STATEMENT OF POLICY Appointment ofTeachingAssistants, Course Instructors and Clinical Instructors (Student)

Covered bytheCUPELocal3902Unit 1CollectiveAgreement

Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing (LSBFON)

Date: May 23, 2014



1.Where arethenotices located?

2.Whenare thenotices posted? May 23, 2014

3.Areother means ofnotifying potential applicantsused? No

4.Arevacanciespostedinother departments? YesIfso,which departments?

B. Application Procedures

  1. Where istheapplicationforms located,iftheyare used?
  1. Whatis theprocedure tobefollowed by theapplicantinorder tobe considered?

C. Selection

1.Bywhomis thedecision toemployteaching assistantsmade?

2.Article16:03oftheCollectiveAgreementoutlinesthehiringcriteria usedwhen filling positions. How does your departmentputthesecriteriaintopractice?

The LSBFON will hire applicants who via submitting the application package as outlined in the “Applications” section of “General Information for All Appointments for 2013 / 2014” at

have demonstrated their ability, academic qualifications, competency and suitability for the position as posted.

The LSBFON recognizes the University’s need to attract and support excellent students to pursue graduate studies with the LSBFON or other school of Graduate Studies departments. The LSBFON considers financial need, and for continuing students, previous satisfactory employment under the provisions of the collective agreement.

In deciding between two relatively equal candidates, The LSBFON will hire the candidate with the greater competence.

3.When areapplicantsadvised ofthe outcome oftheir applications?ASAP as per Article 16.05

D. GraduateStudentFundingPolicy- appliestostudentsinthe "fundedcohort" only

1.Inyour department,howdoTAappointmentsfitwithin theUniversity's


Students in the “funded cohort” are asked to apply for TA positions

2.Inyour department,howmany hours ofbargainingunitwork counttowards thefundingguaranteein eachyear ofstudy?The hours are the product of $5887 divided by the rates as per Article 26 of the Collective Agreement

Does thenumber ofhours vary withtheyear inprogram? No


  1. Doesthedepartment provideappointments beyondthenumber guaranteedin thecollectiveagreement?

Yes, if there are positions available

  1. Subsequentappointments areguaranteed tocertainemployeesunderthe collectiveAgreement;howare subsequentappointments assigned?

Subsequent appointments have priority when assigning positions if all other hiring criteria are the same

C. Are thereanyother conditions governingre-appointments?As per Article 16 of the Collective Agreement

Updated onMay 23, 2014