECG monitoring – the surgery is able to offer ECG and 24 hour ECG monitoring.

·  Cervical screening – this service is provided by our trained nurses.

Our practice ethos is to strive towards a partnership between patients and healthcare professionals based on the following:

Mutual respect

We endeavour to treat all our patients with dignity, respect and honesty. Everyone at the surgery is committed to providing excellent patient care.

Continuity of Care

Building and maintaining a strong relationship between health professionals and our patients is essential to the way we work. This is especially the case when dealing with patients who have long term conditions. In these circumstances, we encourage patients to see, wherever possible, the same health professional and we will endeavour to do this through our appointments system. However, if you have a new problem or the doctor or nurse that you usually see is not available, then we would encourage you to see any of the doctors or nurses at the practice.

Learning and Training

We are committed to the training of doctors and nurses, who are all closely supervised via revalidation and appraisal. All staff within the practice have an annual appraisal where their training needs are identified. We also recognise the benefit of supported learning for patients to enhance the ability to self-manage and deal with long term conditions.

Patient Participation Group

We have a PPG that meets approx. 6 times per year, and also a ‘virtual’ patient group who receive the minutes of meetings and are invited to comment on the survey, results and action plans. We listen to the views of our patients and utilise the group to discuss any changes that we wish to make.