Brewer/Mackey PE Lesson Plan

Date: January 28- February 1, 2013

Unit: Jumprope
Lesson to be taught:Introduction to jumprope
45 short ropes


Students will be able to identify their proper rope length.
Students will demonstrate proper rope swing, and jump height.
Students will demonstrate forward and backward jump.
Time allowed:
25 min
Time Needed:
25 min
Arkansas PE Frameworks:
PEL.1.K.1 Demonstrate dynamic and static movements and dynamic and static balance using various body positions.
PEL.1.K.2 Move forward, side-to-side, high, medium, low, stop, go, under, over.
PEL.3.K.1 Locate the heart and understand that it is the size of a fist.
PEL.3.K.2 Know that the heart functions as a pump for blood.
PEL.3.K.2 Know that the heart function as a pump for blood.
First Grade
PEL.1.1.3 Perform and combination of the following non-locomotor movements twist and turn.
PEL.2.1.1 Distinguish between forward and backward movements.
PEL.3.1.1 Show where the heart is located and describe its approximate size and shape.
PEL.3.1.2 Understand that the heart is a muscle that pumps blood throughout the body.
Second Grade
PEL.1.2.3 Demonstrate a movement sequence combining locomor and non-locomoter skills, Jumping rope using different feet patterns.
PEL.1.2.4 Maintain a steady beat while listening to music.
PEL.2.2.5 Use movement to improve cognitive responses, Jumping rope.
PEL.3.2.1 Understand that the heart produces a pulse when beating.
PEL.3.2.2 Understand health benefits related to increased heart beat during activity.
National PE Frameworks:
NASPE #1, 2 Spatial awareness, body awareness, locomotor movements, non locomotor movements.
NASPE #3,4 Participates in enjoyable, challenging activities cardiovascular endurance.
NASPE #5, 6 Participates, appreciates enjoys movement.
Previous Lesson/Prior Knowledge:
Students have previously learned locomotor and non locomotor skills.
Instructions/Modeling by teacher:
Teacher will model by using demonstrations and student led demonstrations.
Stay on your toes
Keep your knees bent
Rotate your wrists when swinging the rope
Use peripheral vision with the rope
Jump and rope swing timing / CHALLENGES:
Student find proper rope length quickley / VOCABULARY:
  1. Rope Length:
  • Find a jump rope you think will work.
  • Step directly in the middle of the jump rope and pull the handles to your arm pits.
  • If the jump rope handles come just above your armpits then it is a perfect fit.
  • If the jump rope comes below the arm pits then it is too short.
  • If the jump rope comes way above the arm pits then it is too long.
  1. Proper rope swing and jump height
  • Grab the handles palms up with the thumb and pointer finger pinching the handle.
  • Your thumb should not around the handle.
  • When swinging the rope you should use a wrist action, not by swing the arms.
  • Elbows should stay down by your sides.
  • You should jump just high enough to clear the rope.
  • You should jump and land on your toes, not the whole foot.
  • Keep a slight bend in the knees.
  1. Forward and backward jump
  • Forward jump: The jump swings forward and you jump with each rotation of the rope.
  • Backward Jump: The rope is swung backwards while jumping with each rotation.
  • Keep proper rope swing and jump height while performing skills.
See SPARK Jumprope lesson
Students will be assessed through observation.
Students can practice jumping over things from home. Towel, pile of leaves, etc.
Kindergarten we will have to take it step by step. Playing jump the river and jump from the puddle.