Koenig/Olson Scholarship

Reverend Dr. Robert Koenig and Pauline Olson

Application due to the guidance office by April 30, 2018


Preference will be given to persons that:

* are interested in studying history, mathematics, or music;

* have potential;

* have limited funds;

* show initiative.

Scholarship to be awarded annually. Payment will be made directly to the institution selected by the recipient.

About the Donors:

Pauline Olson-Koenig taught mathematics at Ellsworth and Rhinelander, the Unified School District of San Francisco, University of San Francisco, and UW-Eau Claire. She earned her bachelor's degree at UW-River Falls and did graduate work at Duke University.

Dr. Koenig was Director of Instrumental Music at the School District of Chetek from 1958-62 before becoming Director of Bands at Palo Alto Senior High School in California. He earned his bachelor's degree at UW-Superior (with honors), two master's degrees at the University of Minnesota and San Francisco Theological Seminary (with high honors), and a Doctor of Philosophy degree from the University of Minnesota. He was a member of the College of Education faculty at the University of Minnesota and later Assistant to the Executive Director of the Minnesota Higher Education Coordinating Board in St. Paul. After years in education, he became a Presbyterian minister.

Both Dr. and Mrs. Koenig were raised in Chetek. This is their way of remembering the many who helped them in their struggle to get an education.


Dr. and Mrs. Koenig shall participate in the selection process and make the award each year as long as they desire and are able to do so.

Koenig/Olson Scholarship

Applicant Data:

Last Name: / First Name: / Middle Initial:
Address: / City:

Parent Information:

Mother's Name:
(include Mother's maiden name) / Occupation:
Father's Name: / Occupation:

Family Income Information:

Family annual income for last year:

$10,000 - $25,000 $65,000 - $80,000

$25,000 - $40,000 Over $80,000

$40,000 - $65,000

Post-Secondary School Data:

Name of post-secondary school you plan to attend:

Post-Secondary School: / City: / State:
Four-Year College or University / Two-Year College
Vocational/Technical School / Other Explain:

Major or course of study:

Work Experience:

Describe your work experience during the past four years. Indicate dates of employment in each job and the duties of that job.

Company/Position /


/ Duties

Activities, Awards, and Honors: (Do not use abbreviations or acronyms when listing your activities.)

Activity / Yrs Participated /

Special Honors/Awards


Offices Held

Goals and Aspirations:

Make a statement of your plans and goals emphasizing career objectives:

Transcript Information:

High School Attended:

Applicant ranks in a class of Cumulative G.P.A. (4.0 scale)

SAT Score and/or ACT Score

Signature of School Official: ______Date: ______


In submitting this application, I certify that the information is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge.


Date Applicant's Signature