Attica Township Regular Board Meeting – February 9, 2012


Held on February 9th, 2012

Nancy Herpolsheimer, Clerk

At a meeting of the Attica Township Board held on February 9th, 2012, at the Attica Township Hall, 4350 Peppermill Road, Attica, Michigan. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Supervisor Ochadleus. PRESENT: Supervisor Al Ochadleus, Clerk Nancy Herpolsheimer, Treasurer Pam Mason, Trustee Phil Madeline and Trustee Richard Lacey. ABSENT: None. ALSO PRESENT: The public per the Sign-In Sheet attached.

The minutes of the January 9th, 2012 regular Board meeting were reviewed by the Board; and there being no additions, corrections or deletions;

MOTION by Lacey, seconded by Madeline to approve the January 9th, 2012 Attica Township Board meeting minutes, as presented. A vote was taken. Ayes: All; Nays: None. Absent: None. MOTION CARRIED.

CORRESPONDENCE: Supervisor Ochadleus received a letter from the Charter Communications stating that some fees for Cable Customers in Attica will be raised $2 per month.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer Mason gave the following Treasurer’s Report: General Fund Beginning Balance of $434,208.04, receipts of $178,608.48; Interest of $46.32; Distributions of $30,737.94 for a New Balance of $582,124.93. Public Safety has $138,835.29; Fire Millage has $117,134.46 Fire Department Escrow has $82,971.38 and there is $9,575.83 in the Lake George Road Special Assessment account.

MOTION by Lacey, seconded by Madeline to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented. A vote was taken. Ayes: All; Nays: None. Absent: None. MOTION CARRIED.

POLICE REPORT: Supervisor Ochadleus gave the following police report: there were 140 calls in the month of January with 83 of the calls handled by the Township deputies.



1. Reschedule March Board Meeting:

MOTION by Madeline, seconded by Mason to reschedule the March 2012 Township Board Meeting from March 8th to March 15th. A vote was taken. Ayes: All; Nays: None. Absent: None. MOTION CARRIED

2. Adopt Poverty Exemption Guidelines Resolution: The Poverty Exemption guidelines will be in the newsletter and sent to all residents with their 2012 Assessment.

MOTION by Herpolsheimer, seconded by Mason to adopt Resolution 2012-1 Poverty Exemption Guidelines. A vote was taken. Ayes: All; Nays: None. Absent: None. MOTION CARRIED

3. Information from MTA Conference: Supervisor Ochadleus distributed a report of classes attended at the Michigan Township Association Conference. There was discussion regarding the conference sessions. All spouses of Township officials that attended the conference have reimbursed the Township for all of their costs associated with attending the conference.

4. Budget Forecast: Supervisor Ochadleus distributed graphs and information regarding the past six years of the budget and forecasting the next year of the budget. Supervisor Ochadleus discussed the reduction in Taxable Value for Attica Township in 2012, Revenue Sharing, Fund Balance and CPI (Consumer Price Index). Supervisor Ochadleus also stated that Attica Township is in good financial shape because of the appropriate actions that the Township Board has taken. There was discussion.


1. FIRE: Chief Warford reported:

a) The Fire Department has been on several runs including assisting Imlay City with a house fire.

b) Thumb Alarm has finished the new entry system for the Fire Hall.

c) He went to the Lapeer County Fire Chief’s meeting and was informed regarding the new fireworks laws. Bottle Rockets, Roman Candles and other types of fireworks that were previously illegal are now legal and box stores are allowed to sell them. There was discussion.

2. PARK: Park Manager Madeline reported that the park has been quiet. Because of the lack of snow people are still walking the track.

3. PLANNING COMMISSION: Planning Commissioner Secretary Fackler reported:

a) He visited Chuck Gravilla’s new restaurant and it will be open within two weeks.

b) Planner Birchler revised the ordinance to amend the zoning ordinance and drafted a notice of Public Hearing to be published in the newspaper.



6. CEMETERY: None.

7. COMMISSIONER REPORT: Commissioner Jarvis reported:

a) Things have been quiet and there has not been much on the Commissioner’s agenda.

b) There was discussion regarding Attica’s police contract bill and Supervisor Ochadleus asked Commissioner Jarvis to help in resolving an error in the bill.

c) There was discussion regarding the dangerous intersection at Lake Pleasant Road and Newark Road.

d) She is walking in the Walk for Warmth fundraiser for the HDC on February 25th if anyone would like to sponsor her.


a) Supervisor Ochadleus discussed the Right to Farm Act.

b) Treasurer Mason informed the Board that all articles for the newsletter need to be submitted to her by February 13th,

9. PUBLIC: Commissioner Jarvis introduced the new Lapeer County Treasurer Theresa Spencer. Clerk Spencer gave a brief overview of what her job entails. Supervisor Ochadleus thanked Clerk Spencer for taking the time to attend the Township Board meeting.


The bills were reviewed by the Board for the General Fund for the amount of $33,089.43: Public Safety for the amount of $16,318.25 and for the Fire Fund for the amount of $11,082.45 and there being no questions:

MOTION by Lacey, seconded by Madeline to approve the bills as presented. A roll call vote was taken. Madeline: Aye; Herpolsheimer: Aye; Mason: Aye; Ochadleus: Aye and Lacey: Aye. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Absent: None. MOTION CARRIED.

There being no further business before the Board, MOTION by Lacey seconded by Madeline to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 p.m. A vote was taken. Ayes: All. Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED.

Submitted by: Respectfully Submitted By:


Valerie Schultz, Recording Secretary Nancy Herpolsheimer, Clerk

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