
Wood-Sawing in Russia: Markets and Prospects of Development.
Wood-Sawing Efficiency

October 24, 2012

Moscow, Central Exhibition Complex "Expocentre", Congress centre, Sky Light Hall

We are inviting you to take part in the conference devoted to the wood-sawing problems in Russia. The program of the conference will consist of two sessions: "Sawn Timber Market. Wood-Sawing Economy in the Russian Federation" and "Technologies and Equipment for Timber Sawing".

Reports and Discussions:

·  Russian and world sawn timber markets: analysis of the current situation and trends.

·  Expectations of industry enterprises related to Russia's entry to WTO.

·  Procurement of raw materials to the production: difficulties and the ways to overcome them.

·  Strategies of wood-sawing enterprises for the nearest decade: the point of view of the industry leaders.

·  Growth of sawn timber transport costs: the problem of a buyer or that of a manufacturer?

·  The quality of domestic wood-sawing products. The need to sort the sawn timber automatically.

·  Common mistakes made in the course of log sawing and sawn timber drying.

·  Maximization of raw material processing degree. Bioenergy.

·  Science to business. Perspective developments and new wood-sawing technologies.

The speakers can be asked questions upon the report delivery or at the end of the relevant session. At the end of each session 30 minutes are given to discuss the topics suggested by the conference participants.

The program of the conference can be changed and amended, your suggestions taken into consideration.

General Sponsor:

Participation is to be paid for.


·  Top-managers of wood-sawing plants, directors of wood procurement, of production, of quality assurance, sales & marketing , process engineers.

·  Trade companies and DIY networks.

·  Investors, banks and leasing companies.

·  Manufacturers of woodworking equipment and timber logging vehicles.

·  Design, engineering and consulting companies.

Find detailed information about the conference at or contact us on the phones:

Oleg Prudnikov (Conference program and participation requests)
+7921 750-0800, / Olga Ryabinina (Organisation and participation requests)