Career Corner ProjectDraft

Objective: You will research on a career paths that interests you and create a presentation. You will be using Power Point.


Congratulations! You have made it to the last project in keyboarding, the Career Corner presentation. It is a research project on selecting a future career that you may have an interest in. Do you want to start your own company? Do you want to be a doctor, lawyer, nurse, sales person or a Web designer? Put your thinking cap on, get your crystal ball out and live your dream. Give some thought to what you may want to do!

You will have to perform four tasks. They are listed below. Be thorough and complete. Be professional/school appropriate and have fun—one last time!

Task One:

Using Internet Explorer, please perform a skills inventory. Skills inventory is just what you are good at doing. Please use the following sites:

(Go to the “Get a mini iMAP free)

sure to Click on the 4 year degree to find the jobs. When filling out the skills, note which ones are really like you….)

a test but a list of skills)

Task Two:

Using Internet Explorer, determine your top 5-7 “successful traits.” This is just another word for abilities. Please use these websites to refine your search for traits that successful people exhibit:

Task Three:

Think of two possible careers. If you have a hard time thinking of them, go to the Staff Website of Mr. Stephenson. Look for a link called “Career Corner.” This will be your starting point. Please review the careers listed there. There are many to choose from. What looks of interest to you? What does not? Once you have done this, got to Task Four.

If you still cannot figure out some careers, using Internet Explorer, go to the following link:

Farmwell Students:

Login = 0055358

Password = falcon

Be sure to log into the “Site ID” Tab. This is a great site to do a more detailed search on a career path. Once you have researched you potential career path in more depth, you are now ready to finish the “Career Corner Questionnaire.” You may also research on

or If you want information on salaries, go to

Task Four:

You will prepare a 5 slide powerpoint presentation. Be detailed!!!! You may then decorate it with clip art or images that you feel represents your career. Be school appropriate. This will be 5-7 minutes in length and be given to the entire class. The requirements are listed below. Must adhere to the C-RAP and DEAPR principles covered in class!!!


Your presentation must includemust include:

1)5 slides (No more/No less)

2)Slide One: Introductory slide. List the following (1) Name; 2) Date; 3) Block; 4) Career Corner Presentation

3)Slide Two: From the research you conducted on your skills assessment, please list (3-4 bullets) summarizing your results

4)Slide Three: From the research you conducted on your successful traits, please list the top 5-7 that apply to you.

5)Slide Four: From the research you conducted on the careers, please list each career that you choose. Underneath each, please list 3-4 positives. Also list, 3-4 negatives. Both must include annual salary as one of the bullet items

6)Slide Five: Summary slide and pick which of the two careers you like and why (3-4 bullets). One point that must be made is what did you learn about yourself that you did not know before from this project.

7)No spelling errors.

8)Complete sentences are not required.

9)You may include audio files and animations.

10)Decorate the document with images, backgrounds and text of your choosing. Feel free to decorate however you wish.

11)Prior to saving, have Mr. Stephenson review.

12)Save the file as “Last Name_CareerCorner.ppt” to your keyboarding folder. Next, copy it to Mr. Stephenson’s Global Folder, in the appropriate Block for grading.

13)The presentation must be 5-7 minutes in length. Must have good voice projection, eye contact.

14)At the end of the presentation, there will be a teacher led classroom discussion on your career choice and what you learned about yourself.

Please be sure to check for typographical errors. Proof read your document.