Title: Juanito James Macklin, APS Elementary Music Teacher

Grade Level: Kindergarten to 2nd

Lesson Objectives for music:

Students will listen to a song in Spanish

Students will learn Spanish words for body parts

Students will create ways to move different parts of their body

APS Elementary Music Standards:

Standard 3: Creating melodies, ostinatos or movement variations.

Grade K-1, C: Improvise movements through dance and game activities

Grade 2-3, A: Create patterns of movement within a specific framework

Standard 4: Moving to a variety of music

Grade K-1, A: Move using locomotor and non-locomotor movement

Related Content Standards:

CCSS English Language Arts. Speaking/Listening, Comprehension and Collaboration

2. Integrate and evaluate information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively,

and orally.

CCSS English Language Arts. Language, Vocabulary Acquisition and Use,

4. Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases by using context clues, analyzing meaningful word parts, and consulting general and specialized reference materials, as appropriate.


Recording of Juanito

Visuals of the following words:

el dedito—pinky la mano--hands

el pie--foot el codo--elbow

la rodilla--knee el hombro--shoulders

la cadera—hip la cabeza--head

Teaching Process:

Show the students the visuals of each word. With each one, have students echo the word back and point to each body part. After reviewing them, tell the students that you have a friend Juanito who loves to dance. He wants to dance using each of those body parts. Ask them, “How should he dance using his pinkie?” and let the students come up with a way. Do this with the rest of the words.

Play the Juanito recording and perform movements with the music.

Assessment and Rubrics:

Are the students able to move to the steady beat?

3—the students stay with the beat for the entire song

2—the students stay with the beat for most of the song

1---no beat shown. No effort.

Modifications: 2nd grade--The dance can also be done with partners. Have the partners come up with ways to move together. ESL-- Place fluent Spanish speakers with fluent English speakers.

Visuals or Illustrations: See below.