2007/0642 / H. Wicks (Lindal) Ltd / Craig & Green Partnership
Ormsgill / Jason Hipkiss
01229 876485 / 30/04/2007

Vacant land to the south of former Colony Candles Warehouse, Bouthwood Road, Barrow-in-Furness

Extension of hard standing providing storage for machinery, sundry equipment and materials.


The following land is allocated for the development of local employment sites:

TABLE 3: Local Employment Sites

Location Hectares Acceptable


E8 Sowerby Woods, Park Road, Barrow 4.8 B1, B2, B8


Proposals for the development of sites allocated under policies A1 and A2 will be required to meet the following criteria:

a) Site planning and layout should be carried out on a comprehensive basis demonstrating how the whole site will be developed (other than for Site E6);and

b) The road layout should provide a safe and attractive means of accessing the site from the nearest main road - for both vehicles and pedestrians and should be constructed to the standards required for adoption by the Highway Authority; and

c) There is adequate space for parking, loading and unloading in accordance with the planning authority’s adopted guidelines; and

d)  The buildings are well designed in terms of siting, scale, orientation, detailing and external finishes and take into account the characteristics of adjoining land uses and landscape; and

e)  There is sufficient space to accommodate likely needs for outside storage; and

f)  The development is sustainable in its energy usage, environmental impact, waste and transport implications.


The site is allocated for employment use in the Barrow Local Plan Review. The proposed operation is likely to be a short term one, as the applicant seeks a more permanent use of the site as and when demand dictates, but is considered acceptable in its own right.


The Occupiers, Booker Cash & Carry, Oil States MCS Ltd, Steeles Removals, Martin Construction, Cumbria Business Services, Neil Price Ltd, Colony Gift Corporation, Bouthwood Road, Yarl Hydraulics, PKA Co, Norslit Ltd, Wharton Coatings, Scarth Road, Unit 3 Sowerby Woods Industrial Estate, Park Road, Barrow in Furness all informed.

The Occupier, Colony Gift Corporation

“After looking at the plans for the entrance to the proposed site we strongly object on the grounds that it would disrupt our operation i.e. movement of our wagons in and around the yard also the entrance would be on our land”.


Hannah Gee – Environmental Health

“No comments”.

Environment Agency 24th May 2007

“The Agency has considered the proposal and wishes to make the following comments:

The proposed site of the hard standing is located in Flood Zone 1, which is an area with a low annual probability, less than 1 in 1000 years of flooding.
During the Agency’s Development Control Engineer, Mr S Russell’s visit to the site, he noted that the groundwork was already completed.

It was also noted that the ditch which crosses the middle of the site (a cut drain to catch surface water run-off) has been landscaped over. A drainage ditch/watercourse runs along the southern boundary and a new connection now runs along the west boundary.
Details of the drainage proposals prior to the hardstanding being laid are required, we would therefore request the inclusion of the following condition on any planning permission:


No development approved by this permission shall be commenced until a scheme for the provision and implementation of a surface water regulation system has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Such a scheme shall be implemented prior to the construction of any impermeable surfaces draining to the system unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


To prevent the increased risk of flooding.


Any culverting or works affecting the flow of a watercourse requires the prior written Consent of the Environment Agency under the terms of the Land Drainage Act 1991/Water Resources Act 1991. The Environment Agency seeks to avoid culverting, and its Consent for such works will not normally be granted except as a means of access.

The applicant should note that the Agency has a period of two months to determine a valid application for Land Drainage Consent. We would advise that this period is taken into account when planning works which require such consent.

The developer should be advised that the granting of planning permission does not remove the need to obtain the relevant statutory Agency consent. Permission should be gained prior to any work commencing.

The fact that clay is already being removed for use at Bennet Bank landfill suggests the soils are fit enough for engineering earthworks which may in turn indicate that the ground is uncontaminated, or if it is, could be construed as being used at an appropriately licensed site.
However, In future, the applicant must not undertake any site scrape/levelling works until sufficient work in the form of a desk study and site investigation has been carried out, if it is deemed necessary to undertake such works.

The applicant is in the process of registering an exemption from the requirement to hold a Waste Management Licence.
Site operators should ensure that there is no possibility of contaminated water or silt entering and polluting surface or groundwater.
No rainwater contaminated with silt/soil from disturbed ground during construction, must drain to the surface water sewer or watercourse without sufficient settlement”.


The site stands on the eastern side of the business park, sharing its eastern boundary with agricultural land which occupies the majority of the land between the industrial corridor of Park Road and the residential area of upper Hawcoat. To the north are Colony Candles, whilst the adjacent plots are all occupied in various business uses. Several of these are either depot type uses or have a general industrial (i.e. Class B2) character, with more potential for disturbance, but they are sited here as the location is remote from residential areas.

In the Barrow local plan, the site forms part of a larger 4 hectare area allocated for employment use (site reference E8). The plan guidance notes state that the woodland belts around the site should be retained, and that the site is characterised by poor drainage and a liability to flood in heavy rainfall. Suggested end uses are B1 and B2 industrial and B8 storage.

There is a mixed hedgerow at the back of the site, and a ditch around the perimeter, with a culvert in the south west corner. This site previously consisted of roughly surfaced land sloping from the rear boundary to the front, with the height difference being about 3.6 metres. Works are already being carried out to remove the top layer of clay and transport it to Bennett Bank landfill site where it is being used as a capping layer. The presence of deep deposits of clay here are the main reason for the sites characteristic flooding properties. This excavation will reduce the site level to about 1.5m below the level of Bouthwood Road, but the intention within this application is to then raise the site back up to road level. This will be achieved by importing clean crushed inert material, such as brick and concrete, screened by the applicants waste transfer company on the site at the southern end of the business park. The removal of the clay has the benefit of improving the future development potential of the site, as well as providing a local source of capping material for landfill purposes thus avoiding the importation of material to Bennett Bank from further afield.

The end use for the site is the open storage of plant and machinery, although the applicant has indicated that screened materials may also be stored on site prior to transfer. The various depot uses elsewhere on the business park are characterised by the open storage of building materials, vehicles, storage containers, and mixed plant and machinery, hence this is an activity for which a precedent has been set within the local context. Whilst the application site is set at the rear of the business park and away from general pubic view from the A590, I have suggested a control over the height of any stored materials. This is because the scale of this facet of the site operation is potentially much greater that the neighbouring depot uses where it is an ancillary activity, and I feel that it is prudent to prevent excessive stockpiling of material, which could become visible from the A590 if left unchecked.

Access is proposed from the servicing road to the front of Colony Candles, at a point just east of the site access off Bouthwood Road. Whilst an objection has been received from Colony on the basis that this may adversely affect their operational activities, the access point is only 20 metres from the site entrance with Bouthwood Road. This means that vehicles would not have to cross, or impinge upon, the servicing area, and I am satisfied that both sites can operate exclusively.

In discussions, the agent has indicated his clients intention that this scheme will be short term and that it is likely that a more permanent development will eventually be introduced. I have no objection, subject to the suggested conditions.


I recommend that planning permission is GRANTED subject to the Standard Duration Limit and the following conditions;

Condition No. 2

No development approved by this permission shall be commenced until a scheme for the provision and implementation of a surface water regulation system has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority. Such a scheme shall be implemented prior to the construction of any impermeable surfaces draining to the system unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


To prevent the increased risk of flooding.

Condition No. 3

The hedgerow that runs along the eastern site boundary shall be retained as part of this development, and prior to the commencement of any deposition of materials or storage of any item, a scheme shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, showing measures to be taken to permanently protect the hedgerow.


The hedgerow is considered worthy of protection due to its visual contribution and screening properties in separating the business park from the neighbouring open fields.

Condition No. 4

No loose material shall be stacked or deposited to a height exceeding four metres above the ground level of the site, or within two metres of any site boundary.


In the interests of minimising the potential visual impact upon the Trunk Road, and in order to protect the integrity of the hedgerow that forms the rear boundary.

2007/0787 / Barrow Borough Council / Capita Symonds
Walney North / Ian Sim
01229 876384 / 06/06/2007

Land adj to access road in front of West Shore Caravan Site, off West Shore Road,


Construction of a temporary coast protection rock armour.


The coastal zone will be protected from development, unless that development is considered to provide significant economic, social or other benefits to the area and it could not be accommodated as satisfactorily elsewhere. Development will not be permitted in the coastal zone that would be likely to:

1. Increase the risk of flooding, coastal erosion or instability through its impact on natural coastal process; or

2. Prejudice the capacity of the coast to form a natural sea defence or adjust to changes in conditions without risk to life or property; or

3. Increase the need for additional sea walls or other civil engineering works for coastal protection purposes except where necessary to protect existing investment (or achieve the Council’s strategic planning objectives); or

4. Be prejudicial to local fisheries; or

5. Have an unacceptable adverse effect on natural landscape character or be prejudicial to people’s enjoyment and understanding thereof; or

6. Have an unacceptable adverse effect on area of historic, conservation or wildlife importance; or

7. Have an adverse effect on the recreation activities of the coastal zone.


Proposals for development or land use which may affect a European site, a proposed site or a Ramsar site will be subject to the most rigorous examination. Development or land use change not directly connected with or necessary to the management of the site, that is likely to have significant adverse effects on the site (either individually or in combination with other plans or projects), and which would affect the integrity of the site will not be permitted unless the authority is satisfied that:

·  There is no alternative solution; and

·  There are imperative reasons of overriding public interest for the development or land use change.


Proposals for development or land use changes affecting nationally important nature conservation interests will be subject to special scrutiny. Where development may have a significant adverse effect on the nature conservation interest or integrity of an SSSI it will not be permitted unless the need for development outweighs both the value of the site itself and considerations of the national policy to safeguard the intrinsic nature conservation value of the national network of such sites. In the National Nature Reserve and Foulney Island Bird Sanctuary particular regard will be paid to the individual site's importance.

In exceptional circumstances where development is permitted the council will use planning conditions and obligations to ensure the protection and enhancement of the site’s nature conservation interest.


The scheme is for a temporary period of 12 months to provide protection to the immediate area so as to allow sufficient time to identify a best possible long term solution to be formulated.


The Occupiers, 229, 230-240, 246, -249, 331, 333 West Shore Park, Barrow in Furness.