English 10 Syllabus

Mrs. Green and Mrs. Williams

Mrs. T. Green

Mrs. D. Williams

Room 206-KWHS


The focus for English 10 includes all aspects of literacy. Our work will include literature, writing, vocabulary and word study, grammar, and research. We will examine and analyze texts from a variety of cultures and eras. We will study and critique various writing styles and improve writing skills. We will build research skills including credibility and presentation.

The students will NOT have an EOC SOL this school year but we will be working on critical literacy skills.

Course Description

According to Virginia’s SOLs, 10th graders will:


10.1 The student will participate in, collaborate in, and report on small-group learning activities.

10.2 The student will analyze, produce, and examine similarities and differences between visual and verbal media messages.


10.3 The student will apply knowledge of word origins, derivations, and figurative language to extend vocabulary development in authentic texts.

10.4 The student will read, comprehend, and analyze literary texts of different cultures and eras.

10.5 The student will read, interpret, analyze, and evaluate nonfiction texts


10.6 The student will develop a variety of writing to persuade, interpret, analyze, and evaluate with an emphasis on exposition and analysis.

10.7 The student will self- and peer-edit writing for correct grammar, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure, and paragraphing.


10.8 The student will collect, evaluate, organize, and present information to create a research product.

Grading and Assignments

All assignments are to be turned in on time. Grades can be accessed on Powerschool which is updated every Monday by 5 pm. Quarterly grades will be determined as follows:

Tests/ Essays – 40%

Quizzes – 30%

Classwork – 20%

Homework – 10%

The semester exam will count as 20% of semester average.

The grading scale is as follows:

93 – 100A

85 – 92B

77 – 84C

70 – 76D

69 and belowF

Late Work

Regular homework assignments turned in late will not receive full credit. Late projects/essays will receive a point deduction for each school day the work is not turned it.


Homework will be assigned regularly. Since most regular assignments are a way to practice skills, I do not expect perfection, but I do expect students to try to complete the assignments to the best of their ability. Instead of receiving a letter grade on each assignment, students will be evaluated on completion.

Make-Up Work

All work should be made up in accordance with school policy. It is the student’s responsibility to find out what he or she has missed while absent.



Students are expected to have the following materials for class EVERDAY:

  • 3-ring binder
  • Plenty of loose-leaf paper
  • Composition Book to be left in class for Journals
  • Writing Utensil

Communication of Student Progress

In addition to report cards at the end of each nine weeks, students will receive an interim reporton the following dates: Oct. 2, Dec. 11, February 26, and May 7. The student will be responsible for delivering the notice to parents. If parents do not receive these notices, please contact me so that we can arrange for a different means of communication. Please feel free to contact with any questions using my email (preferred)

, voicemail 804-769-3434, or, my teacher website. The website can be found on the KWCPS site under teacher websites. Find Mrs. Green.

You may also email Mrs. Williams with any questions () or check her website.

Honor Policy

Honesty shall be practiced in the entire educational experience at KWHS. Students are expected to produce their own work as instructed by the teacher. Cheating, plagiarism, forgery (including computer forgery) or any other act to represent dishonestly one’s work will not be tolerated. Students who violate this policy risk loss of credit for the assignment and/or referral to the administration.All essays and projects must include an honor pledge printed on the assignments and must be signed and dated. Honor Pledge: “I have neither given nor received help on this assignment and verify that this work is my own. I understand the consequences of plagiarism and integrity violations at King William High School.”

Classroom Procedures

In addition to all county and school rules, all students are expected to do the following:


Students should be in the classroom when the tardy bell sounds and should sit in their assigned seats. If a problem with this arises the student will receive a warning, then his/her parent/guardian will be notified; following that, he/she will be assigned a detention.


High school students are responsible for their own learning. Students should bring textbook, 3-ring binder, loose-leaf paper, writing utensils, and completed homework to class each day.

RESPECT OTHERS! Students are to keep their hands, feet and unkind remarks to themselves at all times. Bullying will not be tolerated. Disruptive behavior interferes with teaching and learning, therefore, students should refrain from talking while others are teaching, presenting, or leading a discussion. Failure to comply will result in parent/guardian notification, detention assignment, and/or administrative referral.

Instructional plan for the year:

Grammar: ongoing practice throughout the year including items reflecting SOL practices

Lessons on common errors and errors found in essays

Writing: ongoing throughout the year

Daily Journals

Various essays completed periodically throughout the year

Sentence and paragraph practice

Vocabulary and Word Study: ongoing throughout the year (including an emphasis on Greek and Latin

roots and other morphemes)

First Nine Weeks:

Short Story Unit

Harrison Bergeron

The Interlopers

Pit and Pendulum

The Possibility of Evil

Paragraph/Essay Writing

Introduction, sentences

Informational/Media Materials Unit

Nine Week Benchmark

Second Nine Weeks:

Drama and Poetry Unit

Greece to Present


Julius Caesar

Research Unit

Resource evaluation

Essay Writing

Compare/Contrast, Persuasive, Narrative, Expository

Semester Exam (Benchmark included)

Third Nine Weeks

Continuation of drama/poetry unit and Research

Essay Writing

Compare/Contrast, Persuasive, Narrative, Expository

Novel Unit


Fourth Nine Weeks

Continuation of Novel Unit

Literary Review

Essay Writing

Compare/Contrast, Persuasive, Narrative, Expository

We reserve the right to make changes to this schedule in the interest of maximum student achievement.

Parents,Please take a moment and let me know how best to contact you.


Preferred method of contact:

Phone (#:)

Email (address: )

By signing my name below I am acknowledging that I have reviewed the syllabus including rules, expectations, and requirements.