Volume XXXVIII, Number 7 APRIL, 2014

Director of Missions, Jimmy Garcia
Director of Missions Emeritus, Jack Calk

Office 830-278-5351 CELL 830-279-3800 FAX 830-591-1311

117 E. Commerce St., Uvalde, TX 78801-3713


April 13 Hispanic Fellowship Meeting PIB, Eagle Pass, 3pm

April 18 Good Friday, Office Closed

May 6 Baptist Men’s Meeting, 7pm TBA

May 18 Association Sunday

May 26 Memorial Day Office Closed

Association Priority #1: PRAYER

The first Association priority in the strategy plan “Igniting Passion” is prayer. (Even though we do not need a strategic plan to pray.) Association pastors have been divided into five regions: Hill Country, Del Rio, Eagle Pass, Uvalde, and Hondo. Currently they meet on a regular basis to pray for the churches, pastors and families, health of the churches, lost in the communities, and Spiritual Awakening. We believe God is going to hear our prayers and do a mighty work in the Southwest Texas area. I want to offer nine suggestions that I hope will increase and improve the ministry of prayer individually and collectively. These suggestions were copied and are not original. 1. Participate in the National Day of Prayer on May 1, 2014. 2. Set aside a room in your church building that is dedicated to providing a place for people to pray. 3. Teach a class on prayer. 4. Host a prayer fast where people can go and pray during their lunch hour. If some are unable to attend, challenge them to stop and pray during that time wherever they are. 5. Host a prayer retreat either at Alto Frio Baptist Camp or at your church. 6. Schedule a Daniel prayer time where people are challenged to pray morning, noon, and night. 7. Invite your congregation to walk their neighborhood and pray over it. 8. Host a prayer meeting in your home. 9. Gather leaders from other congregations to come together for the purpose of praying. Prayer is the first Association Priority, the other three are: Mission & Evangelism, Church Revitalization, Fellowship & Communication.

Association Sunday

Celebration, May 18, 2014

This is the annual celebration Sunday when churches pray for the missionary & evangelism work of the Del Rio-Uvalde Baptist Association. The purpose of the Association is “to assist churches to extend the Kingdom of God, and the cause Christ.”

Celebration Sunday Emphasis

Starting new churches

·  Real Path Baptist Church in Eagle Pass (English-Speaking Multicultural) Launch date November 23, 2014

Need: Find a building to meet

·  D’Hanis- Need: Preliminary preparation

·  Cowboy Church – Sponsor is Cowboy Church in God’s Country in Hondo

Need: Find a site and building in the Rocksprings area.

·  Spanish-Speaking church in Northside Del Rio

. Need: Sponsors

Jack and Jovanne Calk New Church Starting Fund

·  On Celebration Sunday, ask churches to gather a special offering to go towards the new church starting fund. The fund will be used to help support the new churches in the Association.

Calling out the called

·  Encourage churches to extend an invitation for a public response to those God is calling to Christian service, and equip them for lay, bi-vocational, and full-time pastoral service.

Help in Training Leaders

·  Bible Training Centre for Pastors, and Baptist Schools in Texas

Ken Medema

In concert

First Baptist Church, Camp Wood

April 13

@ 6 pm

Recognized in countries around the world for his gift for inspiring people, leading worship in colleges and universities around the country, appearing numerous times in television broadcasts, Christian composer and artist Ken Medema is coming to Camp Wood on Palm Sunday to share in our lives.

You will laugh; you will cry; you will clap for joy; you will kneel in humble adoration of our Glorious King. Be part of something greater than yourself. Join with your neighbors and friends in experiencing this wonderful singer.

Church News

1. Barksdale Baptist Church has called interim pastor, Neil Shackelford. Bro. Neil is a longtime resident and preacher in the Canyon area of Camp Wood and Barksdale. He was helping Vance Baptist Church prior to taking the interim pastorate of the Barksdale Church. On April 27 the Barksdale church is planning to ordain him to the gospel ministry. We pray for Bro. Neil, his wife, and church family.

2. On March 30, Iglesia Bautista Nueva Vida of Del Rio ordained Noe Ramirez to the gospel ministry. The ordination service was at 2:30 P.M. at FBC, Del Rio. The ordaining council was made up of seven pastors and five deacons. More than 100 persons attended the service from eight Association congregations. Julian Moreno, PIB, Uvalde presided over the ordaining council, Ruben Chairez PIB, Del Rio, was the interrogating pastor, Willie Guerrero, Horeb, Del Rio and Gamaliel Barboza, Unida, Uvalde presented a challenge to the church and pastor. A fellowship meal was served after the service. Pray for the church and newly ordained pastor.

3. Y.J. Jimenez pastor, along with FBC, Brackettville will host an Engagement Team for three weeks in July. The team will be with them July 5- 26. An Engagement Team is four Southwestern Baptist Seminary students who go to churches to do evangelistic work, including sharing Christ to individuals, preaching evangelistic services, praying with people who do not know the Lord, distributing Bibles and New Testaments, and other ministries. Pastor Jimenez and the church are making available the Engage Team to other Association churches from July 5-18. He has offered to provide orientation to interested churches to team up with the engagement team to have block parties, prayer stops, N.T distribution, and community surveys, besides having evangelistic services. This is in line with the Association strategy plan “Igniting Passion.” For more information call Pastor Y.J. Jimenez at 830-563-5529.

4. Mrs. Park, wife of Pastor Park of the Victory Korean Baptist Church in Eagle Pass was injured on Wednesday night April 3, in an automobile accident on the highway between Carrizo Springs and Eagle Pass. My understanding is that she was hit by a big trailer truck while standing on the side of the road. She was taken to the former Brooke Army hospital in San Antonio. She suffered broken ribs and injuries to her head and body. I talked with Pastor Park and he said she is undergoing exams to determine the extent of her injuries. Pastor Park is limited in English but said the hospital has a Korean-speaking chaplain who has been assisting him. I asked Bro. Park if there is anything we can do to help, and he said, "Just pray for my wife." They have older children who live outside of Texas. Most of his pastoral ministry has been in the Dallas area. Pray for Mrs. Park and for him. Victory Baptist Church is a mission/church of FBC, Eagle Pass where Jeff Oliver is pastor.

5. Friday, March 28, Bob Copenhaver fell and broken his leg. Bob has been the Association treasurer for about 16 years and is a member of Baptist Temple in Uvalde, where Tony Gruben is pastor. The same leg that was broken has a rod inside which was inserted in a previous injury. The doctor said he will need to rehabilitate his leg until he heals and strengthen his arms in order to use a walker. He has been transferred to a Rehab center in Uvalde where he will be for about four weeks. Pray for Bob and Jeanette his wife.

6. Frio Canyon Baptist Church where Dan Wynn is pastor is having a series of Bible Studies on the books of Daniel and Revelation beginning May 4 at 6 p.m. The study will be held every first Sunday evening of each month until its completion. The material covered will be Daniel chapter 2 and 7-12 as well as 22 chapters of Revelation. Dan Wynn and church welcomes everyone interested in studying together about what the Bible says about the future and the end times. Pastor Wynn says, “Come join us if you can, bring your personal Bible…” Dr. Jim O’Dell, former pastor of the church who lives in Leakey will be leading the study.

7. FBC, Camp Wood where J.R. Rollison is pastor dedicated their newly remodel sanctuary on March 30. They added more space, a vestibule, new lighting, carpet, and a sound system. That Sunday the church had over 120 in attendance, and enjoyed dinner on the grounds and good fellowship. Congratulations to the church and pastor J.R.