Young Adult Literature - Novel Projects

Directions: You must complete one final project per novel. You will read 6 total novels. For novel 1, you will complete a group booktalk presentation. For novel 6, you will complete a movie project. You must complete a project from each of the 4 categories below (in the order of your choice) for novels 2, 3, 4, 5.

~ These final projects should demonstrate knowledge of your entire novel in a creative and intelligent manner. It should show that you read the novel and put time, thought, and effort into the project.

~ I am not giving you specific requirements for each type of project, because I want you thinking outside the box and impressing me!

~ Feel free to ask about project ideas not listed if they fit the category!

~ Please see the rubric below for how the projects will be graded.

~ You need to budget your time – you do NOT want a zero (late grade) on a 100 pt project!!!

Project Categories and Suggestions:

·  Technology (PowerPoint, Facebook Project, Hyperlinked Website, Interactive, Prezi, Author Research connected to Text, Tagzedos – 4 min.)

·  Performance (Music/Song, Speech, Radio Broadcast, Interview, Newscast, Service, Teach Lesson over Novel, Podcast, Movie Trailer)

·  Artistic/Creative (Comic Strip, Drawings, Glog Poster, Graphic Novel, Collage, Gameboard, Diorama, Scrapbook, Memento Box, Soundtrack)

·  Written (Newspaper, Essay, Poetry, Magazine, Rewrite Book Chapter, Letters to Author/Char, Character Journal Entries, Create Test)

Young Adult Literature – Novel Project - Rubric for Evaluation

Missing Full Credit

0 1 2 The author and title appear somewhere on the project

0 1 2 3 4 5 Creative and Visually Appealing

0 1 2 3 4 5 Organized, Easy to Follow, Good Conventions (grammar, etc)

0 1 2 3 4 5 Evidence of Time and Effort

0 1 2 3 4 5 Quality Work

0 1 2 3 Fits Required Category (Must cover Each 1 Time)

0 1 2 3 Obvious connection and significance to the novel

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Demonstrates thorough content knowledge of novel

____/35 = ___/100 Total Points

Assignment/Project Breakdown per Novel

***Due dates will be given at the start of each novel.***

Novel 1: 1 Sharing Tool, 2 Edmodo Journals, Quote Journal, Group Final Project (Booktalk)

Novel 2: 1 Sharing Tool, 1 Edmodo Journal, 1 Group Eval, Quote Journal, Indiv. Final Project (Choice 1)

Novel 3: 1 Sharing Tool, 1 Edmodo Journal, 1 Group Eval, Quote Journal, Indiv. Final Project (Choice 2)

Novel 4: 1 Sharing Tool, 1 Edmodo Journal, 1 Group Eval, Quote Journal, Indiv. Final Project (Choice 3)

Novel 5: 1 Sharing Tool, 1 Edmodo Journal, 1 Group Eval, Quote Journal, Indiv. Final Project (Choice 4)

Novel 6: 1 Edmodo Journal, Quote Journal, Final Project (Movie Publicity Package)

Final: Cumulative Creative Project (5 of 6 novels) + In-class Essay

Sharing Tools: See separate handout.

Group Booktalk: See separate handout.

Movie Project and Cumulative Project: See separate handouts.

Edmodo Journals: Posted online. Submit as an assignment, not as a reply! They are due at midnight on the due date. Make sure to address the question and reflect on your reading as a whole! Should include details!

Quote Journal: As you read each novel, be on the lookout for important or significant quotes. Keep these in one section of your notebook, organized by novel. For each novel, you should have a minimum of 5 quotes with speaker, page number, and why it is important and/or significant to your novel. Your quote journal will be graded periodically throughout the semester and may help you with your final project.

Group Evaluation Handout: Complete a group eval for Novels 2, 3, 4, and 5. This is meant to serve as a recommendation to those from other groups. Each group member should contribute to at least one of the 3 required elements, and you need to list “credits” (example: John completed the summary/analysis; Jenny compiled the artwork; Matt did the setting/character breakdown). Group may post a document on the class edmodo (needs posted all together, not individually) or make photocopies of the eval packet for the class (for which you are responsible!).

You are graded on YOUR portion!!!

Required Elements:

v  Visual – Can’t be movie images or Cover Art from the novel – may be done electronically or by hand

v  Summary AND YA Appeal – Must be written by you! (will receive no credit if copied)

v  Setting AND Character Breakdown

v  Major Themes AND Societal Connections (only if have 4th group member)

Each Group Member’s Name with Thumbs Up or Down and 1 Sentence Why