2nd Quarter Study Guide

Shays’ Rebellion:

What was Shays’ Rebellion?

What were the effects of Shays’ Rebellion?

Constitutional Convention:

What city was the Constitutional Convention held in?

What is the name of the building?

What were the dates of the convention?

Convention Comprises:

The 3/5 Compromise dealt with what issue?

Describe these parts of the Great Compromise:

  1. Virginia Plan:
  1. New Jersey Plan:
  1. Great Compromise:

Define Bicameral:

A New Government

What is our written plan of government called?

What type of government did it create?

What is the difference between a confederation and a federal style of government?

Identify a problem with the confederation. How did the Constitution fix it?

What is the difference between a unitary and a federal style of government?

According to the famous first three words of the Preamble, who has the power in the American government?

What are reserved powers and what are two examples?

What are delegated powers and what are two examples?

What are concurrent powers and what are two examples?

Three Branches:


  • Main job?
  • What is another name for this branch?
  • What are the two houses?
  • The number of votes a state gets is based on population in which house?


  • Main job?
  • Define veto:
  • Give an example of the President doing each of the following:
  • Commander in Chief -
  • Head of State -
  • Chief Executive -
  • What is the Cabinet?


  • Main job?
  • What is Judicial Review?
  • Identify two ways a Supreme Court decision can be overturned:

Checks and Balances/Separation of Powers:

Why did our Founding Fathers create a system of checks and balances?

Label each box with a branch of government. Then, use the word bank below to complete the diagram (make sure you use the arrows appropriately as to who is doing the action to who):

(Since there are six arrows and eight actions, you may use an arrow more than once!)

Declare a law unconstitutional Overide a vetoConfirm Cabinet Appointee

Impeach the President Declare Executive Action Unconstitutional

Appoint JusticesVeto PowerApprove Supreme Court Appointee

Social Studies Skills

A significant part of the test will be using the Social Studies skills we have been working on all year. Please review:

  • Map Analysis on page 70
  • Primary Source Analysis on page 70
  • Political Cartoon Analysis on page 70