Schoolabjuration;Levelbard 5, cleric 6, druid 6, sorcerer/wizard 6

Target or Areaone spellcaster, creature, or object; or a 20-ft.-radius burst

This spell functions likedispel magic, except that it can end more than one spell on a target and it can be used to target multiple creatures.

You choose to usegreater dispel magicin one of three ways: a targeted dispel, area dispel, or a counterspell:

Targeted Dispel: This functions as a targeteddispel magic, but it can dispel one spell for every four caster levels you possess, starting with the highest level spells and proceeding to lower level spells.

Additionally,greater dispel magichas a chance to dispel any effect thatremove cursecan remove, even ifdispel magiccan't dispel that effect. The DC of this check is equal to the curse's DC.

Area Dispel: Whengreater dispel magicis used in this way, the spell affects everything within a 20-foot-radius burst. Roll one dispel check and apply that check to each creature in the area, as if targeted bydispel magic. For each object within the area that is the target of one or more spells, apply the dispel check as with creatures. Magic items are not affected by an area dispel.

For each ongoing area or effect spell whose point of origin is within the area of thegreater dispel magicspell, apply the dispel check to dispel the spell. For each ongoing spell whose area overlaps that of thegreater dispel magicspell, apply the dispel check to end the effect, but only within the overlapping area.

If an object or creature that is the effect of an ongoing spell (such as a monster summoned bysummon monster) is in the area, apply the dispel check to end the spell that conjured that object or creature (returning it whence it came) in addition to attempting to dispel one spell targeting the creature or object.

You may choose to automatically succeed on dispel checks against any spell that you have cast.

Counterspell: This functions asdispel magic,but you receive a +4 bonus on your dispel check to counter the other spellcaster's spell.


Schoolabjuration;Levelsorcerer/wizard 2

Casting Time1 standard action

ComponentsV, S, M (gold dust worth 25 gp)


Targetdoor, chest, or portal touched, up to 30 sq. ft./level in size


Saving Thrownone;Spell Resistanceno

An arcane lock spell cast upon a door, chest, or portal magically locks it. You can freely pass your own arcane lock without affecting it. If the locked object has a lock, the DC to open that lock increases by 10 while it remains attached to the object. If the object does not have a lock, this spell creates one that can only be opened with a DC 20 Disable Device skill check. A door or object secured with this spell can be opened only by breaking in or with a successful dispel magic or knock spell. Add 10 to the normal DC to break open a door or portal affected by this spell. A knock spell does not remove anarcane lock; it only suppresses the effect for 10 minutes.


Schoolconjuration (creation);Levelsorcerer/wizard 5

Casting Time1 standard action

ComponentsV, S, M (a tiny silver whistle, a piece of bone, and a thread)

Rangeclose (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

Effectphantom watchdog

Duration1 hour/caster level or until discharged, then 1 round/caster level; see text

Saving Thrownone;Spell Resistanceno

You conjure up a phantom watchdog that isinvisibleto everyone but yourself. It then guards the area where it was conjured (it does not move). The hound immediately starts barking loudly if any Small or larger creature approaches within 30 feet of it. (Those within 30 feet of the hound when it is conjured may move about in the area, but if they leave and return, they activate the barking.) The hound seesinvisibleand ethereal creatures. It does not react to figments, but it does react to shadow illusions.

If an intruder approaches to within 5 feet of the hound, the dog stops barking and delivers a vicious bite (+10 attack bonus, 2d6+3 points of piercing damage) once per round. The dog also gets the bonuses appropriate to aninvisiblecreature (seeinvisibility).

The dog is considered ready to bite intruders, so it delivers its first bite on the intruder's turn. Its bite is the equivalent of a magic weapon for the purpose ofdamage reduction. The hound cannot be attacked, but it can be dispelled.

The spell lasts for 1 hour per caster level, but once the hound begins barking, it lasts only 1 round per caster level. If you are ever more than 100 feet distant from the hound, the spell ends.

Orlicino’s Cheat Sheet (Subtier 7-8)

Vs. Human / Deadly Aim / Point-Blank
+12/+7 (1d8+2/x3)
X / +13/+8 (1d8+3/x3)
X / +10/+5 (1d8+6/x3)
X / X / +11/+5 (1d8+7/x3)
X / +16/+11 (1d8+6/x3)
X / X / +17/+12 (1d8+7/x3)
X / X / +14/+9 (1d8+10/x3)
X / X / X / +15/+10 (1d8+11/x3)


Gravity Bow (Transmutation, VS, 1 min/lvl) – Bow damage goes from 1d8 -> 2d6

Special Ability

Hunter’s Bond – Move action to grant all allies within 30ft ½ favored enemy bonus vs. one target

Lyone’s Cheat Sheet (Subtier 7-8)

3rd level spells

Blink (Transmutation, VS, 1rd/lvl) – Blink between Material & Ethereal. 50% miss vs you, 20% miss for you. If they can see invisible, reduce to 20%. If they can hit ethereal, reduce to 0%. +2 to hit things. ½ dmg from area effects.

Keen Edge (Transmutation, VS, 10min/lvl) – Double the threat range of a weapon

Vampiric Touch(Necromancy, VS, touch, SRyes) – Touch for 1d6 dmg/2lvls. Gain dmg as temps for 1hr/lvl. Can’t gain more than total hp remaining of the target.

2nd level spells

Cat’s Grace (Transmutation, VSM, 1min/lvl) - +4 DEX

Mirror Image (x2) (Illusion (figment), VS, 1min/lvl) – 1d4+1/3lvls copied of you. Randomize if you or a figment is hit. Miss by 5 or less pops a figment

See Invisibility(Divination, VSM, 10min/lvl) – You can see invisible things and know which are invisible

1st level spells

Shield(Abjuration, VS, 1min/lvl) - +4 shield, no magic missiles on you

True Strike (Divination, VF) - +20 insight to next attack, no concealment

Vanish (Illusion (glamer), VS, 1rd/lvl max of 5 rds) – Invisible until you attack

Spell-Like Ability

Telekinetic Fist – Ranged touch for 1d4+2 bludgeoning dmg. 5/day

Orlicino’s Cheat Sheet (Subtier 10-11)

Rapid Shot / Vs. Humans / Deadly Aim / Point-Blank
+16/+11 (1d8+3/x3)
X / +17/+12 (1d8+4/x3)
X / +13/+8 (1d8+9/x3)
X / X / +14/+9 (1d8+10/x3)
X / +20/+15 (1d8+7/x3)
X / X / +21/+16 (1d8+8/x3)
X / X / +17/+12 (1d8+13/x3)
X / X / X / +18/+13 (1d8+14/x3)
X / +14/+14/+9 (1d8+3/x3)
X / X / +15/+15/+10 (1d8+4/x3)
X / X / +11/+11/+6 (1d8+9/x3)
X / X / X / +12/+12/+7 (1d8+10/x3)
X / X / +18/+18/+13 (1d8+7/x3)
X / X / X / +19/+19/+14 (1d8+8/x3)
X / X / X / +15/+15/+10 (1d8+13/x3)
X / X / X / X / +16/+16/+11 (1d8+14/x3)


Gravity Bow (Transmutation, VS, 1min/lvl) – Bow damage goes from 1d8 -> 2d6

Jump (Transmutation, VSM, 1min/lvl) - +20 to Acrobatics for jumping

Longstrider (Transmutation, VSM, 1 hr/lvl) - +10ft. enhancement to base speed

Special Ability

Hunter’s Bond – Move action to grant all allies within 30ft ½ favored enemy bonus vs. one target

Lyone’s Cheat Sheet (Subtier 10-11)

5th level spells

Baleful Polymorph (Transmutation (polymorph), VS, close, permanent) – FORT or turn into a Small or smaller animal. WILL or have the mind of that animal.

4th level spells

Dimension Door(Conjuration (teleportation), V, long) – Teleport within range

Enervation(Necromancy, VS, close, SRyes) – Ray for 1d4 temp negative levels for 1hr/lvl

Mass Reduce Person (Transmutation, 1 round, VSM, close, 1 humanoid/lvl within 30 ft of each other, 1min/lvl, SRyes) –FORT or +2 DEX, -2 STR, +1 Attack, +1 AC, decrease 1 size category

3rd level spells

Blink (Transmutation, VS, 1rd/lvl) – Blink between Material & Ethereal. 50% miss vs you, 20% miss for you. If they can see invisible, reduce to 20%. If they can hit ethereal, reduce to 0%. +2 to hit things. ½ dmg from area effects.

Keen Edge (Transmutation, VS, 10min/lvl) – Double the threat range of a weapon

Vampiric Touch (2)(Necromancy, VS, touch, SRyes) – Touch for 1d6 dmg/2lvls. Gain dmg as temps for 1hr/lvl. Can’t gain more than total hp remaining of the target.

2nd level spells

Cat’s Grace (Transmutation, VSM, 1min/lvl) - +4 DEX

Mirror Image (x2) (Illusion (figment), VS, 1min/lvl) – 1d4+1/3lvls copied of you. Randomize if you or a figment is hit. Miss by 5 or less pops a figment

See Invisibility(Divination, VSM, 10min/lvl) – You can see invisible things and know which are invisible

Web (Conjuration (creation), VSM, medium, 20ft. radius, 10min/lvl) – Area is difficult terrain. REF or grappled. (CMD = DC). Move through and make a CMB or Escape Artist or grappled. Flaming webs deal 2d4 fire dmg.

1st level spells

Animate Rope(Transmutation, VS, medium, 1rd/lvl) – REF or enemy next to the rope becomes entangled. Get out with a DC20 Escape Artist.

Shield(Abjuration, VS, 1min/lvl) - +4 shield, no magic missiles on you

True Strike (Divination, VF) - +20 insight to next attack, no concealment

Vanish (Illusion (glamer), VS, 1rd/lvl max of 5 rds) – Invisible until you attack

Spell-Like Ability

Telekinetic Fist – Ranged touch for 1d4+2 bludgeoning dmg. 5/day

Lissalan Cultists’ Cheat Sheet (Subtier 7-8)

2nd level spells

Aid (Enchantment (compulsion)[mind-affecting], VSDF, 1min/lvl) - +1 morale to attack and saves vs. fear, 1d8+lvl temps

Align Weapon (evil only) (Transmutation [evil], VSDF, 1min/lvl) – touched weapon can overcome DR/evil

1st level spells

Cure Light Wounds (Conjuration (healing), VS) – creature touched heals 1d8+lvl

Divine Favor (Evocation, VSDF, 1min) - +1 luck/3lvls on attack and weapon dmg

Entropic Shield (Abjuration, VS, 1min/lvl) – you have 20% concealment vs. ranged attacks

Protection from Good (Abjuration [evil], VSDF, 1min/lvl) - +2 deflection to AC, +2 resistance on saves vs. good creatures, reroll a save vs. mental control by good creatures, can’t be touched by good summoned creatures

Spell-Like Abilities

Blast Rune – Create an invisible rune in an adjacent square. Anyone who steps in it takes 1d6+1/2lvls (acid, cold, electric, fire) dmg. Lasts 1rd/lvl or until discharged. Perception26 sees it, Disable Device26 disarms it. 5/day

Touch of Evil – Touch for sickened for 1rd/2lvls. Creatures sickened count as good for evil spells.

Special Attacks

Channel Smite – As a swift before a melee attack, put channel energy on weapon. If hit, 2d6 neg energy, WILL 14 half. 4/day

Heshlak’s Cheat Sheet (Subtier 7-8)

2nd level spells

Detect Thoughts (Divination [mind-affecting], VSDF, 60ft cone, concentration up to 1min/lvl) – Like Detect Magic, but detecting thoughts. 3rd rd creatures WILL or read surface thoughts

Flames of the Faithful (Transmutation [fire], V, 1rd/lvl) – weapon becomes flaming, or flaming burst if you are using a judgment

Spiritual Weapon(Evocation, VSDF, medium, 1rd/lvl, SRyes) – Whip of force +(WIS+lvl) (1d8+1/3lvls force) Move to redirect the weapon. Touch AC is 12.

1st level spells

Bane (Enchantment (compulsion) [fear, mind-affecting], VSDF, 50ft radius from you, 1min/lvl, SRyes) – Enemies WILL or -1 to attacks and saves vs. fear

Bless (Enchanment (compulsion)[mind-affecting], VSDF, 50ft radius from you, 1min/lvl) – Allies and you get +1 morale on attack and saves vs. fear

Command(Enchantment (compulsion)[mind-affecting], V, close, 1rd, SRyes) – WILL or Approach, Drop, Fall, Flee or Halt.

Cure Light Wounds (Conjuration (healing), VS) – creature touched heals 1d8+5

Spell-Like Abilities

Blast Rune – Create an invisible rune in an adjacent square. Anyone who steps in it takes 1d6+1/2lvls (acid, cold, electric, fire) dmg. Lasts 1rd/lvl or until discharged. Perception26 sees it, Disable Device26 disarms it. 4/day

Detect Alignment – Can detect chaos, detect evil, detect good or detect law at will

Discern Lies – Immediate action, target WILL or it is revealed to you whether statement is a lie or not. 5rd/day

Special Attacks

Bane – Swift action, get +2 to hit, +2d6+2 dmgvs one subtype. 5rds/day

Special Abilities

Judgment – Swift action, get bonuses for combat. Swift action to change those bonuses. You don’t get them if frightened, panicked, paralyzed, stunned, unconscious, or otherwise not participating, but it doesn’t end.

Destruction - +2 profane bonus to damage rolls

Protection - +2 profane bonus to AC

Solo Tactics – Treat all your allies as having the same teamwork feats as you

Tandem Trip (Teamwork) – Whenever you trip someone who is being threatened by someone with this feat, roll twice and pick the highest roll

Lissalan Cultists’ Cheat Sheet (Subtier 10-11)

3rd level spells

Cure Serious Wounds (Conjuration (healing), VS) – creature touched heals 3d8+lvl

Invisibility Purge (Evocation, VS, 1min/lvl) – Everything within 5ft/lvl is no longer invisible

Magic Circle Against Good (Abjuration [evil], VSDF, 10ft radius from creature, 10min/lvl) - +2 deflection to AC, +2 resistance on saves vs. good creatures, reroll a save vs. mental control by good creatures, can’t be touched by good summoned creatures

2nd level spells

Aid (Enchantment (compulsion)[mind-affecting], VSDF, 1min/lvl) - +1 morale to attack and saves vs. fear, 1d8+lvl temps

Align Weapon (evil only) (Transmutation [evil], VSDF, 1min/lvl) – touched weapon can overcome DR/evil

Cure Moderate Wounds (Conjuration (healing), VS) – creature touched heals 2d8+lvl

Hold Person (Enchantment (compulsion)[mind-affecting], VSDF, medium, 1rd/lvl(D), SRyes) – WILL or humanoid is paralyzed. Full-round gives another save.

Spiritual Weapon(Evocation, VSDF, medium, 1rd/lvl, SRyes) – Whip of force +(WIS+lvl) (1d8+1/3lvls force) Move to redirect the weapon. Touch AC is 12.

1st level spells

Cure Light Wounds (Conjuration (healing), VS) – creature touched heals 1d8+5

Divine Favor (Evocation, VSDF, 1min) - +1 luck/3lvls on attack and weapon dmg

Doom (Necromancy [fear, mind-affecting], VSDF, medium, 1min/lvl, SRyes) – WILL or living creature is shaken

Entropic Shield (Abjuration, VS, 1min/lvl) – you have 20% concealment vs. ranged attacks

Erase (Transmutation, VS, close) – Erase one scroll or two pages of nonmagical writing, caster level check of DC15 to erase magical writing.

Spell-Like Abilities

Blast Rune – Create an invisible rune in an adjacent square. Anyone who steps in it takes 1d6+1/2lvls (acid, cold, electric, fire) dmg. Lasts 1rd/lvl or until discharged. Perception26 sees it, Disable Device26 disarms it. 5/day

Touch of Evil – Touch for sickened for 1rd/2lvls. Creatures sickened count as good for evil spells.

Special Attacks

Channel Smite – As a swift before a melee attack, put channel energy on weapon. If hit, 3d6 neg energy, WILL 16 half. 6/day

Heshlak’s Cheat Sheet (Subtier 7-8)

2nd level spells

Detect Thoughts (Divination [mind-affecting], VSDF, 60ft cone, concentration up to 1min/lvl) – Like Detect Magic, but detecting thoughts. 3rd rd creatures WILL or read surface thoughts

Flames of the Faithful (Transmutation [fire], V, 1rd/lvl) – weapon becomes flaming, or flaming burst if you are using a judgment

See Invisibility(Divination, VSM, 10min/lvl) – You can see invisible things and know which are invisible

Spiritual Weapon(Evocation, VSDF, medium, 1rd/lvl, SRyes) – Whip of force +(WIS+lvl) (1d8+1/3lvls force) Move to redirect the weapon. Touch AC is 12.

1st level spells

Bane (Enchantment (compulsion) [fear, mind-affecting], VSDF, 50ft radius from you, 1min/lvl, SRyes) – Enemies WILL or -1 to attacks and saves vs. fear

Bless (Enchanment (compulsion)[mind-affecting], VSDF, 50ft radius from you, 1min/lvl) – Allies and you get +1 morale on attack and saves vs. fear

Command(Enchantment (compulsion)[mind-affecting], V, close, 1rd, SRyes) – WILL or Approach, Drop, Fall, Flee or Halt.

Cure Light Wounds (Conjuration (healing), VS) – creature touched heals 1d8+5

Spell-Like Abilities

Blast Rune – Create an invisible rune in an adjacent square. Anyone who steps in it takes 1d6+1/2lvls (acid, cold, electric, fire) dmg. Lasts 1rd/lvl or until discharged. Perception26 sees it, Disable Device26 disarms it. 4/day

Detect Alignment – Can detect chaos, detect evil, detect good or detect law at will

Discern Lies – Immediate action, target WILL or it is revealed to you whether statement is a lie or not. 5rd/day

Special Attacks

Bane – Swift action, get +2 to hit, +2d6+2 dmgvs one subtype. 6rds/day

Special Abilities

Judgment – Swift action, get bonuses for combat. Swift action to change those bonuses. You don’t get them if frightened, panicked, paralyzed, stunned, unconscious, or otherwise not participating, but it doesn’t end.

Destruction - +3 profane bonus to damage rolls

Protection - +2 profane bonus to AC

Precise Strike (Teamwork) – Whenever you are flanking with some with this feat, deal +1d6 precision dmg

Solo Tactics – Treat all your allies as having the same teamwork feats as you

Tandem Trip (Teamwork) – Whenever you trip someone who is being threatened by someone with this feat, roll twice and pick the highest roll


XP 2,400

LE Mediumoutsider(evil,extraplanar, kyton,lawful)

Init+7;Sensesdarkvision 60 ft.;Perception+14


AC21, touch 13, flat-footed 18 (+4 armor, +3 Dex, +4 natural)

hp60 (8d10+16);regeneration2 (good weapons and spells, silver weapons)


DR5/silver or good;Immunecold;SR17


Speed30 ft.

Melee4 chains +11 (2d4+2)

Space5 ft;Reach5 ft. (10 ft. with chains)

Special Attacksdancing chains,unnerving gaze



Base Atk+8;CMB+10;CMD23

FeatsAlertness,Blind-Fight,Improved Initiative,Weapon Focus(chain)

SkillsAcrobatics+14,Climb+13,Craft(blacksmithing) +11,Escape Artist+14,Intimidate+12,Perception+14

LanguagesCommon, Infernal

SQchain armor



Organizationsolitary, pair, link (3–6), or chain (7–20)



Chain Armor (Ex)The chains that adorn a kyton grant it a +4 armor bonus, but are not treated as armor for the purpose of arcane spell failure, armor check penalties, maximum Dexterity, weight, or proficiency.

Dancing Chains (Su)Akyton can control up to four chains within 20 feet as a standard action, making the chains dance or move as it wishes. In addition, a kyton can increase these chains' length by up to 15 feet and cause them to sprout razor-edged barbs. These chains attack as effectively as the kyton itself. If a chain is in another creature's possession, the creature can attempt a DC 15 Will save to break the kyton's power over that chain. If the save is successful, the kyton cannot attempt to control that particular chain again for 24 hours or until the chain leaves the creature's possession. A kyton can climb chains it controls at its normal speed without makingClimbchecks. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Unnerving Gaze (Su)Range 30 ft., Will DC 15 negates. A kyton can make its face resemble one of an opponent's departed loved ones or bitter enemies. Those who fail their saves become shaken for 1d3 rounds. This is a mind-affecting fear effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Miakovna’s Cheat Sheet (Subtier 7-8)

4th level spells

Stoneskin (Abjuration, VSM, 10min/lvl) – DR10/adamantine. Prevents up to 10dmg/lvl

3rd level spells

Glyph of Warding – It produced those traps mentioned later. You’re not casting this in combat.

Haste (Transmutation, VSM, close, one creature/lvl within 30ft of each other, 1rd/lvl) - +1 attack, AC, REF. When you full attack, get an additional attack. Double speeds up to 30ft.

2nd level spells

Bull’s Strength (Transmutation, VSM, 1min/lvl) - +4 STR

Cure Moderate Wounds (Conjuration (healing), VS) – creature touched heals 2d8+lvl