PLEASE OPPOSE HB 2347 and SB 1019

·  In 1992, the Missouri Legislature passed and the Governor signed into law HB 1377 which prohibited physicians from owning and employing physical therapists. This law has become the “GOLD STANDARD” for the ethical practice of rehabilitation medicine regarding the relationship between physicians and physical therapists in the ENTIRE UNITED STATES.

·  Prior to the passing of this law, physicians were writing prescriptions for physical therapy (as required by Missouri law) and sending their patients to their own clinics for physical therapy treatment. This “self-referral” led to overutilization of physical therapy which resulted in unnecessary visits and elevated cost to both the patient and their insurance company, while increasing the physician’s income.

·  HB 2347 creates a “loophole” in the current Missouri law that would allow physicians to once again employ physical therapists and own physical therapy clinics; however, with the passage of the Affordable Care Act the situation has changed.

·  Under the provisions of the Affordable Care Act, physicians groups can apply for and become an Accountable Care Organization (ACO). When a person is under the care of a physician in an ACO, the ACO will receive a “lump sum” payment to provide that person’s care i.e. a Knee Joint Replacement. Out of that “lump sum”, payments must be made to the hospital, physician and any other provider of that patient’s care such as home health agencies, nursing homes and out-patient physical therapists.

·  Distribution of this “lump sum” payment to providers of care is entirely controlled by the ACO. If the ACO is able to contain cost it keeps a portion of the savings. This means to the patients, (the citizens of Missouri that live in your district) that their care will be limited in order to increase the profit of the ACO and its owners.

·  If HB 2347 is passed, it will allow physicians to employ physical therapists. Rather than having overutilization as in the 1980s, they will prescribe fewer physical therapy treatments, leaving our older more vulnerable patients with inadequate care, all as a means of increasing ACO/physician profit and income.

·  Physical Therapists, by our nature and training, are patient advocates. We want good results (outcomes) for our patients after surgery. HB 2347 and SB 1019 do not ensure this!

·  Physical Therapists want to work WITH physicians, NOT FOR physicians. We have the skills and expertise to manage our patients’ physical therapy so that they have good, cost effective care with outstanding results!

PLEASE OPPOSE HB 2347 and SB 1019!