2015 Longford Show

Chief Steward – Mr. Paul Franks.

Judges: Mr Kerry Viney, Mr Max Badcock & Mr Stuart Burbury.

Entries close: 3rd October 2015

Entry Fee: $5.00

Entry forms can be downloaded from web site—www.longfordshow.com.au

If entry fees total more than $15.00 an ‘Admit One’ ticket will be issued

Sheep must be penned by 8.30 am, and not removed before 3.30 pm on Show Day.

Introductions at 8.45 am and Judging commences at 9 am

Prizes First: $10.00 Second: $5.00

Prize money sponsored by Tasmanian Quality Meats.

THE NEW SHEEP HEALTH STATEMENT must be completed and returned with entry.

More information can be found at http://www.ojd.com.au

NLIS EAR TAGS must be in all sheep, including lambs, as per current Dept of

Primary Industry regulations.

Longford Show Society Reg NLIS PIC is MCLF0660

All rams entered in this Show must be from accredited ovine brucellosis-free

flocks or have been tested prior to Show with negative results.

All shorn sheep will be accepted on condition that short wool sheep have wool

not in excess of 2.5cm and long wool sheep have wool not in excess of 5cm.

The Committee has the right to remove from the Show any sheep found with a

contagious disease or transmittable parasite, ie foot rot, lice, scabby mouth.


Champion Interbreed Ram in Show

Champion ribbon, & product donated by Rural Supplies, Longford.

Champion Interbreed Ewe in Show

Champion ribbon & prize donated by Serv-Ag Agricultural Service.

Champion Interbreed Group in Show

Champion Ribbon & prize donated by Mr Jeff Carins of Roberts Regional North.

Supreme Champion Show Exhibit

Rosette & voucher donated by T P Jones & Co and hold the T P Jones Shield

until 2016 Show.

Champion Prime Lamb Breed Ram

To hold the Geoff Pearce Memorial Perpetual Cup.

All sheep entries are eligible to enter the:

Landmark Lucky Sheep Dip Prize.

PLEASE indicate breed on entry form.


Ram over 1⅟₂ years 1

Ram over 1⅟₂ years, shorn 2

Ram under 1⅟₂ years 3

Ram under 1 ⅟₂ years, shorn 4

Ewe over 1⅟₂ years 5

Ewe over 1⅟₂ years, shorn 6

Ewe under 1⅟₂ years 7

Ewe under 1⅟₂ years, shorn 8

Group of 3 ram & 2 ewes, under 1⅟₂ years 9

All sheep entries are eligible to enter the:

Landmark Lucky Sheep Dip Prize.

Tasmanian Quality Meats

Junior Sheep Handlers Competition

Judging starts at 9 a.m. and will take place during the judging of the regular

classes of the various breeds.

PRIZE MONEY donated by Tasmanian Quality Meats

1st prize $50, 2nd $20, 3rd $10, 4th $5

ALL participants will receive a sash.

AGE: 12 TO 18 years

ENTRY FEE: $2 per competitor.

ENTRIES CLOSE: 8.45 a.m. Show day 17th October 2015