Recruitment Specialist Training

Overview: To provide training and resources for Recruitment Specialists to be able to provided education and support for the collegiate recruitment aspects of the Fraternity.

Intended Learning Outcomes

·  To be able to communicate effectively and help communities with all aspects of recruitment.

·  To be able to help chapters set up and prepare a successful Recruitment Training School.

·  To be able to help chapters understand and perform Membership Selection successfully.

·  To be able to identify chapters who are having difficulty with recruitment.

·  To be able to help prepare a successful plan of action in coordination with the chapter and Membership team.

Timeline: The total time of this presentation is 1 hour and 45 minutes.

2 min. Introduction

45 min. Recruitment

15 min. Recruitment Training School

20 min. Membership Selection

15 min. Identifying chapters having difficulty with recruitment

5 min. Facilitate questions

3 min. Wrap Up and Conclusion


·  Recruitment Team Handbook

·  Alpha Gamma Delta Membership Handbook

·  Frequently Used Terms

·  Quick Reference List Handout

Facilitator Instructions

This program provides you with the tools necessary to perform an educational program to meet the purpose(s) stated above. All of the information is written and organized in a manner that is intended to generate the desired outcome. Please do not skip any components of this program.


Introduction: Recruitment is a vital part of our Fraternity; it is what enables our chapters to grow and sustain membership. As Recruitment Specialists it is our responsibility to make sure each chapter has the resources available to them for a successful recruitment. These resources include knowledgeable and well-informed Recruitment Specialists. Today, we will help equip you with the resources and information you need so that you will be able to help the communities where you are placed to assist.

Recruitment: There are several different styles of recruitment. As Recruitment Specialists (RS) we need to be familiar with each type.

Most groups have gone to a no frills style of Formal Recruitment (FR). This means little or no decorations and minimal or no food. It can include Open House, Philanthropy Event, and Preference.

1.  Fully Structured:

·  NPC recognized

·  CPh determines time and number of events and rounds

·  Quota is used

·  Bid matching

·  CPh issues bids

2.  Partially Structured Recruitment: (PSR)

·  NPC recognized

·  Timing of recruitment determined by CPh

·  Initial events in neutral location with representatives from all groups

·  PNM required to attend at least one event for each group

·  Use quota.

3.  Minimally Structured Recruitment: (MSR)

·  NPC recognized

·  Chapters work with CPh to schedule their own events

·  PNMs not required to visit all chapters

·  No quota

·  No release figures.

4.  Informal Recruitment:

·  Usually takes place in term opposite of formal recruitment

·  CPh sets dates and chapters decide on events

5.  Continuous Open Recruitment:

·  This occurs for chapters that are not at total

·  Chapter may continue to recruit until they reach total

·  Chapter determines the events

·  Chapter determines when to give bids.

For each of these styles of recruitment each chapter needs to fill out Recruitment Event Planning Forms (REPF) or the Continuous Open Recruitment Supplement (COR) for each event. These need to be submitted to the RS for approval.

There are several ways to assess a chapter’s progress with recruitment. First, one needs to establish a contact with each chapter’s Vice President Recruitment (VPR). The VPR needs to send you a copy of her EC report each month (VPO will not do this). It can be e-mail or hard copy. Ask her for this if you do not receive a copy. Remind her to send the REPF (March 15 for Fall recruitment, October 15 for deferred), and if you need a COR plan by the due date.

Upon receipt of REPF, use the following questions as a guideline for reviewing.

1.  Check REPF

-  Is it complete? What information is missing?

-  Are they utilizing the symbols of the Fraternity throughout each round of events (i.e. red, buff, green, pearls, roses)

-  Is the attire appropriate? Are they using our colors? Is it coordinated, stylish etc.?

-  Is skit appropriate? No inside jokes? Language appropriate? Are we showcasing our best members?

-  Which philanthropy project are they using? Do they have one?

-  Is the theme appropriate for each event and carried throughout the event?

-  Are refreshments and food (if used) appropriate to theme?

-  Are suggested conversation topics appropriate for each event?

-  Respond to the VPR. Let her know they are approved or if changes need to be made or if you have questions. If you want a revised copy, let her know.

2.  COR supplements and COR plans

- These are for chapters that do not achieve total/quota.

- COR supplement should be attached to EC reports each month. Check to make sure they are having events. Question if they are not.

-  For chapters that historically do not make quota/total ask the VPR/COR coordinator to submit a COR plan with the work week schedule.

- Do they need ideas or help?

-  Respond to COR Coordinator. Let her know if plans are okay, if they need changes or if you have questions.

-  Let the COR Coordinator/VPR know you are available to help them

-  Remind them of their goals for the semester (fill quota, need just eight more, replace seniors, etc).

-  If they do not have a goal, make “Strive for Five” their goal. Five percent increase each term until Total is reached.

3.  Executive Council Reports

-  Should be receiving them each month from each chapter.

- Do their numbers add up? (Members +new members-losses=total) Is it the same number, or close to what is showing up on the Monthly Membership Report prepared by International Headquarters? Check on discrepancies.

-  Are they scheduling COR events if needed?

-  Respond to the VPR. Let her know if it is okay or if you have questions or concerns for each EC report.

-  Do they understand class balance?

-  Do they have questions that need responses?

RECRUITMENT: For each chapter you should know what type of recruitment structure they are using. Make sure you know dates of formal, informal recruitment, Spirit (Work) Week and Recruitment Training School (RTS) for each chapter. A successful recruitment begins immediately after the previous formal recruitment with extra emphasis the semester prior with RTS.

1.  Recruitment Training School (RTS): The purpose of RTS is to prepare the chapter for FR. It should be an entire weekend with separate practices planned during the semester for skit and preference. All prep work needs to be done during RTS (ordering supplies, getting vendors, backdrops, t-shirts, etc). VPR should send a copy of the RTS schedule and any additionally scheduled work weekends at the beginning of Spring term (for Fall recruitment), or Fall term (deferred). Prior to RTS the VPR should have committees assigned and event chairs elected.

What should RTS include?

-  Rotation groups and practice

-  Song practice (skit, preference, entrance, exit, etc)

-  Assign skit and preference parts if not already done

-  Time for skit and preference practice with the chapter

-  Conversation

-  Complete event practices

-  Committee time (plan for future meetings) to inventory, plan, and gather materials, props, etc.

-  VPR should show examples and hand out list of attire needed for each round- Don’t forget shoes!

-  Begin compiling a Target list of PNMs

2.  SPIRIT (WORK) WEEK: This is a time to review, rehearse, and invigorate. The VPR should send a final copy of the spirit week schedule along with FR schedule during the term prior to formal recruitment to the RS.

Spirit (Work) Week schedule should include the following:

-  Dress check. This should be done early (first day) so that any changes requested have time to be completed.

-  Complete run through of each event.

-  Should include one dress rehearsal for each event.

-  Special rehearsals for skit, preference.

-  Conversation review.

-  Membership Selection review.

-  Getting to know PNMs via PowerPoint, posters or other means.

-  Review of Fraternity knowledge and Chapter knowledge for conversation tips.

-  A fun event scheduled with the alumnae.

-  Sisterhood Activities.

-  Review of Panhellenic Rules.

Recruitment Booklets: Each member should have a recruitment booklet. The VPR and Membership Coordinator should work together on preparing these and have them for distribution upon arrival for Spirit (Work) Week.

These booklets should include the following:

-  Schedules for spirit week and formal recruitment

-  List of attire needed for each day, including shoes

-  Songs used for each day

-  List of potential new members registered for recruitment

MEMBERSHIP SELECTION: There are always questions in regard to membership selection (MS). Please refer to your Membership Handbook to make sure you are giving the correct answer. If you are unsure contact the Director of Recruitment. We need to stress the importance of following our procedures exactly. A list of items the chapter needs to complete prior to recruitment can be found in the Membership Handbook. Please familiarize yourself with this handbook. Below are some frequently asked questions.

Recruitment Information Form (RIF)

-  Ideally, the Chapter should have a RIF for each potential new member (PNM). Collegiate members may fill one out for someone they know PRIOR to the start of recruitment. Once Formal Recruitment starts a RIF cannot be accepted from a collegiate member.

-  A Legacy Introduction Form (LIF) should be attached to the RIF.

-  Alumnae are encouraged to send RIFs. Reminders may be sent to the Alumnae Chapter that includes recruitment dates by the collegiate chapter.

-  Evaluated by the Recruitment Information Evaluation Committee prior to recruitment. This committee is appointed by the President immediately following installation of officers. It is comprised of the Membership Coordinator (Chairman), Membership Advisor, Recruitment Advisor, and COR Coordinator. The committee meets as necessary to evaluate incoming RIFs. The scoring criteria is found in the Resource Guide of the Membership Handbook. This committee also prepares the Chapter Inventory. Information on Chapter Inventory is found in Membership Handbook.


-  Any information learned during first round ONLY during conversation may be added to the RIF to increase the score. For example, additional activities the PNM did not list.

-  Any collegiate member, who is in Good Standing, may score a PNM they personally know during the first round only. They do not have to talk with her that day. For the remainder of the rounds they must have contact with the PNM to score her.


-  Must be written and signed by a member or new member in Good Standing.

-  Must be submitted immediately following the round the PNM attended. It must be signed and contain factual, specific and detailed information.

-  Pertains to that round only and then destroyed.

FOLLOWING RECRUITMENT: There are several important things that need to be done following recruitment.

Initial Recruitment Results

-  An e-mail format will be sent to all RS in August. This will also be sent to all VPRs to send back to the RS upon completion.

-  The RS will forward this to the RS-Membership Selection, Director of Recruitment and the International Vice President- Membership.

-  The information will be place on the Formal Recruitment spreadsheet and forwarded to International Council.

Snap Bidding

-  Occurs immediately following bid matching prior to bid day.

-  For chapters that did not meet quota during bid matching teams are organized to offer bids to potential new members.

Formal Recruitment Results Report

-  Due three days after recruitment

-  Membership Coordinator or Recruitment Advisor usually completes this report and sends it to the RS

Communication with Chapters

-  For chapters who received quota, congratulate them on a job well done.

-  Encourage others to continue to fill quota/total vacancies. Acknowledge a job well done.

-  Help chapters make a plan for COR and set realistic goals. Consider the “Strive for Five” or 5% increase per term.


Every Recruitment Specialist (RS) will be asked to make at least one visit during formal recruitment. Every effort is made for you to visit one of your chapters. However, sometimes you are needed somewhere else. Please respond as soon as you know if you are able to go on the visit. This gives us enough time to make other arrangements, if you are unable to make the visit.

Receiving the Letter:

·  Letter will include chapter, location and dates of visit.

·  Please respond as soon as possible.

·  Put visit dates on your personal calendar!

Planning the visit:

·  Contact VPR with dates of visit.

·  Make arrangements to be met at airport or directions to the house, dorm, etc.

·  Confirm the correct dates with the VPR!

·  If you do not have a schedule, get one before arriving!

·  Ask VPR what are her areas of concern.

·  Gather materials (conversation tips, MS info, copy of skit, etc).

·  Make arrangements to meet with Greek Advisor (if possible).

·  Make travel arrangements.

·  Pack. Remember your facilities are not the Hilton! You may need to bring towels, linens, etc.

·  Get the contact information of the person meeting you.

Spirit (Work) Week Visit:

·  Meet with the chapter. Introduce yourself. Give the purpose of your visit.

·  Watch skit rehearsals.

·  Practice songs.

·  Practice Preference.

·  Practice Conversation/Rotation groups

·  Perform dress check, if not already done.

·  Direct dress rehearsal of events.

·  Review membership selection.

·  Visit Greek Advisor.

·  Handle conflicts.

·  Practice introductions.

·  Learn names and specific information about the PNMs the chapter is targeting. Chapter should use this information to assist with individual conversation.

Formal Recruitment Visit: