"Magic Moon"

Beginner/Improver 4 Wall Line Dance (32 Counts)

Choreographer: Robbie McGowan Hickie (UK) www.robbiemh.co.uk

Suggested Music: "Mr Man In The Moon" by Patty Loveless (120 bpm.32 Count


CD."Only What I Feel"

"Gone For Real" by Charlie Daniels (142 bpm.32 Count intro)

CD."The Most Awesome Linedancing Album 3"

Cross Rock. Chasse Right. Cross Rock. Chasse Left.

1 - 2 Cross rock Right over Left. Rock back on Left.

3&4 Step Right to Right side. Close Left beside Right. Step Right to Right side.

5 - 6 Cross rock Left over Right. Rock back on Right.

7&8 Step Left to Left side. Close Right beside Left. Step Left to Left side.

Weave Left. Sweep. Behind. Side. Cross. Hold and Clap.

1 - 2 Cross step Right over Left. Step Left to Left side.

3 - 4 Cross Right behind Left. Sweep Left out and behind Right.

5 - 6 Step Left behind Right. Step Right to Right side.

7 - 8 Cross step Left over Right. Hold and Clap.

Diagonal Steps Back (Right & Left) with Touch and Clap. Grapevine Right. Brush.

1 - 2 Step Right diagonally back Right. Touch Left beside Right and Clap.

3 - 4 Step Left diagonally back Left. Touch Right beside Left and Clap.

5 - 6 Step Right to Right side. Cross Left behind Right.

7 - 8 Step Right to Right side. Brush Left forward and slightly out to Left side.

Grapevine 1/4 Turn Left. Brush. Step. Pivot 1/4 Turn Left. Step. Pivot ¼ Turn Left.

1 - 2 Step Left to Left side. Cross Right behind Left.

3 - 4 Turn 1/4 turn Left stepping forward on Left. Brush Right forward.

5 - 6 Step forward on Right. Pivot 1/4 turn Left.

7 - 8 Step forward on Right. Pivot 1/4 turn Left. (Facing 3 o'clock)

Start Again