Spanish 1B, Elementary Spanish, 4 units
Profesora Judy Getty Rodríguez
Spring 2009
Section 2 (34202)MoTuWeFr 11 – 11:50 / Classroom:
Eureka Hall 113
Section 3 (34203)
Mon Wed 1 – 1:50
Tues Thurs 1:30 – 2:20 / Douglass Hall 207
Mariposa Hall 2030
Section 7 (35394)
Tues Thurs 5:30 – 7:20 / Eureka Hall 102
Office: Mariposa Hall 2025 / Office Hours: Tues/Thurs 2:30 – 4 p.m.
and by appointment
OfficePhone: 278-5791 / E-mail:
Catalog Description: Continuation of SPAN 001A with a greater emphasis on the development of speaking, reading, writing, and listening skills. Cultural knowledge continues to be an important component: elements of Hispanic character, customs, and the way in which the Spanish and Latin American peoples view themselves and others in the world is studied. Prerequisite:SPAN 001A, or instructor permission. 4 units. (CAN SPAN 004)
Course Description:The class will be conducted in Spanish. There will be daily interaction in Spanish (lecture presentations, conversation, questions, exercises, games, etc.) which has as its primary purpose the acquisition of communicative skills in the language. The goal of this course is to facilitate communication in Spanish – communication that is spoken and written.
Textbook:Dos mundos, by Terrell, Andrade, et al, 6th edition, published by McGraw-Hill.
Recommended: Online (Quia) version of Dos mundos, Cuaderno de actividades, McGraw-Hill, 6th edition or the print version of the Cuaderno de actividades.
Method of Instruction: This course is conducted entirely in Spanish using the following elements and techniques: lecture, discussion, readings, videos, small group activities and oral presentations by students.
Student Learning Objectives/Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to:
- Demonstrate that they are able to communicate in culturally appropriate ways using more complex structures while relying heavily on acquired formulaic language.
- Demonstrate that they are able to understand and respond to simple statements and questions and participate in informal conversation within the cultural context.
- Demonstrate that they are able to exchange personal information, fulfill routine needs in the four language skills within a cultural context.
- Demonstrate reading and writing skills that reflect their emerging oral language within the cultural context.
- Continue to demonstrate a better understanding of the culture of the Spanish language. They are able to perform internet searches in the language and explore the perspectives, products, and practices of the culture.
Exams: There will be an exam on every chapter. Exams will include listening comprehension, vocabulary, reading, writing, and grammar within context. Only one exam may be made up during the semester due to absence on the day of the exam, and there is a five point penalty for any exams not taken with the rest of the class when scheduled. In addition, there will be some quizzes that may be announced or unannounced. Quizzes may not be made up.
Grading Scale:
C+78-79%F59% or less
Homework: There will be daily written homework assignments. In general, the homework is always due on the next class day. It will at times be collected on the next class day, so you need to always be prepared for that. However, it will not be collected each day. All of the written homework assigned will be collected no later than the test date for that chapter. For all written assignments not previously collected, please turn them in in the order assigned, stapled together, on the test date for that particular chapter. NO LATE ASSIGNMENTS will be accepted. All students must have the contact information for at least three other students in the class so that if they are absent, they can contact another student to find out the assignment and have it prepared for the next day when they return to class.
Cultural events: One of the requirements of this class is to attend at least one Hispanic cultural event during the semester. This may be a Spanish movie, play, concert, Hispanic celebration, etc. The purpose of this is to give you some exposure to Hispanic culture outside the classroom and to give you the opportunity to hear Spanish in natural contexts. Extra credit will be given if you attend more than one cultural event. Please see the course calendar for the due dates, which are always on the last calendar of the month for February, March and April. When you attend an event, you should tell us about it in class and write a one-page, typed report about it according to theGuidelines for Cultural Events on my web site and SacCT. Check with me before attending an event if it is not one that I have announced.
Method of Evaluation:
Exams & Quizzes70%
Homework & Written Work15%
*Participation & Preparation for Class15%
Attendance & Grades: Since language acquisition involves daily communication practice, daily attendance and preparation are extremely important and will be averaged into the final grade. Excessive absences will not only affect the quality of language acquisition, but will also affect the final grade earned. For an “A” grade, students should have no more than four absences. There are no excused absences in this class – you have four absences to use for emergencies and illness.
Attendance affects course grade as follows:
1-4 absences, ¡Bravo!, no problema;
5-6 absences LOWER COURSE GRADE one-half grade;
7-8 absences lower grade a whole grade;
9-10 absences lower grade 2 grades;
11-12 absences lower grade 3 grades;
13 or more absences equal an automatic F in the class.
Two late arrivals equal one absence. If you do arrive late please be sure to let me know at the end of class so I can change the absence to a tardy. It is the student’s responsibility to inform me of the tardy; if you do not talk to me on the day of the late arrival it may be counted as an absence. If you are unable to prepare for class and attend regularly, please reconsider whether or not you should take this class.
Students will receive 10 participation points each day (occasionally more when there are special activities). In order to receive participation points, you must complete the following:
- Attend class
- Be on time and do not leave during class
- Be prepared for class – this means having studied the assigned material, having prepared the assigned activities and having the textbook and the assigned homework out in front of you
- Be actively involved during class – this includes engaging in assigned conversational activites with other students
- Not using a laptop, Blackberry, cell phone or other electronic device during class
It is imperative that students check SacCT on a daily basis to see if there are any handouts that need to be printed and brought to class. I will send out a notice each time I post something, and I will try to do most of the posting by the Friday before the following week. Many of these activities will be for use in class, and students will need to print them and bring them to class on the assigned day.
- Basic rules of appropriate conduct must be observed in class at all times. Anyone using inappropriate language or showing any type of rude behavior will be asked to leave. This includes treating others with disrespect, not being willing to work with a partner/group, chatting, wandering in and out of class, using a cell phone or laptop, etc.
- Always silence your cell phone before coming to class. Do not have the phone out during class.
- Do not use a laptop, iPod or other electronic device in class (unless you have my permission for special use in class).
- No food is allowed in class.
- Please arrive to class on time and do not leave early.
- Academic dishonesty (copying or turning in another student’s work, having someone else do your work, plagiarism, etc.) will result in an “F” on the assignment and may also result in a course grade of “F”.
Special Needs: If you need any special accommodations for this class, please be sure to let me know.
Note: This schedule is tentative. There will be changes that will be announced in class, as well as additional homework assignments.
Semana 1 / Actividades en clase: / Homework for following class:Lunes, 26 de enero / Introducción a la clase.
Vamos a conocernos. / Leer pags. 182 – 183, 201 – 202. Estudiar pp. 206 – 207, Preparar p. 190 Act. 7 y 8*
Martes, 27 de enero / Saber y poder / TBA
Miércoles, 28 de enero / Saber y poder / Estudiar pp. 207 – 208
Escribir p. 206 Ej. 3, 207 Ej. 4
Viernes, 30 de enero / Present Progressive / Estudiar p. 191 – 192
Escribir p. 208 Ej. 6*
Note: If I ask you to prepare (Preparar) an activity or exercise, it means that I want you to have read it, looked up any new vocabulary, attempted to understand the exercise, and that when I call on you, you will be prepared to give the answer. If this means writing in your book or notebook, either one is fine – whatever it takes for you to be prepared.
However, if I ask you to write (Escribir) an activity or exercise, that means that I want it written out completely on a separate sheet of paper and that you are ready to turn it in if I ask for it. Anything that I ask to be written is due for the day it is assigned. If I do not ask for it to be turned in that day, all chapter exercises that have been assigned as writing exercises will be stapled together and turned in on the day of the chapter exam.
Semana 2
Lunes, 2 de febrero / 5.1 Indirect Object Pronouns págs. 303 – 305
Actividades págs. 185 – 187
Professions / Preparar p. 192 Act. 9 y 193 Act. 10
Escribir p. 204 Ej. 1
Martes, 3 de febrero / TBA / TBA
Miércoles, 4 de febrero / 5.3 Referring to Actions in Progress: Present Progressive págs. 207 - 208 / Estudiar p. 191 - 192
Viernes, 6 de febrero / Más práctica con el presente progresivo
Las carreras y las actividades del trabajo págs. 191 - 193 / Estudiar p. 209
Semana 3
Lunes, 9 de febrero / 5.4 Expressing Obligation and Duty: tener que, deber, necesitar, hay que, es necesario págs. 209, 194 - 195 / Estudiar pp. 210 - 211
Martes, 10 de febrero / Más práctica con las obligaciones y los deberes
5.5 Expressing Plans and Desires págs. 210 - 211 / TBA
Miércoles, 11 de febrero / 5.5 Expressing Plans and Desires: pensar, quisiera, me gustaría, tener ganas de págs. 210 – 211
Repaso para el examen. / Turn in all written homework from Chapter 5 tomorrow
Study for exam chapter 5.
Viernes, 13 de febrero / Examen sobre el Capítulo 5
Turn in homework from Ch. 5 / Estudiar pp. 232, 214 - 215
Semana 4 / Actividades en clase: / Homework for following class
Lunes, 16 de febrero / Review exams. El vecindario y la casa págs. 214 - 215 / Estudiar pp. 234-235
Martes, 17 de febrero / 6.1 and 6.2 Making comparisions of Inequality (más/menos) and Equality (tan + adj. como; tanto, tanta, tantos, tantas + noun como)págs. 234 - 237 / TBA
Miércoles, 18 de febrero / Más práctica con las comparaciones y la casa
Págs. 216- 218 / Estudiar págs. 220 - 222
Viernes, 20 de febrero / Las actividades (quehaceres) en casa págs. 220 - 222 / Estudiar págs. 237 – 238, 223
Semana 5
Lunes, 23 de febrero / 6.3 Talking about Past Actions: The Preterite of Regular Verbs págs. 237 - 238 / Estudiar el pretérito págs 237 - 238
Martes, 24 de febrero / On-line class.
See SacCT for assignment. / Estudiar pág.239
Miércoles, 25 de febrero / 6.4 Knowing People, Places and Facts: conocer and saber / Estudiar págs. 240 – 241
Turn in first cultural report on Friday (if you want max. extra credit opportunities)
Viernes, 27 de febrero / 6.5 Referring to People Already Mentioned: Personal Direct Object Pronouns
Cultural Event for February due
(listen in class for details)
Semana 6
Lunes, 2 de marzo / Direct Object Pronouns págs. 227 – 228. / TBA
Martes, 3 de marzo / TBA / TBA
Miércoles, 4 de marzo / Repaso para el examen / Repasar capítulo 6 para un examen. Turn in homework Chapter 6 next class.
Viernes, 6 de marzo / Examen sobre el Capítulo 6
Turn in homework ch. 6 / Estudiar págs. 244, 259 – 263. Preparar pág. 245 Act. 1
Semana 7
Lunes, 9 de marzo / 7.1 preterite (past) tense / TBA
Martes, 10 de marzo / 7.2 Irregular preterite verbs. / Estudiar págs 267 - 268.
Miércoles, 11 de marzo / 7.3 Stem-Changing Verbs in the preterite / TBA
Viernes, 13 de marzo / 7.3 Stem-Changing Verbs in the preterite / Estudiar pág. 269
Semana 8
Lunes, 16 de marzo / 7.4 Indirect object pronouns with decir in the preterite / TBA
Martes, 17 de marzo / 7.4 Indirect object pronouns with decir in the preterite / Estudiar pág. 270
Miércoles, 18 de marzo / 7.5 Espressing ago: hace + time / TBA
Viernes, 20 de marzo / 7.5 Espressing ago: hace + time / Review Chapter 7
Semana 9
Lunes, 23 de marzo / Review of Chapter 7 / Study Chapter 7 for exam
Martes, 24 de marzo / Examen sobre el Capítulo 7
Turn in on-line HW ch. 7 today / Estudiar págs. 274 – 275, 294 - 296
Miércoles, 25 de marzo / Vocabulario: la comida
8.1 Direct Object Pronouns / Estudiar págs. 297 – 298
Turn in cultural report on Friday (to have opportunity for at least one extra credit activity)
Viernes, 27 de marzo / Cultural Activity Report for March due (optional) / Escribir págs. 298 Ej. 1, 299 Ej. 2;
Estudiar págs. 299 - 301
30 de marzo – 3 de abril / Vacaciones de Primavera / No hay clase
Semana 10
Lunes, 6 de abril / 8.2 Expressing Likes: The verbs gustar and encantar / Escribir pág. 301 Ejs. 3 y 4
Martes, 7 de abril / Más práctica con la comida, gustar y encantar / Estudiar págs. 302 - 303
Miércoles, 8 de abril / 8.3 Making Negative Statements and Questions / TBA
Viernes10 de abril / 8.3
8.4 Impersonal se / TBA
Semana 11
Lunes, 13 de abril / Cooking Demonstrations
In groups of 3, you will demonstrate in Spanish how to prepare a certain food of your choice. It does not have to be a Hispanic dish, although that is nice. Each group must demonstrate something different. It cannot be something prepared from a box or a sandwich. It needs to have at least 5 ingredients. / TBA
Martes, 14 de abril / Cooking Demonstrations / TBA
Miércoles, 15 de abril / Cooking Demonstrations / TBA
Viernes, 17 de abril / Cooking Demonstrations / TBA
Semana 12
Lunes 20 de abril / Pedir y servir / TBA
Martes, 21 de abril / Pedir y servir / TBA
Miércoles, 22 de abril / Repaso de Capítulo 8 / TBA
Viernes, 24 de abril / Examen sobre el Capítulo 8
Turn in HW capítulo 8 / Estudiar págs. 310 - 311
Semana 13
Lunes, 27 de abril / La familia y los parientes págs. 310 -311 / TBA
Martes, 28 de abril / Imperfect tense / Turn in cultural activity report on Wed.
Miércoles, 29 de abril / Imperfect tense
Cultural Activity Report for April due. Last day to turn in any cultural activity reports (minimum of one is required) / TBA
Viernes 1 de mayo / La niñez / TBA
Semana 14
Lunes, 4 de mayo / La niñez y la juventud / TBA
Martes, 5 de mayo / La niñez y la juventud / TBA
Miércoles, 6 de mayo / The preterite and imperfect of state verbs. / TBA
Viernes, 8 de mayo / Capítulo 9 / TBA
Semana 15
Lunes, 11 de mayo / Capítulo 9 / TBA
Martes, 12 de mayo / Capítulo 9 / TBA
Miércoles, 13 de mayo / TBA / TBA
Viernes, 15 de mayo / TBA / TBA
Examen Final
Section 02 / Wed May 20 / 10:15 – 12:15 / Eureka 113
Section 03 / Mon May 18 / 12:45 – 2:45 / Douglass 207
Section 07 / Tues May 19 / 5:15 – 7:15 / Eureka 102