Writing Prompts: Reading Informational Text

Odell Unit: We Had to Learn English

Eighth Grade

Rationale for Informational and Argument Prompts: These prompts are connected specifically to the texts to provide options for culminating writing assignments. The prompts are intended as resources for teaching full-process writing.

CCSS W 2, RI 2

Writing Situation: This unit entitled We Had to Learn English presents a series of informational texts with a variety of points of view and accounts discussing immigration in the early 1900’s. Think about what you have learned about the immigration process, what life was like for early immigrants, as well as how these early immigrants were received in America. Refer back to your graphic organizers and annotations to help guide your thinking.

Writing Directions: You have just read a number of texts that included different mediums: photos, video(s), and written text describing the topic of immigration to America in the early 1900’s. In an informational/explanatory essay response, describe why learning English was so important for a new immigrant in the early 1900’s. Make sure you use examples from at least 2 of the texts, and elaborate on those examples to fully answer the question. In your essay, you will need to:

·  Introduce the topic (the importance of early immigrants learning English)

·  Develop the topic (why it was important)

·  Use examples from at least 2 of the texts to help develop the topic

·  Use transitions

·  Use precise language

·  Maintain a formal style and objective tone

·  Provide a conclusion

CCSS W 2, RI 3

Writing Situation: This unit entitled We Had to Learn English presents a series of informational texts with a variety of points of view and accounts discussing the topic of immigration in the early 1900’s. Think about what you have learned about the immigration process, what life was like for early immigrants, as well as how these early immigrants were received in America. Refer back to your graphic organizers and annotations to help guide your thinking.

Writing Directions: You have just read a number of texts that included different mediums: photos, video(s), and written text describing the topic of immigration to America in the early 1900’s. In an informational/explanatory essay response, describe why fitting in is a key component to a new immigrant’s success. Make sure you use examples from at least 2 of the texts, and elaborate on those examples to fully answer the question. In your essay, you will need to:

·  Introduce the topic (the importance of an immigrant fitting in)

·  Develop the topic (why it was so important)

·  Use examples from at least 2 of the texts to help develop the topic

·  Use transitions

·  Use precise language

·  Maintain a formal style and objective tone

·  Provide a conclusion

CCSS W 2, RI 3

Writing Situation: This unit entitled We Had to Learn English presents a series of informational texts with a variety of points of view and accounts discussing the topic of immigration in the early 1900’s. Think about what you have learned about the immigration process, what life was like for early immigrants, as well as how these early immigrants were received in America. Refer back to your graphic organizers and annotations to help guide your thinking.

Writing Directions: Choose either Marie Ganz and Nat Ferber’s OR Frederick Douglas’ piece and explain the author’s main claim about the immigrant experience. Also, describe how the author introduces, develops, & connects ideas in order to further develop his/her belief.

CCSS W 2, RI 4

Writing Situation: This unit entitled We Had to Learn English presents a series of informational texts with a variety of points of view and accounts discussing the topic of immigration in the early 1900’s. Think about what you have learned about the immigration process, what life was like for early immigrants, as well as how these early immigrants were received in America. Refer back to your graphic organizers and annotations to help guide your thinking.

Writing Directions: Authors are very purposeful in the words they choose to use. Identify the central meaning from the H.G. Wells’ narrative text. Then, select words and/or phrases from the text that contribute to his tone. How do these word choices impact his overall meaning?

CCSS W 2, RI 6

Writing Situation: This unit entitled We Had to Learn English presents a series of informational texts with a variety of points of view and accounts discussing the topic of immigration in the early 1900’s. Think about what you have learned about the immigration process, what life was like for early immigrants, as well as how these early immigrants were received in America. Refer back to your graphic organizers and annotations to help guide your thinking.

Writing Directions: Select two texts, one a visual medium and one written; discuss how each text describes the immigration process in the early 1900’s. Be sure to expand on your examples to paint a picture of what this experience would have been like for an immigrant in the 1900’s.

CCSS W 2, RI 6

Writing Situation: This unit entitled We Had to Learn English presents a series of informational texts with a variety of points of view and accounts discussing the topic of immigration in the early 1900’s. Think about what you have learned about the immigration process, what life was like for early immigrants, as well as how these early immigrants were received in America. Refer back to your graphic organizers and annotations to help guide your thinking.

Writing Directions: You have just read a number of texts that included different mediums: photos, video(s), and written text describing the topic of immigration to America in the early 1900’s. In an informational/explanatory essay response, describe why some people would be angry with the new immigrants and not offer help or assistance. Make sure you use examples from at least 2 of the texts, and elaborate on those examples to fully answer the question. In your essay, you will need to:

·  Introduce the topic (the anger some people felt and displayed to the immigrants)

·  Develop the topic (why some people would feel this anger and not help the immigrants)

·  Use examples from at least 2 of the texts to help develop the topic

·  Use transitions

·  Use precise language

·  Maintain a formal style and objective tone

·  Provide a conclusion

CCSS W 2, RI 8

Writing Situation: This unit entitled We Had to Learn English presents a series of informational texts with a variety of points of view and accounts discussing the topic of immigration in the early 1900’s. Think about what you have learned about the immigration process, what life was like for early immigrants, as well as how these early immigrants were received in America. Refer back to your graphic organizers and annotations to help guide your thinking.

Writing Directions: You have just read a number of texts that included different mediums: photos, video(s), and written text describing the topic of immigration to America in the early 1900’s. In an informational/explanatory essay response, describe how the struggle for survival is different based on the level of resources available to the immigrants. Make sure you use examples from at least 2 of the texts, and elaborate on those examples to fully answer the question. In your essay, you will need to:

·  Introduce the topic (the difference in the struggles for immigrants with and without resources)

·  Develop the topic (what are the different struggles and what resources, or lack of them, contributed to these struggles)

·  Use examples from at least 2 of the texts to help develop the topic

·  Use transitions

·  Use precise language

·  Maintain a formal style and objective tone

·  Provide a conclusion

CCSS W 1, RI 3

Writing Situation: This unit entitled We Had to Learn English presents a series of informational texts with a variety of points of view and accounts discussing the topic of immigration in the early 1900’s. Think about what you have learned about the immigration process, what life was like for early immigrants, as well as how these early immigrants were received in America. Refer back to your graphic organizers and annotations to help guide your thinking.

Writing Directions: You have just read a number of texts that included different mediums: photos, video(s), and written text describing the topic of immigration to America in the early 1900’s. In an argumentative essay response, take a stance on whether or not the US should have done more to help the immigrants acclimate/adjust to their new environment. Make sure you support your claim using examples from at least 2 of the texts, and elaborate on those examples to fully support your claim.

In your essay, you will need to:

·  Introduce your claim (your stance on whether or not the US should have done more to help the immigrants)

·  Develop the claim

·  Develop a counter claim

·  Use examples from at least 2 of the texts as evidence to support claim and counter claim

·  Use precise language to show the relationship between claim and evidence as well as counter claim and evidence

·  Maintain a formal style and objective tone

·  Provide a conclusion

CCSS W 1, RI 6

Writing Situation: This unit entitled We Had to Learn English presents a series of informational texts with a variety of points of view and accounts discussing the topic of immigration in the early 1900’s. Think about what you have learned about the immigration process, what life was like for early immigrants, as well as how these early immigrants were received in America. Refer back to your graphic organizers and annotations to help guide your thinking.

Writing Directions: You have just read a number of texts that included different mediums: photos, video(s), and written text describing the topic of immigration to America in the early 1900’s. In an argumentative essay response, take a stance on whether or not there should there have been a more involved or less involved process admitting immigrants into the US. Make sure you support your claim using examples from at least 2 of the texts, and elaborate on those examples to fully support your claim.

In your essay, you will need to:

·  Introduce your claim (if there should have been a more involved or less involved process for admitting immigrants)

·  Develop the claim

·  Develop a counter claim

·  Use examples from at least 2 of the texts as evidence to support claim and counter claim

·  Use precise language to show the relationship between claim and evidence as well as counter claim and evidence

·  Maintain a formal style and objective tone

·  Provide a conclusion

CCSS W 1, RI 8

Writing Situation: This unit entitled We Had to Learn English presents a series of informational texts with a variety of points of view and accounts discussing the topic of immigration in the early 1900’s. Think about what you have learned about the immigration process, what life was like for early immigrants, as well as how these early immigrants were received in America. Refer back to your graphic organizers and annotations to help guide your thinking.

Writing Directions: You have just read a number of texts that included different mediums: photos, video(s), and written text describing the topic of immigration to America in the early 1900’s. In an argumentative essay response, take a stance on whether or not all of the risks the immigrants took to live in America in the early 1900’s worth it. Make sure you support your claim using examples from at least 2 of the texts, and elaborate on those examples to fully support your claim.

In your essay, you will need to:

·  Introduce your claim (your stance on whether or not the risks were worth it)

·  Develop the claim

·  Develop a counter claim

·  Use examples from at least 2 of the texts as evidence to support claim and counter claim

·  Use precise language to show the relationship between claim and evidence as well as counter claim and evidence

·  Maintain a formal style and objective tone

·  Provide a conclusion

CCSS W 2, RI 9

Writing Situation: This unit entitled We Had to Learn English presents a series of informational texts with a variety of points of view and accounts discussing the topic of immigration in the early 1900’s. Think about what you have learned about the immigration process, what life was like for early immigrants, as well as how these early immigrants were received in America. Refer back to your graphic organizers and annotations to help guide your thinking.

Writing Directions: Throughout the We Had to Learn English unit you have read 11 texts discussing various aspects of immigration. Select two pieces that show different perspectives of similar topics. Explain one author’s point of view and how that challenges the point of view of the other author.